Research Expertise
The research expertise within the Faculty of Education is categorised into the below areas. Select an area of research expertise below to learn more about the academics who specialise in the area.
You may also visit the Faculty Academics page and search for academics by name, areas of expertise, or title of publications/projects.
Learning Sciences
Professor CHEN, Gaowei
Unit Head
Associate Professor
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(852) 3917 7610
Room 513, Meng Wah Complex
Professor GREEN, Clarence G.
Assistant Professor
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 5304
Room 660, Meng Wah Complex
Professor LIN, Chin-Hsi
Associate Professor
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 1512
Room 615, Meng Wah Complex
Professor TSO, Ricky V. Y.
Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology, Cognition in the Special Population, Reading and Writing developmental, Special Education in College, , ***I Welcome prospective PhD/MPhil Applications and Research Interns/Assistants
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 5356
Room 622, Meng Wah Complex
Professor ZHANG, Li-fang
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 2522
Room 521, Meng Wah Complex
Dr CHIU, Dickson K. W.
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 2859 7087
Room 215, Runme Shaw Building
Professor FUNG, Dennis C. L.
Associate Professor
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 4607
Room 323, Runme Shaw Building
Professor HU, Xiao
Associate Professor
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 4722
Room 209, Runme Shaw Building
Professor LAW, Nancy W. Y.
Associate Dean (Research)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 2550
Room 407, Runme Shaw Building
Professor LEUNG, Jessica S. C.
Associate Professor
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 8608
Professor LIANG, Biyao
Assistant Professor
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 5085
Room 321, Runme Shaw Building
Professor LIN, Jionghao
Assistant Professor
Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence in Education, Human-Centred Computing
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Room 216, Runme Shaw Building
Professor LIU, Lukas Z.
Assistant Professor
Instructional Systems Design, Computational Thinking, Game-based Learning, Learning Analytics
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 1165
Room 213, Runme Shaw Building
Dr NG, Jeremy T. D.
[javascript protected email address]
Room 111C, Runme Shaw Building
Professor WANG, Maggie M.
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 2474
Room 212, Runme Shaw Building
Professor WONG, Gary K. W.
Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE)
Associate Professor
Constructionism, Computational thinking, Computer science and engineering education, Artificial intelligence education, STEAM education, Immersive digital learning environment
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 5082
Room 111B, Runme Shaw Building
Professor ZHANG, Chenwei
Assistant Professor
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 2540
Room 214, Runme Shaw Building