Professor LAW, Nancy W. Y.

Professor LAW, Nancy W. Y.
Associate Dean (Research)
Founding Director of the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), Faculty of Education (1998-2013)
Deputy Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), Faculty of Education (2013)
Corresponding co-convener, Sciences of Learning Strategic Research Theme (2013)
Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship (2015) Recipient
Academic Unit of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
B.Sc., MPhil, Cert. Ed. (H.K.); Ph.D. (Lon.)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 2550
Room 407, Runme Shaw Building
Research Expertise
- Collaborative Learning
- Educational Change, Leadership and Administration
- Learning Sciences
- Technology-enhanced Learning
- University-School Partnerships
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests:
Network models of teacher learning and innovation; Designing Shared Virtual Environments in Learning; Comparative studies of ICT in education policy and practice; Ecological models of educational change and innovation; Technology-enhanced Pedagogical and Assessment Innovations; Modeling and Simulations in Education; Multimedia Case Studies
- 2021-07-01: Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2021: Co-creating a New Normal of Empowered Learning through Digital Citizenship Research: The University of Hong Kong
- 2019-03-01: Fellow: The International Society of the Learning Sciences
- 2014-06-01: Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Award: Research Grants Committee, HKSAR
- 2008-05-15: Certificate of Merit - Establishing a Scalable Network of Knowledge Building Schools: Quality Education Fund
- 2008-05-09: Establishing a Scalable Network of Knowledge Building Schools: Certificate of Merit - Quality Education Fund (QEF) Outstanding Project Awards
- 2001-09-01: Certificate of Merit (Project: Establishing communities of practice with Interactive Learning Network): Certificate of Merit. IT in Education Awards Contest. Academic Council for IT in Education (ACITE), University of Hong Kong
Principal investigator
- 2018: An Open Learning Design, Data Analytics and Visualization Framework for E-Learning (Phase 2), External Grant ($1,417,400)
- 2018: Jockey Club Self-directed Learning in STEM Programme - Inspiring Self-directed Learners for the Future(Project S/N Ref.: 2019-0061), External Grant ($30,820,000)
- 2016: An Open Learning Design, Data Analytics and Visualization Framework for E-Learning, External Grant ($1,417,400)
- 2016: Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship, External Grant ($13,504,000)
- 2014: A multilevel, multiscale exploration of ICT-enabled pedagogical innovation and educational change from an ecosystem perspective, External Grant ($336,735)
- 2014: e-Learning in formal, informal and open learning contexts: a study of global trends, policy options and their implications for sustainable development in Hong Kong, External Grant ($769,990)
- 2007: Learning 2.0: An Online Platform and a Teacher Support Network for Curriculum and Assessment Innovation in Liberal Studies for the NSS Curriculum, External Grant ($4,200,100)
- 2005: Pedagogical Use of IT and Learning Outcomes: SITES 2006, External Grant ($2,265,700)
- 2005: Supporting conceptual change in science through knowledge building, External Grant ($573,535)
- 2004: Design, analysis and reporting for SITES 2006, External Grant ($1,296,300)
- 2004: Establishing a Scalable Network of Knowledge Building Schools, External Grant ($1,650,000)
- 2001: An integrated approach to bridging the digital divide through supporting the development of e-Educational Leadership, External Grant ($1,170,000)
- 2001: HKU-203 Hub school for estalishing knowledge building communities, External Grant ($1,079,290)
- 2001: Investigating the formation of knowledge building communities in technology supported environments, External Grant ($759,000)
- 2000: The second international information technology in education study, External Grant ($3,000,000)
- 1997: Educating teachers for the information age, External Grant ($200,000)
- 1997: Research into the use of internet in enhancing in-service continuing teacher professional development through collaborative curriculum development, External Grant ($200,000)
- 1997: Science literacy in schools - a study among 3 Chinese cities (Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong), External Grant ($715,830)
- 1995: Iconic model marker: tool for creating models from objects and events, External Grant ($64,328)
- 2022: eCitizen Education 360: an extension of the Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship project, External Grant ($1,500,000)
- 2020: Collective Identification and the Protest Movement in Hong Kong: Understanding Associations with Collective Efficacy and Protest Behavior, External Grant ($405,971)
- 2019: Digital citizenship education: Understanding teachers’ perspectives and practices, External Grant ($73,500)
- 2009: Scaffolding collaborative problem solving with cognitive tools, External Grant ($604,440)
- 2008: Professional development network for knowledge building in schools, External Grant ($12,512,400)
- 2008: Supporting Adaptive Learning Processes in the e-Learning Environment Using Intelligent Agents, External Grant ($390,591)
- 2007: Facilitating Teacher Change through a Knowledge Building Community, External Grant ($527,250)
- 2006: Establishment of a Professional Development Network for Knowledge Building in Schools, External Grant ($1,000,000)
- 2004: Educational practice and change: beyond technology, External Grant ($664,440)
- 1999: Second generation Dragonwise Chinese Learning System: web construction, teacher development and learning materials creation project, External Grant ($1,000,000)
- 1998: Use Chinese as the medium of instruction: 1) A survey on ""medium of instruction change: problems encountered and support needed""; 2) Teacher language error analysis; 3) Research on ""the discourse of EMI / CMI classrooms"", External Grant ($11,550,455)
- 1997: Support centre for teachers using Chinese as a medium of instruction, External Grant ($11,500,000)
- 1995: Computer-assisted Chinese language teaching and learning, External Grant ($600,000)
- 1995: Computer-based environment to support the development of cognitive skills in Chinese character learning and text comprehension, External Grant ($150,000)
- 1993: A study of mathematics and science achievement among 9 year old, 13 year old and pre-University students and factors that affect such achievement - the Hong Kong component of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), External Grant ($1,200,000)
- 1991: A computer-based supportive environment for the learning of Chinese reading and writing, External Grant ($350,000)
- 1985: Application of artificial intelligence programming environment in education, External Grant ($16,900)
- Li, L., Farias, HLY., Liang, L., Law, NWY. (2022). An outcome-oriented pattern-based model to support teaching as a design science. Instructional Science.
- Tao, S., Reichert, F., Law, NWY., Rao, N. (2022). Digital Technology Use and Cyberbullying Among Primary School Children: Digital Literacy and Parental Mediation as Moderators. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.
- Lan, M., Law, NWY., Pan, Q. (2022). Effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying educational programs: A socio-ecologically grounded systematic review and meta-analysis. Computers in Human Behavior.
- Pan, Q., Reichert, F., de la Torre, J., Law, NWY. (2022). Measuring Digital Literacy during the COVID‐19 Pandemic: Experiences with Remote Assessment in Hong Kong. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.
- Chen, MD., Liang, L., Law, NWY. (2022). Navigating multilevel challenges in learning design: an investigation of novice designer teams' learning trajectory. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation.
- Tan, CY., Pan, Q., Zhang, Y., Lan, M., Law, NWY. (2022). Parental Home Monitoring and Support and Students’ Online Learning and Socioemotional Well-Being During COVID-19 School Suspension in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Lan, M., Tan, CY., Pan, Q., Law, NWY. (2022). Understanding protective and risk factors affecting adolescents’ well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. npj Science of Learning.
- CHEN, LL., Mirpuri, S., Rao, N., Law, N. (2021). Conceptualization and measurement of digital citizenship across disciplines. Educational Research Review.
- LIANG, Q., de la Torre, J., Law, N. (2021). Do background characteristics matter in Children's mastery of digital literacy? A cognitive diagnosis model analysis. Computers in Human Behavior.
- Law, N., Järvelä, S., Rosé, C. (2021). Exploring multilayered collaboration designs. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Feng, S., Law, N. (2021). Mapping Artificial Intelligence in Education Research: a Network‐based Keyword Analysis. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
- Law, NWY., Liang, L. (2020). A Multilevel Framework and Method for Learning Analytics Integrated Learning Design. Journal of Learning Analytics.
- Wang, Y., Ko, POR., Law, NWY. (2020). Building Social Capital for Constructive Adaptive Capacity under Social Stress. Journal of Professional Capital and Community.
- Reichert, F., Zhang, DJ., Law, NWY., Wong, GKW., de la Torre, J. (2020). Exploring the structure of digital literacy competence assessed using authentic software applications. Educational Technology Research and Development.
- Woo, DJ., Law, NWY. (2020). Information and communication techology coordinators: Their intended roles and architectures for learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
- Law, NWY. (2020). International Efforts To Connect Learning Design And Learning Analytics. Open Education Research = 開放敎育硏究, 开放教育研究.
- Jin, KY., Reichert, F., Cagasan, LP., de la Torre, J., Law, NWY. (2020). Measuring digital literacy across three age cohorts: Exploring test dimensionality and performance differences. Computers & Education.
- 冯晓英, ., 王瑞雪, ., 曹洁婷, ., Law, NWY., 陈丽, . (2020). 国内外学习科学、设计、技术研究现状探析—2019“学习设计、技术与学习科学”国际研讨会述评. Open Education Research, 开放教育研究.
- Rosé, CP., Law, NWY., Cress, U., Ludvigsen, S. (2019). Highlighting tools and technologies for collaborative learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Cress, U., Rosé, C., Law, NWY., Ludvigsen, S. (2019). Investigating the complexity of computer-supported collaborative learning in action. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Law, NWY., Liang, L. (2019). SocioTechnical Coevolution of an eLearning Innovation Network. British Journal of Educational Technology.
- Ludvigsen, S., Cress, U., Rose, CP., Law, NWY., Stahl, G. (2018). Developing understanding beyond the given knowledge and new methodologies for analyses in CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Law, NWY., Rose, CP., Cress, U., Ludvigsen, S. (2018). Different technologies, methodologies and epistemologies—is CSCL a community or communities?. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Cress, U., Stahl, G., Rose, C., Law, NWY., Ludvigsen, S. (2018). Forming social systems by coupling minds at different levels of cognition: Design, tools, and research methods. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Ludvigsen, S., Cress, U., Law, NWY., Stahl, G., Rose, CP. (2018). Multiple forms of regulation and coordination across levels in educational settings. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Peterson, A., Dumont, H., Lafuente, M., Law, NWY. (2018). Understanding innovative pedagogies: Key themes to analyse new approaches to teaching and learning. OECD Education Working Papers.
- Law, NWY., Li, L., Herrera, LF., Chan, A., Pong, TC. (2017). A Pattern Language Based Learning Design Studio for an Analytics Informed Inter-Professional Design Community. Interaction Design and Architecture(s).
- Rose, CP., Ludvigsen, S., Law, NWY., Cress, U., Stahl, G. (2017). Divisive or facilitative: The two faces of technology in CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Law, NWY., Ludvigsen, S., Cress, U., Rose, CP. (2017). Fostering targeted group practices as a Core focus for CSCL task and technology design. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Ludvigsen, S., Law, NWY., Rose, CP., Stahl, G. (2017). Frameworks for mass collaboration, adaptable scripts, complex systems theory, and collaborative writing. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Ludvigsen, S., Cress, U., Law, NWY., Stahl, G., Rose, CP. (2017). Future direction for the CSCL field: Methodologies and eight controversies. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Law, NWY., Niederhauser, DS., Christensen, R., Shear, L. (2016). A Multilevel System of Quality Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching Indicators. Journal of Educational Technology & Society.
- Ludvigsen, S., Cress, U., Law, NWY., Rose, CP., Stahl, G. (2016). Collaboration scripts and scaffolding. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Leung, L., Law, NWY. (2016). Exploring the Effectiveness of Online Role Play Simulations in Tackling Groupthink in Crisis Management Training. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations.
- Ludvigsen, S., Cress, U., Law, NWY., Rose, CP., Stahl, G. (2016). Future-looking conversations in CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Ludvigsen, S., Stahl, G., Law, NWY., Cress, U. (2015). From the editors: Collaboration and the formation of new knowledge artifacts. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Cress, U., Stahl, G., Ludvigsen, S., Law, NWY. (2015). The core features of CSCL: Social situation, collaborative knowledge processes and their design. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Stahl, G., Law, NWY., Cress, U., Ludvigsen, S. (2014). Analyzing roles of individuals in small-group collaboration processes. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Stahl, G., Cress, U., Law, NWY., Ludvigsen, S. (2014). Analyzing the multidimensional construction of knowledge in diverse contexts. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Stahl, G., Ludvigsen, S., Law, NWY., Cress, U. (2014). CSCL Artifacts. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Stahl, G., Cress, U., Ludvigsen, S., Law, NWY. (2014). Dialogic foundations of CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Spector, JM., Yuen, HK., Wang, M., Churchill, D., Law, NWY. (2014). Hong Kong Perspectives on Educational Technology Research and Practice. Educational technology.
- Liu, OL., Lee, HS., Law, N., Lee, Y. (2013). Generated-versus selected-explanations: results from California and Hong Kong. Peking University Education Review, 北京大学教育评論.
- Lai, M., Law, N. (2013). Questioning and the quality of knowledge constructed in a CSCL context: a study on two grade-levels of students. Instructional Science.
- Laferriere, T., Law, N., Montané, M. (2012). An international knowledge building network for sustainable curriculum and pedagogical innovation. International Education Studies.
- Lu, J., Law, N. (2012). Online peer assessment: Effects of cognitive and affective feedback. Instructional Science.
- Lu, J., Law, NWY. (2012). Understanding collaborative learning behavior from Moodle log data. Interactive Learning Environments.
- Lu, J., Chiu, MM., Law, NW. (2011). Collaborative argumentation and justifications: A statistical discourse analysis of online discussions. Computers in Human Behavior.
- Stahl, G., Spada, H., Miyake, N., Law, N. (2011). Introduction to the proceedings of CSCL 2011. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Long Papers, 9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference.
- Law, NWY., Cheng, KM. (2011). Learning Sciences and Educational Policy: Review of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning). 开放教育研究, Open Education Research.
- Stahl, G., Hesse, FW., Law, N. (2011). Tweets from #cscl2011. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Law, NWY. (2010). On the Application of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching:A View of International Comparison. Educational Research, 教育研究.
- Law, N., Lee, MW., Chan, A. (2010). Policy impacts on pedagogical practice and ICT use: An exploration of the results from SITES 2006. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
- Law, N. (2009). Mathematics and science teachers' pedagogical orientations and their use of ICT in teaching. Education and Information Technologies.
- Yuen, AHK., Lee, MW., Law, N. (2009). School leadership and teachers' pedagogical orientations in Hong Kong: A comparative perspective. Education and Information Technologies.
- Churchill, D., Wong, W., Law, N., Salter, D., Tai, B. (2009). Social Bookmarking-Repository-Networking: Possibilities for Support of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Serials Review.
- Law, NWY., Lee, Y., van Aalst, JCW., Chan, CKK., Kwan, ACM., Lu, J., Ki, WW. (2009). Using Web 2.0 technology to support learning, teaching and assessment in the NSS Liberal Studies subject. 香港教師中心學報, Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal.
- KaiWah Chu, S., Law, N. (2008). The development of information search expertise of research students. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.
- Chu, SKW., Law, N. (2007). Development of information search expertise: Postgraduates' knowledge of searching skills. Portal: libraries and the academy.
- Chu, SKW., Law, N. (2007). Development of information search expertise: Research students' knowledge of source types. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.
- Li, SC., Law, N., Lui, KFA. (2006). Cognitive perturbation through dynamic modelling: A pedagogical approach to conceptual change in science. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
- Law, NWY. (2006). Leveraging technology for educational reform and pedagogical innovation: Polices and practices in Hong Kong and Singapore. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning.
- Lai, M., Law, N. (2006). Peer scaffolding of knowledge building through collaborative groups with differential learning experiences. Journal of Educational Computing Research.
- Chu, SKW., Law, N. (2005). Development of information search expertise: Research students' knowledge of databases. Online Information Review.
- Law, N., Chow, A., Yuen, AHK. (2005). Methodological approaches to comparing pedagogical innovations using technology. Education and Information Technologies.
- Law, NWY., Kankaanranta, M., Chow, C. (2005). Technology-supported educational innovations in Finland and Hong Kong: A tale of two systems. Human Technology: an interdisciplinary journal on humans in I C T environments.
- Yuen, HK., Fox, RMK., Law, NWY. (2004). Curriculum Innovations and Multi-level E-leadership Requirements: Putting Research into Practice. Asia-Pacific Cybereducation Journal.
- Law, NWY. (2004). Research Into Practice, Researching Practice of ICT in Education: The Second Wave?. Information, Technology and Educational Change.
- Law, N., Lee, Y. (2004). Using an iconic modelling tool to support the learning of genetics concepts. Journal of Biological Education.
- Law, N. (2003). Guest editorial: JCAL access to support teaching research methods. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
- Yuen, HK., Law, NWY., Wong, KC. (2003). ICT implementation and school leadership: Case studies of ICT integration in teaching and learning.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK. (2003). The Challenge of Instituting Pedagogical Change as an External Agent. Curriculum Perspectives (Journal Edition).
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Chau, AWL., Lai, M. (2003). The Influence of Parenting on the Youth in Relation to the Impact of the Internet.
- Law, N., Lee, Y., Chow, A. (2002). Practice characteristics that lead to 21st century learning outcomes. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
- Law, NWY. (2002). Scientific Literacy: Charting the Terrains of a Multifaceted Enterprise. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education.
- Lee, Y., Law, N. (2001). Explorations in promoting conceptual change in electrical concepts via ontological category shift. International Journal of Science Education.
- Law, NWY., Fensham, P., Li, SSC., Wei, B. (2000). Public understanding of science as basic literacy. Science and the Citizen for Educators and the Public.
- Chung, ALS., Ko, PY., Law, NWY., Ki, WW., Lam, HC. (1998). A study of Hong Kong primary students stroke sequence performance in writing Chinese characters. Curriculum Forum, 課程論壇.
- Law, NWY. (1997). The third international Mathematics and Science study: a comparative study relating the intended, implemented and achieved curriculum. Hong Kong Science Teachers' Journal.
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, YK., Law, NWY., Tam, PY., Lau, MK. (1997). Using computers for promoting Chinese language comprehension: learning of key words, topic sentences, sentence clusters, paragraphs and main theme. Curriculum Forum, 課程論壇.
- Wong, WM., Tse, SK., Law, NWY., Ki, WW. (1996). Implementation of computer-based training for reading and comprehension in Chinese, programme in secondary classrooms: a case study. Curriculum Forum.
- Fung Lo, ML., Law, NWY. (1996). Teacher education as an enabling process (in Chinese). Journal of Primary Education.
- Law, NWY. (1996). Views of young teachers and educators on Physics teaching. Physics Teaching, 物理教育.
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Chung, ALS. (1995). Computer assisted learning of Chinese characters and comprehension: development of cognitive abilities. Chinese Language Education.
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Lau, MK. (1995). Using computers for promoting Chinese language comprehension: training, diagnosis and evaluation. Curriculum Forum.
- Law, NWY. (1994). Can feet trimming make shoes fit?. Modern Educational Bulletin.
- Law, NWY., Ogborn, J. (1994). Students as expert system developers: a means of eliciting and understanding commonsense reasoning. Journal of Research on Computing in Education.
Conference Papers
- Liang, Q., de la Torre, J., Law, NWY. (2022). Assessing Hong Kong students’ digital literacy using a multiple-group CDM: A cross-sectional study. The Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Diego, CA, April 2022.
- Liang, Q., de la Torre, J., Law, NWY. (2022). Latent transition cognitive diagnosis model with covariates: A three-step approach. The Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Online Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2022.
- Ko, POR., Law, NWY. (2022). Multilevel Connected Teacher Learning for STEM curriculum innovation. 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2022 -ICLS Proceedings -2nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).
- Tan, CY., Pan, Q., Zhang, Y., Lan, M., Law, NWY. (2022). Socioeconomic status, parental involvement, and student outcomes during COVID-19 school suspension in Hong Kong. AERA 2022 Annual Meeting.
- Ba, S., Hu, X., KONG, R., Law, NWY. (2022). Supporting adolescents’ digital well-being in the post-pandemic era: Preliminary results from a multimodal learning analytics approach. 22nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT).
- Law, NWY. (2021). A Design Language and Tools to Support Teachers as Learning Design Professionals. Invited talk, Indiana University East Faculty Senate Retreat.
- Zhou, Z., Tam, VWL., Wong Lui, KS., Lam, EYM., Kong, R., Hu, X., Law, NWY. (2021). A new approach for educational data analytics with wearable devices. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT).
- Law, NWY. (2021). Building Resilience and Agility for Equitable Quality Education in a Post-pandemic New Normal: Research Insights from Making Multilevel Learning at Schools Visible. School-University Partnerships Symposium 2021.
- Law, NWY. (2021). Designing for Agile and Pedagogically Appropriate Adaptations in Diverse Learning Contexts. University of Queensland, Learning Analytics and Digital Learning Community of Practice Meeting Session.
- Feng, S., Law, NWY. (2021). Digital Social Capital and Well-being of Digital Citizens. EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) Biennial Conference, 2021.
- Law, NWY. (2021). Expanding Science of Learning Research to Multilevel Aligned Learning: Studying online learning preparedness of students, teachers, school leaders and the community in HK during COVID19. Forum for World Education (FWE) Webinar: Lessons from How People Learn II: Opportunities and Imperatives for Education in a Post-COVID World.
- Chen, MD., Liang, L., Law, NWY. (2021). Multilevel Challenges in Learning Design: An Investigation of Novice Learning Designer Teams. International Conference on Open and Innovative Education (ICOIE 2021).
- Hu, X., Kong, R., Law, NWY. (2021). Student well-being during COVID: Navigating through different phases of school suspension. EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) Biennial Conference, 2021.
- Tan, CY., Pan, Q., Zhang, Y., Lan, M., Lam, P., Law, NWY. (2021). Students' learning experiences during COVID-19 and familial SES. EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) 2021 Conference.
- Ko, POR., Li, PCF., Law, NWY. (2021). The Impact of Interdisciplinary Stem Innovation on the Role Identity of Science Teachers. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2021.
- Ko, POR., Law, NWY., Pei, X., Wan, WYM., Shi, SJ., Li, ML. (2020). A Comparative Study of Teacher Learning Through STEM Innovation in Hong Kong and Shanghai. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, 2020.
- Zhou, Z., Tam, VWL., Wong Lui, KS., Lam, EYM., Hu, X., Yuen, A., Law, NWY. (2020). A Sophisticated Platform for Learning Analytics with Wearable Devices. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) Proceedings.
- Tsang, HWC., Liu, Y., Law, NWY. (2020). An In-depth Study of Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) Skills of Students in Both Technological and Authentic Learning Settings. 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020.
- Law, NWY. (2020). Assessing CPS: Conceptualization and Methodological Differences between the CSCL and Assessment Communities. National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) 2020 Annual Meeting.
- Liang, Q., de la Torre, J., Law, NWY. (2020). Children’s mastery of digital literacy and its variations by background characteristics in Hong Kong: A cognitive diagnosis model analysis. The 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) 2020.
- Liang, L., Ko, POR., Wang, Y., Law, NWY. (2020). Designing Multilevel Architecture for Learning to Support Continuous Learning Innovations: Two School Cases in A Design-based Implementation Research Project. 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2020).
- Law, NWY. (2020). Designs for Learning: Insights from and beyond COVID-19. International Virtual Forum in Teaching and Learning: Students-as-Partners in Online Learning – Voices from HKU.
- Chen, LL., Rao, N., Law, NWY. (2020). Digital competence in primary and secondary school students: A cross-sectional study in the Hong Kong context. The 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) 2020.
- Jin, KY., Reichert, F., Cagasan, LJP., de la Torre, J., Law, NWY. (2020). Measuring Digital Literacy Across Three Age Cohorts: Exploring the Dimensionality and Performance Differences. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, 2020.
- Law, NWY. (2020). Preparing For and Surviving the Next Global Calamity. Virtual Forum on HKU’s Big Ideas on Combatting the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Law, NWY., Liang, L., Chen, M. (2020). The LD Triangle & LD Studio: a Pedagogically Grounded Conceptual and Technological Tool Couplet to Scaffold Learning Design. Symposium on Learning Design Tools, 18th Annual MEITAL Conference.
- Shen, H., Liang, L., Law, NWY., Hemberg, E., O’Reilly, U.-M. (2020). Understanding Learner Behavior Through Learning Design Informed Learning Analytics. L@S '20: Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale.
- Law, NWY. (2020). 透過行動為本的疫下研究激發多層次『傳染性學習』. World Education Frontiers Forum, 第三届世界教育前沿论坛.
- de la Torre, J., Liang, Q., Cagasan, L., Jin, KY., Reichert, F., Law, NWY. (2019). A cognitive diagnosis model analysis of a digital literacy assessment. The International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, IMPS 2019.
- Zhou, Z., Tam, VWL., Wong Lui, KS., Lam, EY., Yuen, HK., Hu, X., Law, NWY. (2019). Applying Deep Learning and Wearable Devices for Educational Data Analytics. 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI).
- Law, NWY. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Development. International Conference for Media in Education 2019 (ICoME2019).
- Tsang, WCH., Park, SW., Chen, LL., Law, NWY. (2019). Assessing Collaborative Problem Solving: What and How?. International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2019).
- Law, NWY. (2019). Citizenship in the Digital Age. International Symposium on Education and Development, 教育与发展:战略政策与21世纪素养”国际学术论坛.
- Mirpuri, SJ., Rao, N., Law, NWY. (2019). Conceptualizing digital citizenship: An integrative review. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting.
- Bridges, SM., Salas Pilco, SZ., Law, NWY., Chan, LK., Li, L. (2019). Design patterns of asynchronous online problem based learning for professional development. Biennial EARLI Conference 2019: SIG Instructional Design.
- Law, NWY., Corrin, L., Milligan, S., Ringtved, U. (2019). DesignLAK19: Ensuring validity in assessment design and analytics. 9th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference: Workshop.
- Bridges, SM., Law, NWY., Li, L., Chan, LK. (2019). Evaluating Multimodal Learning Designs for Health Professions Education Advanced Degree Programs. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, 2019.
- Law, NWY. (2019). Human Development and Augmented Intelligence. The 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2019).
- Law, NWY. (2019). In Search of Well-Being: Humans with Advanced Augmented Capabilities in a Super-Connected World. Future of Adult Learning Symposium.
- Law, NWY., Teo, CL., Laferriere, T., Raveendaran, S., Hung, D. (2019). International Comparative Design-Based Innovation Networks: Tension Resolution as Design Challenge. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, 2019.
- Biswas, S., Law, NWY., Hemberg, E., OReilly, U. (2019). Investigating Learning Design Categorization and Learning Behaviour in Computational MOOCS. Proceedings of the Sixth (2019) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale.
- Law, NWY. (2019). Leveraging Big Data for Pedagogical Innovations: the Crucial Role of Learning Design Language and Tools. International Conference on Big Data and Innovations for Education.
- Law, NWY. (2019). Pillars of Learning for Well-Being? Super Augmented Humans in a Hyper-Connected World. World Education Frontiers Forum.
- Law, NWY. (2019). Self-Directed Learning in Science with Technology. Webinar, Educational Technology Division, Ministry of Education, Singapore.
- Law, NWY., Reichert, F., Hu, X. (2019). Students’ Digital Citizenship development from childhood to adulthood—findings from a major interdisciplinary study in Hong Kong. The 5th China Education Innovation Expo.
- Law, NWY. (2019). Technology Transforming Learning: the Challenges and Principles to Address Them. 2019 Annual Conference on Higher Education Innovation.
- Ko, PO., Shi, SJ., Mak, YK., Law, NWY. (2019). The Effect of the Interdisciplinary Agenda on Science Learning. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
- Wang, Y., Law, NWY., Hemberg, E., O'Reilly, U. (2019). Using Detailed Access Trajectories for Learning Behavior Analysis. 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK'19).
- Li, L., Law, NWY., Pryor, MR., Chan, MWJ., Qi, XA. (2018). Beyond anecdotal evidence: Documenting and assessing the mechanism of flipped classroom for learning through a learning design pattern language. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS).
- Corrin, L., Law, NWY., Ringtved, U., Milligan, S. (2018). DesignLAK18: Evaluating systems and tools that link learning analytics and learning design. Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK’18).
- Law, NWY., Lee, Y., Wong-Loke, C. (2018). Determinants of School Level Success in Design-Based Innovation Networks. 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS).
- Law, NWY. (2018). Developing a global framework of reference on digital literacy. Mobile Learning Week: Skills for a connected world.
- Law, NWY. (2018). E-learning Innovations as a Socio-technical Co-evolution Process. The 4th China Education Innovation Expo, 第四届中国教育创新成果公益博览会.
- Law, NWY. (2018). From the Individual Learner to the Education System: Why Does the Science of Learning Matter?. World Education Frontiers Summit: Revolutions in Leanring: Where Education meets Science of Learning.
- Liang, L., Law, NWY. (2018). Investigating the Impact of Learning Architecture on Teachers’ Learning Outcomes. AERA (American Educational Research Association) 2018 Annual Meeting.
- Law, NWY., Li, L., Farias, HLY. (2018). Learning Design Studio: a Pedagogically Grounded Productivity and Collaboration Platform for Learning Design and Analytics Professionals. Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK’18).
- Li, L., Law, NWY. (2018). Leveraging MOOCs for Blended Learning: Capturing Effective ‘Wrapping’ Strategies with a Learning Design Pattern Language. 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS).
- Lee, Y., Law, NWY. (2018). Models of Collaboration in Teacher Co-design Teams. AERA (American Educational Research Association) 2018 Annual Meeting.
- Law, NWY., Toh, Y., Laferriere, T., Hung, D., Lee, Y., Hamel, C., Ko, PO., Teo, CL., Chen, LL., Lee, YL., Raveendaran, S. (2018). Refining Design Principles for Scalable Innovation Networks through International Comparative Analysis of Innovation Learning Architectures. AERA (American Educational Research Association) 2018 Annual Meeting.
- Law, NWY. (2018). Science of Learning =?=> a happy, confident 21st century teacher professional community. Science of Learning and Teacher Professional Development Frontier Forum, 第二届学习科学与教师专业发展前沿论坛.
- Ng, EYL., Law, NWY., Yuen, HK. (2018). Understanding Learner Lives Through Digital Footprints. Proceedings of Technology, Mind, and Society.
- Milligan, S., Corrin, L., Law, NWY., Ringtved, U. (2018). Workshop: Methodological Bases for the Measurement of Learning in Learning Analytics. Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK’18).
- Law, NWY. (2017). A Multilevel Leadership Network for Self-Directed Learning: Driving Sustainable Pedagogical Innovations (In Chinese). International Symposium on Children's Learning Paradigm of Chinese Contextualized Education, 中国情境教育儿童学习范式国际研讨会.
- Law, NWY., Liang, L., Cheng, K. (2017). A Self-Organizing Network of Schools that Transform Teacher and Student Learning through Socio-Technical Co-evolution. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2017).
- Reichert, F., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., de la Torre, J., Law, NWY. (2017). A psychometric analysis of information literacy: Insights from the Information Literacy Performance Assessment in Hong Kong. Centre for Information Technology in Education Research Symposium (CITERS), Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong.
- Law, NWY. (2017). An Expansive, Multilevel Journey: from Learning Sciences to Science of Learning. International Science of Learning Conference: Research to Reality.
- Law, NWY., Li, L., Farias Herrera, LY., Salas-Pilco, SZ. (2017). Bridging Learning Analytics to Learning Design through a Pattern Language Based Learning Design Studio. DesignLAK17 Workshop, International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference.
- Law, NWY. (2017). Creating a multilevel leadership infrastructure for ICT-enabled higher education innovation. Seminar on ICT in Higher Education Innovation for Asian countries, 2017年亚洲国家高校信息技术革新研修班.
- Law, NWY. (2017). Education Professionals Need a Language for Learning Design. Sydney Ideas: Education and Social Work Dean's Lecture Series, The University of Sydney, Australia.
- Liang, L., Law, NWY., Lee, Y. (2017). Exploring the Determinants of Teacher Learning Opportunities in Joint School Innovation Networks. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Conference.
- Woo, DJ., Law, NWY. (2017). ICT leaders: their expected roles and school contexts. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Conference, 2017.
- Hu, X., Lei, CU., Law, NWY., Fu, KW., Chen, G., Ng, TD., Yang, C., Hou, X., Zhu, J. (2017). Improving Teaching and Learning of Common Core Courses through Learning Management Systems and Learning Analytics. CITE Research Symposium.
- Law, NWY. (2017). Learning Design Pattern Language for Meaningful Learning Analytics. MIT xTalks: Digital Discourses.
- Law, NWY., Li, L. (2017). Using Learning Design Patterns and Tools to Integrate ICT into Higher Education. Seminar on ICT in Higher Education Innovation for Asian countries, 2017年亚洲国家高校信息技术革新研修班.
- Law, NWY. (2016). A socio-technical infrastructure to support multilevel agency for knowledge creation in Hong Kong schools. Knowledge Building Symposium.
- Law, NWY. (2016). Digital Citizenship: a developmental perspective. International Symposium on The Ethical Use of Emerging Technologies.
- Ludvigsen, S., Jeong, H., Hmelo-Silver, CE., Law, NWY., Cress, U., Reiman, P., Kapur, M., Rummel, N. (2016). Future of the CSCL Community. Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2016.
- Law, NWY., Christensen, R., Niederhauser, DS. (2016). Indicators of quality technology-enhanced Learning and Teaching. Annual Meeting of the World Education Research Association, WERA 2016.
- Hew, KFT., Law, NWY., Wan, WFJ., Lee, Y., Kwok, A. (2016). Self-directed learning in science education: explicating the enabling factors. Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016.
- Woo, DJ., Law, NWY. (2016). Technology Scalability, Sustainability, and Vulnerability in Private International Schools. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA 2016.
- Law, NWY., Liang, L., Lee, Y. (2016). What happens to the innovation when project funding ends? Learning architecture matters!. Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016.
- Law, NWY. (2016). When Social Learning Lives Go Digital. International Symposium on Meet Tomorrow’s World: Ethics of Emerging Technologies for the Science of Learning.
- Woo, DJ., Law, NWY. (2015). An Emerging Educational Technologist Role in Changing Organizational Structures. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, JKL., Lee, Y. (2015). Precarious school level scalability amid network level resilience: insights from a multilevel multiscale model of scalability. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA 2015.
- Law, NWY., Niederhauser, DS., Shear, L., Christensen, RW. (2015). Thematic Working Group 7: Indicators of Quality Technology: Enhanced Learning and Teaching. Technology Advanced Quality Learning For All: EDUsummIT 2015 Summary Report.
- Law, NWY. (2014). Building interdisciplinary capacity for research on learning as a multilevel complex phenomenon. International Forum on Science of Learning and Innovation in Education.
- Law, N. (2014). E-Learning and assessment designs to foster Investigation Skills in the Science Curriculum. Annual Conference in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education.
- Leng, J., Law, N. (2014). Examining the role of critical thinking in advancing inquiry. Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, AERA 2014.
- Law, N., Yuen, JKL., Lee, Y. (2014). Supporting teacher learning for pedagogical innovation through collaborative co-design: issues and challenges. Learning and Becoming in Practice: ICLS 2014 Proceedings.
- Law, NWY., Lee, Y., Yuen, JKL. (2014). Tools for learning design and learning analytics for teaching as an evidence-based design profession. International Convention on Science of Learning.
- Law, N., Miyake, N., Looi, CK., Vuorikari, R., Punie, Y., Linn, M. (2013). Are CSCL and Learning Sciences research relevant to large-scale educational reform?. CSCL Proceedings.
- Law, NWY. (2013). CSCL in Asia. International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2013 Conference Proceedings.
- Oon, PT., Law, N., Soojin, K., Kim, S., Tse, SK. (2013). Psychometric assessment of ICILS test items on Hong Kong and Korean students: a Rasch analysis. 5th IEA-IRC 2013.
- Laferrière, T., Law, N. (2013). The fragility of innovation in enriched and impoverished school settings. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA 2013.
- Law, NWY. (2013). 介紹香港大學的學習科學策略性研究主題. 华东师范大学“2013学习科学研讨会”.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, KLJ., Tse, H. (2012). A Teacher’s Journey in Knowledge Building Pedagogy. International Conference of the Learning Sciences.
- Zhang, Y., Law, N., Li, Y., Huang, R. (2012). Automatically extract interpretable topics from online discussion. ICLS 2012 Proceedings.
- Law, N., Yuen, JKL., Wong, OW., Chow, CY. (2012). COLODA: an assessment and facilitation support tool for teachers adopting discussion forum in inquiry learning. CITE Research Symposium, CITERS 2012.
- Law, N., Zhang, B., Kolin, KК., Blikstein, P., Nussbaum, M., Jacobson, M. (2012). Linking learning sciences communities across the world. ICLS 2012 Proceedings.
- Law, NWY. (2012). Successful Pedagogies for Inquiry and Knowledge Building: Teachers' Learning Journeys in Networked Communities. International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (ICTLT).
- Law, NWY. (2012). Transforming Education Through ICT. Opening up education through technologies: Towards a more systemic use for smart, social and sustainable growth in Europe.
- Lu, J., Law, N. (2012). Using critical reading tools to facilitate the learning of argumentation skills. ICLS 2012 Proceedings.
- Yuen, J., Law, NWY., Wong, OW. (2012). Workshop on Improving Pedagogies through Data Analysis & Assessment Tools. Symposium on Successful Pedagogies for Inquiry and Knowledge Building: Teachers' Learning Journeys and Assessment Tools.
- Jing, L., Yuen, J., Wong, W., Law, N., Zhang, Y., Allaire, S., Perreault, C., Laferrière, T., Teplovs, C. (2011). Automated data analysis to support teacher's knowledge building practice. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Community Events Proceedings.
- Lu, J., Law, N. (2011). Designing course management system into CSCL tools: Experience with moodle. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Short Papers and Posters.
- Law, N., Wong, WOW. (2011). Exploring pivotal moments in students’ knowledge building progress using participation and discourse marker indicators as heuristic guides. Leveraging Researcher Multivocality for Insights on Collaborative Learning, ARV 2011.
- Li, K., Zhao, J., Slotta, J., Law, N. (2011). Introducing China: Expanding the CSCL research community. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Community Events Proceedings.
- Laferrière, T., Perreault, C., Boutin, PA., Law, N., Yuen, J., Montané, M., Lopez, OH., Boluda, P., Blancafort, M. (2011). Knowledge building international project: Designs for deep understanding. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Community Events Proceedings.
- Chan, C., Law, N., Hui, D., Fung, YH. (2011). Knowledge building teacher network (KBTN) in Hong Kong: Sustaining and scaling up knowledge building through principlebased innovation. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Community Events Proceedings.
- Chan, CKK., Law, NWY., Hui, DWY., Fung, YH. (2011). Knowledge-building teacher network (KBTN) in Hong Kong: Sustaining and scaling up knowledge building through principle-based innovation. Interactive event presented at the 9th International Conference of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Law, N., Laurillard, D., Lee, Y. (2011). Learning design as a medium for scaffolding teacher learning and collaboration. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Long Papers.
- Lu, J., Law, N., Deng, L., Lee, Y. (2011). OASIS: Designing cscl to support argumentation. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Short Papers and Posters.
- Leung, L., Law, N. (2011). Online role play simulation to tackle Groupthink - case study of a crisis management training. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Long Papers.
- Lai, M., Law, N. (2011). Questioning and the quality of knowledge ideas in a CSCL context: A study on two age-groups of students. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Long Papers.
- Lai, M., Law, N. (2011). Some discourse mechanisms for knowledge advancement in a CSCL context. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Short Papers and Posters.
- Law, NWY. (2011). Supporting the sustainable development of educational innovations using Information Technology. 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE2011, 2011年第十五屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會.
- Law, N., Lee, Y., Kwok, SM., Lam, B., Ho, KC. (2011). Teacher as co-designer in developing technology that supports liberal studies learning. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Community Events Proceedings.
- Suthers, DD., Lund, K., Rosé, C., Dyke, G., Law, N., Teplovs, C., Chen, WL., Chiu, MM., Jeong, H., Looi, CK., Medina, R., Oshima, J., Sawyer, K., Shirouzu, H., Strijbos, JW., Trausan-Matu, S., Van Aalst, J. (2011). Towards productive multivocality in the analysis of collaborative learning. Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Community Events Proceedings.
- Law, NWY. (2010). A social and technological infrastructure to nurture sustainable pedagogical innovations. International Congress on Technology and Distance Education, Congreso Internacional de Tecnología y Educación a Distancia.
- Laferriere, T., Law, N., Montané, M. (2010). An international knowledge building network for sustainable curriculum and pedagogical innovation. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA 2010.
- Law, NWY. (2010). Educational Innovations Beyond Technology: sustainable change through nested networks of learning and innovation. International Baccalaureate Peterson Symposium.
- Lu, J., Chiu, SMM., Law, N. (2010). Effects of on-line collaborative argumentation processes on justifications. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences.
- Laferriere, T., Law, N. (2010). Knowledge building international project (KBIP): a nested network of learning and knowledge creation. Proceedings of ICLS 2010.
- Law, NWY. (2010). Nurturing leadership and establishing Learning Organizations for Sustainable Pedagogical Innovations. National Conference on Innovations in Philippine Education.
- Law, N., Lee, Y., Yuen, AHK. (2010). Online Performance Assessment of students’ information literacy skills in Science, Mathematics and Mother Tongue. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA 2010.
- Law, N., Lee, Y. (2010). Program evaluation as a change process: the journey of an 'Innovative' School in Hong Kong. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA 2010.
- Suthers, D., Law, N., Lund, K., Rose, C., Teplovs, C. (2009). Common objects for productive multivocality in analysis. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices, CSCL 2009 Community Events Proceedings - 9th International Conference.
- Law, NWY. (2009). Educational Innovations Beyond Technology: sustainable change through nested networks of learning and innovation. The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong, 2009.
- Law, NWY. (2009). ICT-supported Networks of Innovation: a lever for sustainable educational transformation. The 13th UNESCO-APEID International Conference and World Bank-KERIS High Level Seminar on ICT in Education: ICT Transforming Education.
- Law, NWY., Lund, K., Yuen, J., Leng, J., Lu, J. (2009). Multivocality in visualization and interaction analysis: An exploration of the role of argumentation and questioning in knowledge building. Workshop on Common Objects for Productive Multivocality in Analysis.
- Law, NWY., Lee, MW., Chan, KMA. (2009). Policy Impacts on Pedagogical Practice and ICT Use: An Exploration of the Results from SITES 2006. Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, AREA 2009.
- Fischer, F., Underwood, JS., Schwarz, B., Dillenbourg, P., Kafai, Y., Kirschner, P., Law, N., Linn, M., Miyake, N., Stahl, G. (2009). Post-Doc & Early-Career Workshop. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices, CSCL 2009 - Community Events Proceedings.
- Churchill, D., Law, NWY., Salter Menzo, DJ., Tai, BYT. (2009). Social Bookmarking Repositories -. CITE Research Symposium, CITERS 2009.
- Law, NWY. (2009). Teacher learning beyond knowledge: an ecological model for fostering pedagogical innovations with ICT. International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education.
- Leng, J., Lai, M., Law, N. (2008). Characterizing patterns of interaction in knowledge building discourse. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2008).
- Hu, Q., Law, NWY. (2008). Designing Online Peer Assessment System in Learning Programming: an Adaptive Scaffolding Framework and Architecture. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, ED-MEDIA 2008 Proceedings.
- Ran, W., Wang, M., Law, NWY. (2008). Develop a Workplace E-learning Environment by Using Key Performance Indicator. International Conference on e-Learning in the Workplace.
- Law, NWY. (2008). Ecologies that foster intentional learning for the pursuit of excellence in the 21st century. International Conference of the Learning Sciences.
- Law, NWY., Lee, MW., Chan, KMA., Yuen, HK. (2008). Factors Influencing the Impact of ICT-use on Students' Learning. IEA International Research Conference, IRC-2008.
- Yuen, HK., Lee, MW., Law, NWY., Chan, KMA. (2008). Factors Predicting Impact of ICT-Use on Students: An Exploration of Teachers’ Perceptions. IEA International Research Conference, IRC-2008.
- Chan, CKK., vanAalst, J., Law, NWY. (2008). Principle-based understanding and knowledge building in a teacher community. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA 2008.
- Law, NWY. (2008). Teacher Support Network for Pedagogical Innovation as a Preferred Model of Professional Development. The 1st East-Asian International Symposium on Teacher Education Research.
- Hu, Q., Law, N. (2008). The design of scaffolding in online peer assessment system for learning programming. Proceedings - ICCE 2008: 16th International Conference on Computers in Education.
- Law, NWY., Lu, J., Leng, J., Yuen, KLJ., Lai, M. (2008). Understanding Knowledge Building from multiple perspectives. Summer Institute on Knowledge Building.
- Law, NWY., Lu, J., Leng, J., Yuen, JKL., Lai, M. (2008). Understanding knowledge building from multiple perspectives. International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS2008.
- Law, N., Yuen, J., Huang, R., Li, Y., Pan, N. (2007). A learnable content & participation analysis toolkit for assessing CSCL learning outcomes and processes. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
- Fox, RMK., Law, NWY., Yuen, HK. (2007). Establishing teacher communities to exchange good practices in using ICT. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.
- Chan, CKK., Ma, SF., Law, NWY. (2007). Knowledge Building Teacher Network (KBTN): Mission possible?. Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT), Summer Institute.
- Plomp, T., Pelgrum, WJ., Law, N. (2007). SITES2006-international comparative survey of pedagogical practices and ICT in education. Education and Information Technologies.
- Law, NWY. (2007). Teacher Knowledge and Teacher Learning for Pedagogical Innovation with ICT. The British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference.
- Chan, CKK., Ma, SF., Law, NWY. (2007). Teachers’ understanding of knowledge building in an emerging community. Knowledge Building Summer Institute.
- Yeung, A., Yue, R., Lee, Y., Law, NWY., Yuen, HK. (2006). Community building through the dissemination of good practices among schools. Hong Kong International IT in Education Conference, HKITEC 2006.
- Law, NWY., Huang, RH., Liu, HLZ., Yuen, KLJ., Li, YY., Yuen, HK. (2006). Content Analysis Tools for Knowledge Forum Discourse: Towards Intelligent Support for Knowledge Building Facilitation. Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology Summer Institute on Knowledge Building.
- Yuen, HK., Lee, Y., Yeung, ASW., Yue, KW., Law, NWY. (2006). Do we need e-leadership or just leadership. Hong Kong International IT in Education Conference, HKITEC 2006.
- Lee, Y., Yeung, ASW., Yue, KW., Yuen, HK., Law, NWY. (2006). Enhancing school leadership - a e-leadership pilot course in Hong Kong. Hong Kong International IT in Education Conference, HKITEC 2006.
- Yuen, KLJ., Law, NWY. (2006). Functional Affordances for Research and Developments in Knowledge Building. Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE 2006.
- Chow, Y., Law, NWY. (2006). Motivation Types in Knowledge Building Project Settings. Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) Summer Institute.
- Nevanpäà, T., Law, N. (2006). Pupil's ecological reasoning with help of modeling tool. Proceeding of the 2006 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, IDC '06.
- Law, NWY. (2006). Supporting Bricolage as Leadership for Systemic Pedagogical Innovations. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.
- Fox, RMK., Yeung, LH., Law, NWY., Yuen, HK. (2006). Sustaining and transferring curriculum and pedagogical innovation through establishing communities of practice. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education: Who’s Learning? Whose Technology?.
- Law, NWY., Chan, CKK., Yuen, HK., Yuen, J., Pan, N., Ma, S., Lai, M., Lee, YCE. (2006). The quest for scaling up and sustaining the knowledge building approach in Hong Kong schools. Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology Summer Institute on Knowledge Building.
- Law, N. (2005). Assessing learning outcomes in CSCL settings. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005: The Next 10 Years - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2005.
- Chow, A., Law, N. (2005). Measuring motivation in collaborative inquiry-based learning contexts. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005: The Next 10 Years - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2005.
- Plomp, T., Law, NWY., Pelgrum, WJ. (2005). SITES 2006 - International Comparative Survey of Pedagogical Practices and ICT in Education. IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education.
- Yuen, HK., Law, NWY., Chow, Y. (2004). Comparing Innovations: Educational and Institutional Issues. The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) International Research Conference.
- Law, NWY., Lai, M., Yuen, JKL., Wong, EML. (2004). Knowledge Building and Conceptual Change. Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) Summer Institute.
- Law, NWY. (2004). Metaconceptual and Epistemological Awareness: The Missing Link between Intentional Learning and Conceptual Change?. The Scandinavian Summer Cruise.
- Yuen, HK., Law, NWY., Lai, M., Yuen, JWK., Wong, EML. (2004). Students’ Online Participation Patterns in Knowledge. Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) Summer Institute.
- Law, NWY. (2004). 讓信息科技成為改變教學文化的槓桿. Conference on Modernizing Deaf Education, 聾生教育現代化會議.
- Law, NWY. (2004). 資訊年代的教師與教育變革. Chinese Information and Communication Technology in Education Conference, 兩岸四地資訊及通訊科技教育研討會.
- Yuen, HK., Law, NWY., Chow, Y. (2003). Comparing Innovations: Educational and Institutional Issues. Proceedings of the IRC-2004.
- Law, NWY., Wong, E. (2003). Development Trajectory in Knowledge Building: An Investigation. The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Wong, E., Yuen, J. (2003). Exploring a Scalable Mechanism for Changing Learning Culture in an Examination-oriented Setting. The Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) Summer Institute.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Wong, E., Yuen, J. (2003). Impact of task design on learner developmental trajectory in knowledge building. The Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) Summer Institute.
- Law, NWY. (2003). Innovative Classroom Practices and the Teacher of the Future. The IFIP Working Groups 3.1 & 3.3 Conference - ICT and the Teacher of the Future.
- Ng, SK., Law, NWY. (2003). Knowledge Building in the Absence of Teacher Facilitation. International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2003) Proceedings.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Fox, RMK. (2003). Learning From International Case Studies Of Ict-supported Pedagogical Innovations. International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2003.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Chow, Y. (2003). Pedagogical Innovations and Use of ICT. Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Yuen, J., Wong, E. (2003). Promoting Higher Level of Knowledge Building Outcome: Design Issues. The Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) Summer Institute.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK. (2002). Investigating the facilitation process for fostering the information of knowledge building communities in Hong Kong. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, AREA 2002.
- Law, NWY. (2002). Scaffolding Scientific Conceptualization: Multiple Representation and Multilevel Visualization Using an Iconic Modelling Tool. International Conference on Computers in Education Proceedings.
- Wong, KC., Law, NWY., Yuen, HK. (2002). The IT initiatives and new role of school leaders in Hong Kong school. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, AREA 2002.
- Ki, WW., Chung, ALS., Ko, PY., Lam, HC., Law, NWY., Lau, ECC., Chow, P WY., Lai, ACY. (2002). Using information technology to enhance pupils' awareness of the structure of Chinese words and characters. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education.
- Law, NWY., Lee, Y., Chow, Y. (2002). What are the characteristics of innovative pedagogical practices using technology that lead to '21st century learning outcomes?'. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association.
- Law, NWY. (2001). The Challenge of Online Learning to Teacher Education. Conference on E-Learning and Continuing Professional Education.
- Li, SC., Law, N., Wong, S., Yuen, HK., Ki, WW. (2000). Interactive teacher's network: technological support for teacher professional development. CITE Research Colloquium 2000.
- Law, NWY. (2000). Is there an Asian approach to ICT in education?. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2000) Proceedings.
- Law, N., Yuen, HK., Ki, WW., Li, SSC., Lee, Y., Chow, Y. (2000). Studying ICT supported pedagogical practices. CITE Research Colloquium 2000.
- Lam, HC., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Chung, ALS., Ko, PY., Ho, AHS., Pun, SW. (2000). The design of CALL software for learning Chinese characters (in Chinese). Proceedings of the 4th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE 2000.
- Law, N., Ma, M., Yuen, HK. (2000). What Happens in Project-based Learning?. CITE Research Colloquium 2000.
- Law, NWY., Ma, MTM., Yuen, HK. (2000). What happens in project-based learning. CITE Research Colloquium 2000.
- Law, NWY., Li, SSC., Lee, RM., Tang, PYH. (2000). WorldMaker: Making collaborative exploration of complex systems accessible to children. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE 2000.
- Law, NWY., Lam, WM., Mak, MMY. (1999). A web-based system to provide scaffolding support for self-directed collaborative learning. Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education: New Human Abilities for the Networked Society.
- Law, NWY., Day, JR. (1999). Educating teachers for the information age: Using an integrated environment for infusing technology into pre-service teacher education. Proceedings of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Action Learning Project Conference.
- Law, NWY., Lam, WM., Mak, MMY. (1999). Improving IT training course for serving teachers through course evaluation. Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education: New Human Abilities for the Networked Society.
- Yuen, HK., Law, NWY., Chan, H. (1999). Improving IT training for serving teachers through evaluation. Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education.
- Law, NWY. (1999). Learning in a new era - or an expensive trip to a 'technology rich' educational wasteland?. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education '99, 99全球華人計算機教育應用大會論文集.
- Law, NWY., Wan, JWF., Lau, MF., Lee, RPW., Yuen, HK. (1999). Towards a model of IT training for in-service teachers. Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education: New Human Abilities for the Networked Society.
- Law, NWY., Tam, WC. (1998). WORLDMAKER (HK) - an iconic modelling tool for children to explore complex behaviour. Global Education on the Net: Proceedings of ICCE '98.
- Law, NWY., Wong, CK. (1997). Making science teaching and learning a SMILE experience: an invitation to the SMILE Circle. Science & Technology Education Conference'96 Proceedings.
- Law, NWY. (1997). The Hong Kong science curriculum guides: how do these guide our science curriculum in schools, and where to?. Science & Technology Education Conference '96 Proceedings.
- Fung Lo, ML., Law, NWY. (1996). Teacher education as an enabling process. International Conference on Basic Education.
- Law, NWY. (1995). A more challenging curriculum to motivate academically low achievers. International Curriculum Conference on Partnership in Curriculum Development: Towards More Effective Learning.
- Law, NWY. (1995). A more challenging curriculum to motivate academically low achievers. Proceedings of the International Curriculum Conference on Partnership in Curriculum Development: Towards More Effective Learning.
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Chung, ALS. (1995). Computer assisted learning comprehension and Chinese characters: development of cognitive abilities. Proceedings on International Language in Education Conference.
- Law, NWY., Ki, WW., Tse, SK. (1995). Computer-based text comprehension exercises and its effect on comprehension test performance (Abstract). World Conference on Computers in Education VI: WCCE '95 Liberating the Learner, Proceedings of the Sixth IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, 1995.
- Law, NWY. (1995). Perceptions on teaching: views of leading physics teachers and teacher educators. Teacher Education in the Asian Region: Proceedings of ITEC’95.
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Chung, ALS. (1994). A computer-based environment to support the development of cognitive skills in learning Chinese characters and text comprehension. International Language in Education Conference.
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Lau, MC. (1994). Multimedia computer assisted learning of Chinese language. International Conference on Learning of Chinese Characters.
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Lau, MK. (1994). Using computer for promoting Chinese comprehension: training, diagnosing and evaluating. International Conference on New Technologies in Teaching and Learning Chinese, August 1994.
- Law, NWY., Lu, J., Wang, D., Lee, Y. (2016). e-Learning in Formal, Informal and Open Learning Contexts: A Study of Global Trends, Policy Options and Their Implications for Sustainable Development in Hong Kong. The Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
- Law, NWY., Lu, J., Wang, D., Lee, Y. (2016). 在正式、非正式和開放學習環境下電子學習發展的全球趨勢及為可持續發展香港可採取的政策選擇及其影響研究. 香港大學教育學院 教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, JKL., Lee, Y. (2015). E-Learning Pedagogy and School Leadership Practices to Improve Hong Kong Students’ Computer and Information Literacy: Findings from ICILS 2013 and beyond. Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, KLJ., Lee, Y. (2015). 促進電腦與資訊素養的電子學習教學法和學校領導策略: ICILS 2013國際比較研究的啓示. 香港大學教育學院教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, AHK., Fox, RMK. (2011). Educational Innovations Beyond Technology: nurturing leadership and establishing learning organizations. Springer.
- Yuen, HK., Law, NWY., Lee, MW., Lee, Y. (2010). The changing face of education in Hong Kong: transition into the 21st century. Centre for infomation Technology in Education, HKU.
- Pelgrum, WJ., Law, NWY. (2003). ICT In Education Around The World: Trends, Problems And Prospects. UNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Chau, AWL. (2001). A Study of the Influence of Information Technology on Youth. Commission on Youth HKSAR Government.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, A., Wong, KC. (2001). Final Report on Preliminary Study on Reviewing the Progress and Evaluating the Information Technology in Education (ITEd) Projects. CITE, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Wong, KC. (2001). Preliminary Study on Reviewing the Progress and Evaluating the Information Technology in Education (ITEd) Projects. Education Dept, HKSAR.
- Law, Nancy. (2000). Changing classrooms & changing schools: a study of good practices in using ICT in Hong Kong Schools. CITE, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Ki, WW., Li, SSC., Lee, Y., Chow, Y. (2000). 教學上應評用資訊科技優秀案例剖析. IEA/CITE.
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Ki, WW., Li, SSC., Lee, Y. (1999). The Second International Information Technology in Education Study: Hong Kong SAR Report. CITE, The University of Hong Kong.
- Law, Wai-ying, Nancy. (1999). The Second International Information Technology in Education Study: Hong Kong SAR report. CITE, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Chung, ALS., Shum, WC. (1997). Computer Software System for Learning of Comprehension in Chinese: Handbook. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
- Law, NWY., Wong, CK., Fung Lo, ML., Yung, BHW. (1996). Learning About Water & Matter: A First Experience with the SMILE Approach (Chinese version). INSTEP, Faculty of Education.
- Law, Wai-ying, Nancy. (1996). Learning about water & matter: a first experience with the SMILE approach. Inservice Teacher Education Program, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
- Law, NWY. (1996). Science and Mathematics Achievements at the Junior Secondary Level in Hong Kong: A Summary Report for Hong Kong in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
- Law, Nancy. (1996). Science and mathematics achievements at the junior secondary level in Hong Kong: a summary report for Hong Kong in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
- Tse, SK., Chan, WS., Ho, WK., Law, NWY., Lee, T., Shek, C., Wong, C., Yu, FY. (1995). Chinese Language Education for the 21st Century: A Hong Kong Perspective. Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
Book Chapters
- Law, NWY., Ko, POR. (2022). Design for multilevel connected learning in pedagogical innovation networks. Design for multilevel connected learning in pedagogical innovation networks. In Alison Castro Superfine Susan R. Goldman Mon-Lin Monica Ko (Eds.), Teacher Learning in Changing Contexts, p. 238-255. : Routledge, 2022
- Ko, POR., Law, NWY., Liu, HM. (2022). Staying on track in curriculum and pedagogical innovations despite pandemic disruptions through multilevel connected learning in networks. Staying on track in curriculum and pedagogical innovations despite pandemic disruptions through multilevel connected learning in networks. In Emily Baumgartner Regina Kaplan-Rakowski Richard Hartshorne Chrystalla Mouza (Eds.), A retrospective of teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic, p. 187-194. : Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2022
- Woo, DJ., Law, NWY. (2021). A Methodology for Deploying a Digital Literacy Framework for Diverse Socioeconomic and Sector Contexts. A Methodology for Deploying a Digital Literacy Framework for Diverse Socioeconomic and Sector Contexts. In Lubin, IA (Ed.), ICT and International Learning Ecologies Representation and Sustainability Across Contexts, p. 61-84. New York, NY ; Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2021
- Law, NWY., Zhang, J., Peppler,. (2021). Sustainability and Scalability of CSCL Innovations. Sustainability and Scalability of CSCL Innovations. In Cress, U .. et al (Eds.), International Handbook of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, p. 121-141. Cham: Springer, 2021
- Law, NWY., Zhang, J., Peppler, K. (2021). Sustainability and scalability of CSCL innovations. Sustainability and scalability of CSCL innovations. In International Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, p. 121-141. : Springer, 2021
- Ko, POR., Wang, Y., Law, NWY. (2020). Multilevel Approach to Professional Development for Teaching During School Closure. Multilevel Approach to Professional Development for Teaching During School Closure. In Ferdig, RE .. (et al) (Eds.), Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the covid-19 pandemic: Stories from the field, p. 531-534. Waynesville, NC, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2020
- Leung, L., Law, NWY. (2019). Design Principles for Online Role Play Simulations to Address Groupthink Tendency in Professional Training: An Exploration. Design Principles for Online Role Play Simulations to Address Groupthink Tendency in Professional Training: An Exploration. In Brock R. Dubbels (Eds.), Exploring the Cognitive, Social, Cultural, and Psychological Aspects of Gaming and Simulations, p. 35-61. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019
- Law, NWY., Liang, L. (2019). Digital Technologies and Educational Transformation. Digital Technologies and Educational Transformation. In Suter, LE and Smith, E and Denman, BD (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Comparative Studies in Education, p. 508-531. London: Sage Publications Ltd., 2019
- Law, NWY., Tsang, WC. (2019). Implications of Social Neuroscience for Learning Technology Research and Development. Implications of Social Neuroscience for Learning Technology Research and Development. In Parsons, TD, Lin, L, and Cockerham, D (Eds.), Mind, Brain and Technology: Learning in the Age of Emerging Technologies, p. 161-176. Cham: Springer, 2019
- Law, NWY., Cheng, KM. (2019). The Science of Learning Strategic Research Theme at the University of Hong Kong. The Science of Learning Strategic Research Theme at the University of Hong Kong. In Kuhli, P.K., Soo-Siang, L., Guerrieroiii, S. et al (Eds.), Developing Minds in the Digital Age: Towards a Science of Learning for 21st Century Education, p. 211-219. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2019
- Law, NWY. (2018). Change and technology-enhanced innovative pedagogies. Change and technology-enhanced innovative pedagogies. In Paniagua, A and Istance, D (Eds.), Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments The Importance of Innovative Pedagogies, p. 65-69. Paris: OECD, 2018
- Law, NWY., Chow, SL., Fu, KW. (2018). Digital Citizenship and Social Media: A Curriculum Perspective. Digital Citizenship and Social Media: A Curriculum Perspective. In Voogt, J., Knezek, G., Christensen, R. et al. (Eds.), Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, p. 53-68. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018
- Law, NWY. (2018). Instructional Design and Learning Design. Instructional Design and Learning Design. In Lin, L & Spector, M (Eds.), The Sciences of Learning and Instructional Design: Constructive Articulation Between Communities, p. 186-201. New York, NY ; Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2018
- Salas, PSZ., Law, NWY. (2017). ICT Curriculum Planning and Development: Policy and Implementation Lessons from Small Developing States. ICT Curriculum Planning and Development: Policy and Implementation Lessons from Small Developing States. In Lubin, IA (Eds.), ICT-Supported Innovations in Small Countries and Developing Regions: Perspectives and Recommendations for International Education, p. 77-98. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017
- Law, NWY. (2016). An Ecosystem Inspired Change Strategy to Rejuvenate Technical Support Service for Twenty-First Century Teacher Education. An Ecosystem Inspired Change Strategy to Rejuvenate Technical Support Service for Twenty-First Century Teacher Education. In Ng, CHC ; Fox, R & Nakano, M (Eds.), Reforming learning and teaching in Asia-Pacific universities: Influences of Globalised Processes in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia, p. 137-157. Singapore: Springer, 2016
- Law, NWY., Kampylis, P., Punie, Y. (2015). Pathways to Enhance Multilevel Learning for Scaling Up Systemic ICT-Enabled Learning Innovations: Lessons from 7 European and Asian Cases. Pathways to Enhance Multilevel Learning for Scaling Up Systemic ICT-Enabled Learning Innovations: Lessons from 7 European and Asian Cases. In Looi, CK & Teh, LW (Eds.), Scaling Educational Innovations, p. 197-223. Singapore: Springer, 2015
- Law, NWY. (2014). Comparing Pedagogical Innovations. Comparing Pedagogical Innovations. In Bray, M; Adamson, B & Mason, M (Eds.), Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods (2nd ed.), p. 333-364. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong; Springer, 2014
- Law, NWY. (2014). Knowledge Building Pedagogy and Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Knowledge Building Pedagogy and Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. In Tan, SC., So, HJ & Yeo, J (Eds.), Knowledge Creation in Education, p. 227-247. Singapore: Springer, 2014
- Law, NWY. (2013). Case report 4: e-Learning Pilot Scheme in Hong Kong Schools. Case report 4: e-Learning Pilot Scheme in Hong Kong Schools. In Kampylis, P., Law, N & Punie, Y (Eds.), ICT-enabled innovation for learning in Europe and Asia: Exploring conditions for sustainability, scalability and impact at system level, p. 63-77. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
- Law, NWY., Wong, OW. (2013). Exploring Pivotal Moments in Students’ Knowledge Building Progress Using Participation and Discourse Marker Indicators as Heuristic Guides. Exploring Pivotal Moments in Students’ Knowledge Building Progress Using Participation and Discourse Marker Indicators as Heuristic Guides. In Suthers, DD .. (et al) (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions, p. 397-415. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2013
- Law, NWY., Laferrière, T. (2013). Multivocality in Interaction Analysis: Implications for Practice. Multivocality in Interaction Analysis: Implications for Practice. In Suthers, DD .. (et al) (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions, p. 683-699. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2013
- Law, NWY., Kampylis, P., Punie, Y. (2013). Towards a Policy Framework for Understanding and Scaling Up ICT-enabled Innovation for Learning: Synthesis and Conclusions. Towards a Policy Framework for Understanding and Scaling Up ICT-enabled Innovation for Learning: Synthesis and Conclusions. In Kampylis, P., Law, N & Punie, Y (Eds.), ICT-enabled Innovation for Learning in Europe and Asia: Exploring Conditions for Sustainability, Scalability and Impact at System Level, p. 115-135. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
- Csapo, B., Ainley, J., Bennett, RE., Latour, T., Law, NWY. (2012). Technological Issues for Computer-Based Assessment. Technological Issues for Computer-Based Assessment. In Griffin, P., McGaw, B & Care, E (Eds.), Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills, p. 143-230. Dordrecht ; New York: Springer, 2012
- Law, NWY., Yuen, KLJ., Wong, OW., Leng, J. (2011). Understanding learners’ knowledge building trajectory through visualizations of multiple automated analyses. Understanding learners’ knowledge building trajectory through visualizations of multiple automated analyses. In Puntambekar, S .. (Eds.)(et al), Analyzing interactions in CSCL: methods, approaches and issues, p. 47-82. New York, NY: Springer, 2011
- Law, NWY. (2010). Comparer des innovations pédagogiques. Comparer des innovations pédagogiques. In Bray, M .. (Eds.)(et al), Recherche comparative en éducation: approches et méthodes , p. 293-314. Bruxelles: Groupe De Boeck, 2010
- Law, NWY. (2010). IEA studies in ICT. IEA studies in ICT. In Peterson, P .. (Eds.) (et al), International encyclopedia of education, p. 644-649. Oxford: Elsevier, 2010
- Lu, J., Lai, M., Law, NWY. (2010). Knowledge building in society 2.0: challenges and opportunities. Knowledge building in society 2.0: challenges and opportunities. In Khine, MS and Saleh, IM (Eds.), New science of learning: cognition and computers and collaboration in education, p. 553-567. New York, NY: Springer, 2010
- Law, NWY. (2010). Teacher skills and knowledge for technology integration. Teacher skills and knowledge for technology integration. In Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker and Barry McGaw (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education, p. 211-216. Oxford: Elsevier, 2010
- Law, NWY. (2009). Curriculum and staff development for ICT in education. Curriculum and staff development for ICT in education. In Plomp, T .. (Eds.)(et al), Cross-national information and communication technology: policies and practices in education, p. 19-39. Charlotte, N.C.: IAP-Information Age Publishing, 2009
- Law, NWY. (2009). National policies and practices on ICT in education: China Hong Kong. National policies and practices on ICT in education: China Hong Kong. In Plomp, T .. (Eds.)(et al), Cross-national information and communication technology: policies and practices in education, p. 171-187. Charlotte, N.C.: IAP-Information Age Publishing, 2009
- Hu, J., Law, NWY. (2009). National policies and practices on ICT in education: People's Republic of China. National policies and practices on ICT in education: People's Republic of China. In Plomp, T .. (Eds.)(et al), Cross-national information and communication technology: policies and practices in education, p. 189-203. Charlotte, N.C.: IAP-Information Age Publishing, 2009
- Law, NWY., Yuen, HK., Chan, CKK., Yuen, JKL., Pan, FCN., Lai, M., Lee, VSL. (2009). New experiences, new epistemology, and the pressures of change: the Chinese learner in transition. New experiences, new epistemology, and the pressures of change: the Chinese learner in transition. In Chan, CKK & Rao, N (Eds.), Revisiting the Chinese learner: changing contexts, changing education, p. 89-129. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, 2009
- Pelgrum, WJ., Law, NWY. (2009). Reporting data and indicators. Reporting data and indicators. In Carstens, R & Pelgrum, WJ (Eds.), Second informating technology in education study: SITES 2006 technical report, p. 127-133. Amsterdam: IEA - International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, 2009
- Law, NWY., Chow, Y., Pelgrum, WJ. (2009). Scale and indicator construction for the school and teacher levels. Scale and indicator construction for the school and teacher levels. In Carstens, R & Pelgrum, WJ (Eds.), Second informating technology in education study: SITES 2006 technical report, p. 93-125. Amsterdam: IEA - International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, 2009
- Law, NWY. (2009). Technology-supported pedagogical innovations: the challenge of sustainability and scalability in the information age. Technology-supported pedagogical innovations: the challenge of sustainability and scalability in the information age. In Ng, C and Renshaw, P (Eds.), Reforming learning: concepts, issues and practice in the Asia-Pacific region, p. 319-343. Dordrecht: Springer, 2009
- Law, NWY., Lee, Y., Yuen, HK. (2009). The impact of ICT in education policies on teacher practices and student outcomes in Hong Kong. The impact of ICT in education policies on teacher practices and student outcomes in Hong Kong. In Scheuermann, F & Pedró, F (Eds.), Assessing the Effects of ICT in Education: Indicators, Criteria and Benchmarks for International Comparisons, p. 143-164. Luxembourg: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, 2009
- Law, NWY. (2008). IT, Pedagogical Innovations, and Teacher Learning. Law, NWY (Ed.). IT, Pedagogical Innovations, and Teacher Learning. In Voogt, J and Knezek, G (Eds.). International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education Pedagogical Practice, p. 421-519. New York ; London: Springer, 2008
- Law, NWY. (2008). In Search of Explanations. In Search of Explanations. In Pedagogy and ICT in schools around the world: findings from the SITES 2006 study, p. pp. 251-262. Hong Kong: CERC and Springer, 2008
- Law, NWY., Chow, Y. (2008). Pedagogical orientations in mathematics and science and the use of ICT. Pedagogical orientations in mathematics and science and the use of ICT. In Pedagogy and ICT in schools around the world: findings from the SITES 2006 study, p. pp. 122-179. Hong Kong: CERC and Springer, 2008
- Law, NWY., Pelgrum, WJ., Monseur, C., Brese, F., Carstens, R., Voogt, J., Plomp, T., Anderson, RE. (2008). Study design and methodology. Study design and methodology. In Pedagogy and ICT use in schools around the world: Findings from the SITES 2006 Study, p. 16-36. Hong Kong: CERC, University of Hong Kong and Springer, 2008
- Law, NWY. (2008). Summary and Reflections. Summary and Reflections. In Pedagogy and ICT in schools around the world: findings from the SITES 2006 study, p. pp. 264-277. Hong Kong: CERC and Springer, 2008
- Law, NWY., Chow, Y. (2008). Teacher Characteristics, Contextual Factors, and How these Affect the Pedagogical Use of ICT. Teacher Characteristics, Contextual Factors, and How these Affect the Pedagogical Use of ICT. In Pedagogy and ICT in schools around the world: findings from the SITES 2006 study, p. pp. 182-219. Hong Kong: CERC and Springer, 2008
- Law, NWY. (2008). Teacher Learning Beyond Knowledge for Pedagogical Innovations with ICT. Teacher Learning Beyond Knowledge for Pedagogical Innovations with ICT. In International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, p. 425-434. New York: Springer, 2008
- Law, NWY. (2007). Comparing pedagogical innovations. Comparing pedagogical innovations. In Comparative education research: Approaches and methods, p. 315-338. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong ; Springer, 2007
- Pelgrum, WJ., Law, NWY. (2005). Introduction to SITES 2006. Introduction to SITES 2006. In Pedagogy and ICT use in schools around the world: Findings from the SITES 2006 Study, p. 1-11. Hong Kong: CERC, University of Hong Kong and Springer, 2008
- Law, NWY. (2004). Scaffolding Scientific Conceptualizations: From Iconic Modelling & Simulations to Collaborative Gaming. Scaffolding Scientific Conceptualizations: From Iconic Modelling & Simulations to Collaborative Gaming. In Digitaalisten Pelien Maailmoja (in Finnish), p. 239-255. University of Jyve4skyle4, Finland: Institute for Educational Research & Agora Center, 2004
- Law, NWY. (2003). Changing Pedagogical Paradigm through Web-based Collaboration: Knowledge building serving as both the educational goal and strategy. (Paper in Chinese). Changing Pedagogical Paradigm through Web-based Collaboration: Knowledge building serving as both the educational goal and strategy (Paper in Chinese). In Towards a Digital Learning Society, p. 161-171. Taipei , Taiwan: Yuan-Liou publishing Ltd, 2003
- Law, NWY. (2003). Cross-national Policies and Practices on ICT in Education: Hong Kong. Cross-national Policies and Practices on ICT in Education: Hong Kong. In Cross-national Policies and Practices on Information and Communication Technology in EducationGreenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc, 2003
- Law, NWY., Plomp, T. (2003). Curriculum and Staff Development. Curriculum and Staff Development. In Cross-national Policies and Practices on Information and Communication Technology in EducationGreenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc, 2003
- Law, NWY., Wong, E. (2003). Developmental Trajectory in Knowledge Building: An Investigation. Developmental Trajectory in Knowledge Building: An Investigation. In Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments, p. 57-66. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
- Law, NWY. (2003). Innovative Classroom Practices and the Teacher of the Future. Innovative Classroom Practices and the Teacher of the Future . In Information and Communication Technology and the Teacher of the Future, p. 171-182. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
- Law, NWY. (2003). Teachers and Teaching Innovations in a Connected World. Teachers and Teaching Innovations in a Connected World. In World Yearbook in Education 2004: Digital Technology, Communities and Education, p. 145-163. London: Routledge Falmer, 2004
- Law, NWY. (2002). TIMSS Science Results for Hong Kong: An Ailing Dragon with a British Legacy. TIMSS Science Results for Hong Kong: An Ailing Dragon with a British Legacy. In TIMSS: : A Secondary Analysis, p. 157-175. Dordecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002
- Law, NWY. (2001). Changing classrooms & changing schools: Conclusions and recommendations. Changing classrooms & changing schools: Conclusions and recommendations. In Changing Classrooms & Changing Schools. A Study of Good Practices in Hong Kong Schools, p. 169-181. Hong Kong: CITE, The University of Hong Kong, 2000
- Law, NWY., Lee, Y. (2001). Emerging pedagogical practices: Hong Kong in an international context. Emerging pedagogical practices: Hong Kong in an international context. In Changing Classrooms & Changing Schools. A Study of Good Practices in Hong Kong Schools, p. 11-21. Hong Kong: CITE, The University of Hong Kong, 2000
- Law, NWY. (2001). ICT implementation at the school level: Cultural integration model. ICT implementation at the school level: Cultural integration model. In Changing Classrooms & Changing Schools. A Study of Good Practices in Hong Kong Schools, p. 151-168. Hong Kong: CITE, The University of Hong Kong, 2000
- Law, NWY. (2001). Studying ICT supported pedagogical practices in schools: Introduction. Studying ICT supported pedagogical practices in schools: Introduction. In Changing Classrooms & Changing Schools. A Study of Good Practices in Hong Kong Schools, p. 3-9. Hong Kong: CITE, The University of Hong Kong, 2000
- Law, NWY. (2001). Studying ICT supported pedagogical practices in schools: Research framework and design. Studying ICT supported pedagogical practices in schools: Research framework and design. In Changing Classrooms & Changing Schools. A Study of Good Practices in Hong Kong Schools, p. 23-45. Hong Kong: CITE, The University of Hong Kong, 2000
- Law, NWY., Ki, WW., Chung, ALS., Ko, PY., Lam, HC. (1999). Children's stroke sequence errors in writing Chinese characters. Children's stroke sequence errors in writing Chinese characters. In In Leong C.K. and Tamaoka K., Cognitive Processing of the Chinese and the Japanese Languages, p. 26pp. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY., Lau, MK. (1997). Computer assisted learning of comprehension in Chinese and teaching: theory and design. Computer assisted learning of comprehension in Chinese and teaching: theory and design. In Learning and Teaching: Computer Assisted Learning of Comprehension in Chinese, p. 2-14. Hong Kong: Dept. of Curriculum Studies, 1997
- Leung, FKS., Law, NWY. (1997). Hong Kong. Hong Kong. In National Contexts for Mathematics and Science Education: An Encyclopedia of the Education Systems Participating in TIMSS, p. 160-170. Vancouver, Canada: Pacific Educational Press, 1997
- Law, NWY. (1997). Hong Kong pupils' science achievement in the international comparison. Hong Kong pupils' science achievement in the international comparison. In Science and Mathematics Achievement at the Mid Level in Hong Kong: A Summary Report for Hong Kong in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS), p. 9-24. Hong Kong: Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, 1997
- Law, NWY. (1997). Hong Kong students' science achievement in the international comparison. Hong Kong students' science achievement in the international comparison. In Science and Mathematics Achievements at the Junior Secondary Level in Hong Kong: A Summary Report for Hong Kong in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), p. 10-24. Hong Kong: Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, 1996
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, YK., Law, NWY., Tam, PY., Lau, MK. (1997). Segmentation and punctuation of Chinese: learning, testing, diagnosing and evaluating. Segmentation and punctuation of Chinese: learning, testing, diagnosing and evaluating. In Learning and Teaching: Computer Assisted Learning of Comprehension in Chinese (學習與教學: 電腦輔助中文閱讀理解), p. 15-34. Hong Kong: Dept. of Curriculum Studies, 1997
- Fung Lo, ML., Law, NWY. (1997). Teacher education as an enabling process. Teacher education as an enabling process. In Journal of Primary Education, v. 6 n. 1&2, p. 111-118. The Chinese University of Hong Hong: Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, 1996
- Law, NWY. (1995). Learning science through technology: a curriculum model. Learning science through technology: a curriculum model. In Curriculum Forum, p. 59-68. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, Department of Curriculum Studies, 1994
- Tse, SK., Ki, WW., Law, NWY. (1994). Computer assisted learning of Chinese characters: theory and design. Computer assisted learning of Chinese characters: theory and design. In In: Peng C.M. and Dai Y.C. (eds.), Modern and Scientific Methods in Teaching Chinese Characters, Beijing, Beijing Science and Technology Publishing Agent, p. 190-200. 1995
- Law, NWY., Woo, DJ., de la Torre, J., Wong, KWG. (2018). A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2. UNESCO Institute for Statistics.
- Law, NWY. (2018). Technology-enhanced innovative pedagogy: The challenge. OECD Publishing.
- Law, N. (2006). Indicators for advances in knowledge building - Application of content analysis tools to two sets of CSCL discourse data from two comparable classes.
- Ferguson, A., Fox, B., Churchill, D., Law, N. (2006). Learning Commons at HKU: Empowering Learning, Teaching and Research through New Environments, Services and Tools.
- Law, N. (2006). Learning from the eLeadership Stories.
- Trinidad, S., Law, N. (2003). IT as a Lever for Change in Teaching and Learning.
- Law, N. (2002). Learning from International Case Studies on Innovative Classroom Practices Using Technology: Second International Information Technology in Education Study.
Professional Community Services
Professional Societies
- 2017-2018: Editorial Board member, Frontiers of Education in China (FED)
- 2016-: Editorial Board member, Journal of the Learning Sciences
- 2011-present: Executive Editor, International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- 2010: Program Committee Member, Theme-based Sub-conference “Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences” of ICCE 2010
- 2009-2011: Associate Editor, International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- 2009-2011: Conference Chair, 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- 2007-2012: Board member, International Society of the Learning Sciences
- 2007 – present: editorial board member, Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy
- 2007 - 02/2010: Member, Publication and Editorial Committee of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)
- 2005 – present: editorial board member, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
- 2004 – present: editorial board member, International Journal of Web Based Communities
- 1999-2007: editorial board member, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
- 1995-1998: editorial board member, Journal of Research in Science Education
- 09/2021: Invited Expert, European Joint Research Centre Technical Workshop on DigComp 2.2
- 07/2018-06/2021: Associate Editor, Nature Partner Journal Science of Learning
- 05/2021 -: Member, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Advisory Board
Knowledge Exchange Activities
- 2022-02-10 to 2022-02-10: Press release , Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences
- 2021-09-15 to 2021-10-27: KE Newsletter story: "An Action-focused Community-based Study to Advance Equitable Quality Education for All", Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences
- 2021-07-01 to 2022-06-30: Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2021 (Faculty of Education) for ‘Co-creating a New Normal of Empowered Learning through Digital Citizenship Research’ , KE Award/Prize on KE Achievement
- 2021-03-24 to 2021-03-24: UNCSW 65th Session Parallel Event, Hong Kong Federation of Women, Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)
- 2021-01-26 to 2021-01-26: Forum for World Education, Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)
- 2020-11-30 to 2020-11-30: New Education Normal Webinar Series, NIE, Nanyang Technological University, Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)
- 2020-11-21 to 2020-11-21: Invited talk at the 3rd World Education Frontiers Forum, Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)
- 2020-11-10 to 2020-11-10: Zonta Club Luncheon talk , Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)
- 2020-07-20 to 2021-11-01: eCitizen Education 360 research bulletins 1 - 6, Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences
- 2020-07-20 to 2021-03-30: eCitizen Education 360 1st - 5th Press Conference, Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)
- 2019-10-02 to 2020-04-21: Public Report, Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences
- 2019-08-22 to 2019-08-22: Keynote Speaker at the joint professional development day of the SAME Network, Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)
- 2019-05-02 to 2021-03-31: Pilot Scheme on the Enhanced Training on STEM Education for STEM Coordinators / Teachers of Secondary Schools, Short Course for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- 2019-01-12 to 2019-01-12: 童心創新@銀禧啟動禮程序--主禮嘉賓致辭, Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)
Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches
- 2021-09-01: A Design Language and Tools to Support Teachers as Learning Design ProfessionalsInvited talk at Indiana University East Faculty Senate Retreat
- 2021-07-01: The Post-Pandemic Landscape: Challenges and OpportunitiesInvited keynote at the School-University Partnerships Symposium 2021
- 2021-06-01: Designing for Agile and Pedagogically Appropriate Adaptations in Diverse Learning ContextsInvited talk at the University of Queensland Learning Analytics and Digital Learning Meetup
- 2021-06-01: Expanding Science of Learning Research to Multilevel Aligned Learning: Studying online learning preparedness of students, teachers, school leaders and the community in HK during COVID19Invited talk at the Webinar: Lessons from How People Learn II: Opportunities and Imperatives for Education in a Post-COVID World organized by the Global Science of Learning Education Network and the Forum for World Education
- 2020-10-01: 透過行動為本的疫下研究激發多層次『傳染性學習』Invited keynote at World Education Frontiers Forum
- 2020-09-01: Designs for Learning: Insights from and beyond COVID-19Invited talk at the International Virtual Forum in Teaching and Learning: Students- as-Partners in Online Learning
- 2020-04-01: Preparing For and Surviving the Next Global CalamityInvited presentation at Virtual Forum on HKU’s Big Ideas on Combatting the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 2020-03-01: The LD Triangle & LD Studio: a Pedagogically Grounded Conceptual and Technological Tool Couplet to Scaffold Learning DesignInvited presentation at Symposium on Learning Design Tools, 18th Annual MEITAL Conference
- 2020-03-01: The LD Triangle & LD Studio: a Pedagogically Grounded Conceptual and Technological Tool Couplet to Scaffold Learning DesignInvited presentation at Symposium on Learning Design Tools, 18th Annual MEITAL Conference
- 2019-12-01: Leveraging Big Data for Pedagogical Innovations: the Crucial Role of Learning Design Language and ToolsInvited keynote at International Conference on Big Data and Innovations for Education
- 2019-11-01:
- 2019-11-01: In Search of Well-Being: Humans with Advanced Augmented Capabilities in a Super-Connected WorldInvited presentation at Future of Adult Learning Symposium
- 2019-11-01: Pillars of Learning for Well-Being? Super Augmented Humans in a Hyper-Connected WorldInvited keynote at World Education Frontiers Forum
- 2019-08-01: Self-Directed Learning in Science with TechnologyInvited Webinar Presentation organized by the Educational Technology Division, Ministry of Education, Singapore
- 2019-07-01: AI and the Future of Human DevelopmentInternational Conference for Media in Education: Artificial Intelligence in Education
- 2019-07-01: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human DevelopmentInvited Keynote at International Conference for Media in Education 2019
- 2019-06-01: Human Development and Augmented IntelligenceInvited Keynote at The 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2019)
- 2019-05-01: Technology Transforming Learning: the Challenges and Principles to Address ThemInvited Keynote at 2019 Annual Conference on Higher Education Innovation
- 2019-01-01: Citizenship in the Digital AgeInvited keynote at the International Symposium on Education and Development
- 2018-11-01: E-learning Innovations as a Socio-technical Co-evolution Process 在线学习创新:基于社会技术协同发展过程的视角Invited keynote at the 4th China Education Innovation Expo <<第四届中国教 育创新成果 公益博览会>> 特邀专题报告
- 2018-10-01: From the Individual Learner to the Education System: Why Does the Science of Learning Matter?Invited Keynote in World Education Frontiers Summit—Revolutions in Leanring: Where Education meets Science of Learning
- 2018-10-01: 学习科学=?=>愉快、自信的廿一世纪教师专业群体 Science of Learning =?=> a happy, confident 21st century teacher professional communityInvited Keynote at Science of Learning and Teacher Professional Development Frontier Forum <<学习科学与教师专业发展前沿论坛>>特邀专题报告
- 2018-03-01: Developing a global framework of reference on digital literacyInvited presentation at UNESCO Mobile Learning Week “Skills for a connected world”
- 2017-11-01: A Multilevel Leadership Network for Self-Directed Learning: Driving Sustainable Pedagogical Innovations (In Chinese)Invited Plenary Keynote at International Symposium on Chinese Paradigm of Contextualized Learning
- 2017-09-01: An Expansive, Multilevel Journey: from Learning Sciences to Science of LearningInternational Science of Learning Conference: Research to Reality
- 2017-08-01: Creating a multilevel leadership infrastructure for ICT-enabled higher education innovationSeminar on ICT in Higher Education Innovation for Asian countries
- 2017-08-01: Education Professionals Need a Language for Learning DesignEducation and Social Work Dean's Lecture
- 2017-08-01: Education Professionals Need a Language for Learning DesignInvited Lecture at the Sydney Idea and Education and Social Work Dean's Lecture Series
- 2017-08-01: Using Learning Design Patterns and Tools to Integrate ICT into Higher EducationSeminar on ICT in Higher Education Innovation for Asian countries
- 2017-05-01: Learning Design Pattern Language for Meaningful Learning AnalyticsMIT xTalks: Digital Discourses
- 2016-11-01: A socio-technical infrastructure to support multilevel agency for knowledge creation in Hong Kong schoolsKnowledge Building Symposium
- 2016-06-01: Invited Symposium: Future of the CSCL CommunityInternational Conference on the Learning Sciences
- 2016-06-01: Learning Design Tool for Teacher Assessment InnovationInvited Presentation at the Opening of the Norweigian Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology
- 2016-03-01: Digital Citizenship: a developmental perspectiveInvited Presentation at the International Symposium on The Ethical Use of Emerging Technologies
- 2015-07-01: Learning Design Studio: bridging big data analytics with the learning sciences to advance e-Learning pedagogyInvited presentation at the International Symposium on Science for Education, satellite event of the IBRO 2015 Congress
- 2014-08-01: Google & the University Professor: Competitors or Partners?Invited Keynote at Pearson Colloquium in Higher Education
- 2014-05-01: Can Technology-enabled Learning Innovations be designed to Scale?Invited seminar at Education Development Center
- 2014-05-01: How Can Technology-enabled Learning Innovations Achieve Impact at Scale?Invited seminar for Program in Technology, Innovation, and Education of the Harvard Graduate School of Education
- 2014-05-01: Scaling up ICT-enabled Learning Innovations: The challenge of aligning learning across multi-levels of the education systemInvited Seminar at Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburg
- 2014-03-01: Is Learning Analytics a Disruptive Innovation?Invited Keynote: 4th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge
- 2014-03-01: Learning Technology and Learning Analytics as a Socio-Technical InnovationInvited Lecture given at the Institute of Education Tsinghua University under the Tsinghua Global Scholars Fellowship
- 2013-06-01: CSCL in Asia, presentation at Invited Presidential Symposium on "Looking Back and Looking Ahead: Twenty International Years of CSCL"International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2013
- 2013-03-01: Building architectures for learning – Leadership for change and innovationInvited Speaker: The International Higher Education Women in Leadership Summit 2013
- 2012-12-01: Transforming Education Through ICTInvited keynote at European Commission Ministerial Conference "Opening up education through technologies: Towards a more systemic use for a smart, social and sustainable growth in Europe"
- 2012-03-01: Invited Keynote: Successful Pedagogies for Inquiry and Knowledge Building: Teachers' Learning Journeys in Networked CommunitiesInternational Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology
- 2011-09-01: An Ecological Model of Leadership for Sustainable Technology-supported Educational Innovations. Invited keynoteInternational Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium
- 2011-05-01: 信息技术促进教育创新的可持续发展 (Supporting the Sustainable Development of Educational Innovations using Information Technology)第十五届全球华人计算机教育应用大会特邀报告 (Invited Keynote at Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2011)
- 2010-11-01: A social and technological infrastructure to nurture sustainable pedagogical innovationsInvited Keynote at XV Congreso Internacional de Tecnología y Educación a Distancia
- 2010-11-01: Nurturing Leadership and Establishing Learning Organizations for Sustainable Pedagogical Innovations. Invited KeynoteNational Conference on Innovations in Philippine Education organized by Pi Lamda Theta, Philippines Chapter and Science Education Institute of the Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines
- 2010-04-22: Invited keynote paper - Educational Innovations Beyond Technology: sustainable change through nested networks of learning and innovationThe International Baccalaureate Peterson Symposium, Cardiff, UK, 22 - 23 April 2010
- 2009-11-30: Invited keynote paper - Educational Innovations Beyond Technology: sustainable change through nested networks of learning and innovationThe 17th International Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong, 30 November - 4 December 2009
- 2009-11-15: Invited keynote paper - ICT-supported Networks of Innovation: a lever for sustainable educational transformationThe 13th UNESCO-APEID International Conference and World Bank-KERIS High Level Seminar on ICT in Education: ICT Transforming Education, Hangzhou, China, 15 - 17 November 2009
- 2009-08-29: Keynote paper - Teacher Education for Knowledge Creation: The Knowledge Building International ProjectThe 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe, Mallorca, Spain, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2009
- 2009-01-01: The Impact of ICT in Education Policies on Teacher Practices and Student Outcomes: preliminary findings from a Hong Kong studyInvited expert contribution to the Workshop on “Assessing the effects of ICT in education – Indicators, criteria and benchmarks for international comparisons”, April 27-28, organized by the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (IPSC), Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRELL) and OECD, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) at Ispra, Italy
- 2008-12-12: Pedagogical Innovation and ICT Use for Learning in the 21st Century: Findings from International Comparative StudiesInvited keynote at Conference on “Inheritance and Innovation Toward the 21st Century Curriculum and Teaching”, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, December 12-15, 2008
- 2008-12-10: 學習2.0:支援「專題探究」的網上學習及評估平台及教師支援網 (In English: Learning 2.0: an Online Platform and a Teacher Support Network to Support)Invited keynote at 臺北全球華人資訊教育創新論壇 (In English: Global Chinese Forum on New Vision for ICT in Education) Taipei, December 10-11, 2008
- 2008-10-20: Policies and Practices on ICT use to support learning: Lessons learnt from international comparative studiesInvited keynote presented at the 5th Annual Seminar on Educational Evaluation organized by the Council for the Evaluation of the Educational System of the Department of Education of the Catalan Government, Barcelona, Spain, October 20, 2008
- 2008-10-20: The quest for educational excellence in the Asia-Pacific regionInvited public lecture, Casa Assia, Barcelona, Spain, October 20, 2008
- 2008-08-20: Using ICT to support learning: lessons learnt from international studiesInvited plenary at the Symposium on Education & Technology in Schools: Converging for innovation & creativity, Bangalore, India, Aug 20-22, 2008
- 2008-06-01: Conceptualizing systemic contextual differences for design research: Insights from International comparative studies of pedagogical practices and technology useInternational Conference of the Learning Sciences
- 2008-03-27: Teacher Support Network for Pedagogical Innovation as a Preferred Model of Professional DevelopmentInvited Keynote Presentation at First East-Asian Symposium on Teacher Education Research, Tokyo, March 20-23, 2008
- 2008-03-01: Teacher learning beyond knowledge:an ecological model for fostering pedagogical innovations with ICTSociety for Information Technology and Teacher Education Annual Conference
- 2006-04-01: Developing Understanding for Ethical Behaviour in the EnvironmentFirst Asian Conference for the Science Educators
- 2004-10-01: Let Information Technology be the Lever for Cultural Change in EducationConference on Modernizing Deaf Education, Shanghai, China, Oct 29 - Nov 1
- 2004-10-01: Teachers and Educational Change in the Information AgeChinese Information and Communication Technology in Education Conference 2004, University of Macau, Macau, Oct 29 - Nov 1, 2004
- 2003-11-01: E-learning Platform designs to promote Student-centered Collaborative Learning and TeachingAsian Seminar on Information Technology in Education, Tokyo Institute of Technology, November 19-21,
- 2001-11-01: Information technology and education reform: the principal’s choice?Sino-foreign Principal’s Forum in Wuhan, PRC, 23-27 Nov 2001
- 2001-10-01: The Challenge of Online Learning to Teacher EducationConference on E-Learning and Continuing Professional Education, Chaiyi, Chinese Taipei
- 2001-09-01: Teaching in the information ageAsia-Europe Classroom International Teachers' Conference, Singapore, 2-5 September
- 2001-07-01: Scientific Literacy: research conducted in 3 Chinese citiesInternational Conference on Science Literacy and Science Education, Beijing, 16-19 July
- 2001-06-01: The Interaction Between Curriculum, Information Technology and School CultureThe second Shanghai - Hong Kong Conference on Information Technology and Education. Shanghai, May 30 - June 2
- 2001-04-01: Teacher Professional Development for the Information Age: Partnerships in promoting educational changeAsian Development Bank Institute Workshop on ICT & Education: Potentials for partnerships. Hong Kong, China, April 23-27
- 2000-10-01: Technology and Pedagogy: Which is the main tune?14th Annual Conference on Computer Aided Instruction (CAI'2000), Tai Chung, Chinese Taipei
- 2018 - 2022: Associate Editor, npj Science of Learning
- 2016 - 2022: Editorial Board Member, Journal of the Learning Sciences
- 2015 - 2019: Editorial Board Member, Learning: Research and Practice
- 2013 - 2022: Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Web Based Communities
- 2013 - 2022: Editorial Board Member, Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy
- 2013 - 2022: Executive Editor, International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- 2013: ICT-enabled innovation for learning in Europe and Asia: Exploring conditions for sustainability, scalability and impact at system level
- 2013: Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions
- 2012: Special Issue on "Research on Information Technology and Educational Change in China", Information, Technology and Educational Change
- 2011: Proceedings of the International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL) 2011
- 2009: Edited book (as editor), Cross-National Information and Communication Technology Policies and Practices in Education (Revised Second Edition)
- 2008: Edited book, Pedagogy and ICT use in schools around the world: Findings from the SITES 2006
- 2008: Section editor for Section 5 - ICT, Pedagogical Innovations and Teacher Learning, International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education Pedagogical practice
- 2004: Editiorial Board Member, International Journal of Web Based Communities
- 2004: Editiorial Board Member, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
- 2004: Editiorial Board Member, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
- 2003: Edited book (as editor), Cross-national Policies and Practices on Information and Communication Technology in Education
- 2003: Edited book (as editor), The"Second Wave" of ICT in Education: From Facilitating Teaching and Learning to Engendering Education Reform: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education 2003
- 1997: (Ed.), Science and Mathematics Achievements at the Mid-primary Level in Hong Kong: A Summary Report for Hong Kong in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
- 1996: (Ed.), Science and Mathematics Achievements at the Junior Secondary Level in Hong Kong: A Summary Report for Hong Kong in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Community Service
- 2021-09-01 to 2021-09-01: Expert, European Commission Joint Research Centre Technical Workshop on DigComp 2.2
- 2021-05-01 to 2022-05-01: Member, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Advisory Board
- 2020-02-01 to 2023-02-01: International Advisory Committee
- 2019-03-01 to 2019-03-01: Member, Educational Research Funding Programme (ERFP) Expert Panel, Nanyang Technological University
- 2019-02-01 to 2019-02-01: member, Judging PanelHKICT Awards 2019: Smart People Award
- 2016-11-01 to 2019-11-01: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Centre for Research on Learning and Innovation Uni of Sydney
- 2016-06-01 to 2021-06-01: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, SLATE-Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology University of Bergen
- 2014-01-01 to 2020-01-01: Member, Public Policy Research Fund Assessment Panel of the Central Policy Unit, HKSAR
- 2013-10-01 to 2015-10-01: Member, External Advisory Board, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences The Hong Kong Institute of Education
- 2013-06-01 to 2015-06-01: External expert reviewer for Open Discovery Space, European Commission
- 2012-09-01 to 2013-06-01: Expert Consultant, European Commission-IPTS
- 2012-03-01 to 2012-04-01: Expert Consultant, Singapore Ministry of Education
- 2012-02-01 to 2012-04-01: Expert Consultant, UNESCO
- 2011-09-01 to 2014-08-01: member, WebOrganic Advisory Committee on Internet Learning Support Programme
- 2011-01-01 to 2012-12-01: member, HKSAR Digital Inclusion Task Force
- 2010-10-01 to 2012-09-01: member, HKSAR Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee
- 2010-03-01 to 2012-06-01: External expert reviewer, European Commission
- 2009-11-01 to 2009-11-01: expert, OECD-Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI)
- 2009-09-01 to 2013-08-01: member, Incorporated Management Committee of HKUGA College
- 2009-04-01 to 2009-04-01: expert, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
- 2008-02-01 to 2008-02-01: expert, OECD-Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI)
- 2008-01-01 to 2008-08-01: member, Adjudication Panel, QEF Outstanding Project Awards
- 2007-10-01 to 2007-10-01: expert, OECD-Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI)
- 2005-05-01 to 2007-06-01: member, Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Steering Committee
- 2005-03-01 to 2011-03-01: member, Microsoft Partners in Learning Advisory Council
- 2005-01-01 to 2006-04-01: member, Hong Kong Police ISSP Advisory Panel
- 2003-06-01 to 2005-05-01: member, Quality Education Fund Evaluation and Monitoring Committee
- 2003-05-01 to 2009-04-01: member, Steering Committee on Strategic Development of Information Technology in Education of the Education and Manpower Bureau
- 2002-09-01 to 2003-01-01: member, Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications Sub-committee on Initial Teacher Education
- 2002-09-01 to 2005-09-01: member, Board of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
- 2002-09-01 to 2009-08-01: member, School Management Board of Hong Kong University Graduate Association Primary School
- 2001-09-01 to 2004-10-01: member, School Management Board of YOT Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
- 2001-08-01 to 2004-08-01: member, the Steering Committee of the APEC Cyber Education Consortium
- 2001-05-01 to 2004-04-01: executive member, Hong Kong University Graduate Association Education Foundation
Teaching List, Current
- 2022 S2, MITE6023, 2B, Information technology and educational leadership
- 2022 S1, MITE6023, 1A, Information technology and educational leadership
- 2021 S2, MEDD8881, 2A, Learning design and technology
- 2021 S2, MITE6330, 2A, Learning design and technology
- 2021 S1, MITE6023, 1B, Information technology and educational leadership
- 2020 S2, MITE6330, 2A, Learning design and technology
- 2020 S1, EDUR8030, 1A, Technology-enhanced Learning from Learning Design and Organizational Change Perspectives
- 2020 S1, MITE6023, 1B, Information technology and educational leadership
- 2019 S2, MITE6330, 2A, Learning design and technology
- 2019 S1, MITE6023, 1B, Information technology and educational leadership
- 2018 S2, MITE6330, 2A, Learning design and technology
- 2018 S1, EDUR8030, 1A, Technology-enhanced Learning from Learning Design and Organizational Change Perspectives
- 2018 S1, MITE6023, 1B, Information technology and educational leadership
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
- PhD Yuen Kwok Lun Johnny: Investigating the role of personal epistemology in students' participation in computer supported collaborative learning discourses, Evaluating and Designing Assessment Methodologies for Collaborative Knowledge Building Efforts
- 2020 PhD Ma Yutian, Learning Science, Computational Thinking, STEM Education
- 2019 PhD Liu Yiming, Digital Citizenship, Serious Games, Learning and Assessment
- 2019 PhD Cheng Shu, Assessing Digital Literacy in Conjunction with Collaborative Problem Solving
- 2019 PhD (HKU-SUSTech) Liu Kun, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning; Educational Technology
- 2018 PhD Liang Qianru, Educational Assessment and Measurement
- 2018 PhD Chen Lu Laure, Home and School Environments and Digital Competence
- 2018 PhD (HKU-SUSTech) Shen Hao, Learning Design and Analytics
- 2017 PhD Tsang Wing Chi: Assessing collaborative problem solving (CPS) : task design contexts, Digital Citizenship, Serious Games, Learning and Assessment
- 2017 PhD Kong Runzhi, Learning Analytics, Social-emotional Learning
- 2017 PhD Ko Pak On, Teacher Learning and Innovation in STEM Education
- 2014 PhD Liang Leming: A multilevel and multiscale exploration of teacher learning in the process of technology-enhanced pedagogical innovations, Information Technology in Education
- 2011 PhD Salas Pilco Sdenka Zobeida: Empowering rural children's learning through meaningful technology-enhanced learning designs, Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ICT)
- 2010 PhD Woo David James: Changing technologies and changing ecologies : pedagogical technologists in schools, Educational Research on Teaching & Learning (including Physical Education)
- 2009 MPhil Wong On Wing: Computational methods for identifying and classifying questions in online collaborative learning discourse of Hong Kong students, Information and Technology Studies
- 2008 PhD Leng Jing: Exploring the relationship between critical thinking and computer-supported collaborative inquiry, Data Mining for CSCL Discourse Data
- 2007 PhD Lu Jie: Using social networking environments to support learning engagement inhigher education, Information Technology Implementation in Education
- 2007 MPhil Ran Weijia: Aligning learning with work practice by using key performance indicator framework, Information and Technology Studies
- 2004 PhD Lai Ming: The role of argumentation in online knowledge building activities, Group Leader's Role in Computer-supported Collaborative Learning
- 2002 PhD Chow Yin: Investigating and measuring motivation in collaborative inquiry-based project settings, Motivational Aspects of Knowledge Building
- 2001 PhD Lee Yeung: An investigation of 21st century skills in innovative pedagogical practices using technology, Information Technology in Education
HKU Committee Appointments
- 2022-07-01 to Present: Faculty of Education, Board of the, The teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
- 2020-07-01 to 2022-06-30: Faculty of Education, Board of the, The teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
- 2015-07-01 to 2020-06-30: Faculty of Education, Board of the, The teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
- 2007-01-15 to 2012-05-02: Research and Conference Grants, Committee on, An alternate member from each Faculty, to be present at a meeting when the Dean, Associate Dean or his/her nominee is not available
- 2005-01-01 to 2005-08-31: University Admissions Committee, The University member(s) on the Public Examinations Board of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, Senate
- 2005-01-01 to 2015-06-30: Faculty of Education, Board of the, The teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
- 2002-12-27 to 2004-12-31: University Admissions Committee, The University member(s) on the Public Examinations Board of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, Senate
- 2002-09-01 to 2003-06-30: Curriculum Development Committee, A representative from each Faculty
- 2002-09-01 to 2003-10-31: Senate, Associate Dean of each Faculty
- 2002-09-01 to 2005-08-31: Teaching and Learning Quality Committee, The Chair of each Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee
- 1997-07-01 to 1997-12-31: Senate, Other Heads of Teaching Department
- 1996-09-01 to 1997-06-30: Senate, Other Heads of Teaching Department
- 1995-12-01 to 2004-12-31: Faculty of Education, Board of the, Senior Lecturers in Faculty
- 1994-09-01 to 1996-08-31: Information Technology Advisory Committee, The Chairmen of Faculty Information Technology Committees, Education Faculty Board
- 1994-07-01 to 1996-06-30: Centre for Media Resources Committee of Management, One member from each Faculty, and from the School of Business, nominated by the Faculty and the School of Business respectively and appointed by the Senate, Senate
- 1986-09-01 to 1995-11-30: Faculty of Education, Board of the, Lecturers in Faculty