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Endowed Professorships

An “Endowed Professorship” is one of the most significant awards bestowed upon eminent academics within the University in support of their academic and research activities. The donor may designate an Endowed Professorship for an academic area of his/her choice. The holder of an Endowed Professorship will carry his/her full title on all occasions, in all academic publications, news and international interactions, whilst tailor-made stationery will carry the full title as well. The donor will be kept abreast of the academic achievements of the Endowed Professor, who will have close personal contact with the donor. For more information, please visit


An Endowed Professorship is created with a minimum donation of HK$10 million. The donation will be matched by the University and create perpetual income in support of the designated discipline.


The Faculty of Education currently has two Endowed Professors. 


Professor Rao

Professor Nirmala Rao
Serena H.C. Yang Professorship in Early Childhood Development and Education




Professor Leung

Professor Frederick Leung

Kintoy Professorship in Mathematics Education


If you have any questions about this scheme, or, if you would like to support our Faculty in another way, please contact the External Relations Office ([javascript protected email address]).