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Dean's Message


Professor Yang Rui

Dean of Faculty of Education

Dean’s Message


The Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong is one of the best education faculties in the world with outstanding researchers and award-winning teachers. Its distinguished history dates back to 1917, when the Department for the Training of Teachers was established in the Faculty of Arts. In 1976, the Department became an autonomous School of Education. Then in 1984, the School evolved into a Faculty of Education.


Over a century and many generations on, the Faculty has become a multifaceted organisation offering programmes not only in education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, but also in information management, social data science, and speech-language pathology. We are proud of our reputation for innovation and excellence, and we are committed to providing learning experiences of the highest quality to students on all our programmes.


Our Faculty has a strong commitment to research. We take great pride in the quality and impact of our research, and in being identified in education, communication sciences and information sciences as a nexus for research and development which draws on the best of traditional Chinese and Western scholarship.


We have deep roots within Hong Kong, and close ties to local professional and academic communities through which we engage in knowledge exchange. At the same time, we are a cosmopolitan Faculty, with an international mix of staff and students, and long-standing connections across Asia and beyond. Through our multiple partnerships, we extend our collaborations and deepen our connectedness locally, regionally and globally.


Our Faculty offers a caring, vibrant and intellectually stimulating environment for learning, teaching and research, and commits firmly to community engagement. Whether you are a current or prospective student, a fellow academic, a potential collaborator, one of our alumni, or an interested member of the public, we hope you will find our website informative.

About Us

About Us

The Faculty of Education has a unique heritage and context. It is an integral part of a comprehensive, research-intensive, international, English-medium university in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China. At the same time, the Faculty is a regionally and globally engaged educational hub.





The Faculty of Education aspires to lead the study and practice of education, to influence public policy and improve community life through education, and to nurture graduates who are passionately committed to their professions.




In realising our vision, we will endeavour:


  • To advance scholarship and engage in research with high impact internationally, nationally and locally;
  • To break new ground in curriculum and pedagogy, and to be a role model for good educational practice;
  • To nurture graduates of distinction with a global outlook, who are committed to lifelong learning, ethical practice and professionalism, and capable of becoming leaders in their fields;
  • To engage in productive partnerships with academic and professional communities in order to generate, integrate, exchange and apply knowledge, build capacity, and enhance educational opportunities for all;
  • To serve as a focal point of intellectual and academic excellence in our fields of expertise in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Asia, and act as a gateway and forum for scholarship with the rest of the world;
  • To develop and sustain a collegial, inclusive, supportive, flexible and multicultural environment that will attract and nurture students and staff of the highest calibre in a culture that inspires creativity, learning and freedom of thought, inquiry and expression.




As we fulfil our mission, our policies and practices will be characterised by their interconnectedness, and underpinned by the following core commitments:



Setting world-class standards through innovation and creativity in teaching, research and knowledge exchange.



Building long-term relationships with our partners, our alumni and the communities we serve in order to ensure sustainable development.



Working together in a supportive, respectful and collaborative manner.



Using objective and transparent criteria in the treatment of students and staff.



Promoting equality of opportunity, diversity, inclusivity and social justice in our practice.

Academic Freedom

Academic Freedom

Protecting the free flow of ideas without fear or favour, while respecting the views of others.



Academic Units




Academy for Leadership in Teacher Education

Academy for Leadership in Teacher Education


Established in March 2019, Academy for Leadership in Teacher Education (ALiTE) in the Faculty is a new platform for cross-faculty, multi-faceted work around teacher/leader education, and a think tank for innovative research, practice and teaching – locally, regionally and internationally – broadly and inclusively defined across sectors, organisations, disciplines/specialisations, and national borders – so as to serve contemporary and evolving needs for global impact.


Visit ALiTE Website
In-service Teacher Education Programme

In-service Teacher Education Programme Office


The In-service Teacher Education Programme Office (INSTEP) (在職教師發展計劃組) is responsible for coordinating and organising non-award bearing professional development programmes for teachers and administrators in Hong Kong. Apart from providing government-commissioned programmes, the Office also coordinates school-based support programmes, consultancy and research projects on topical issues commissioned by the government and different professional bodies/organisations; as well as consultancy services commissioned by local schools to help them design and organise staff development activities.


Visit INSTEP Website
Education Policy Unit

Education Policy Unit 


The Education Policy Unit is a key unit for research in education policy based at the Faculty. It strives for maintaining a high level of expertise in policy analysis and evaluation with cutting-edge theories and methods.


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Entrance of Chi Wah Learning Commons

Research Centres and Consortia


The Faculty is widely acclaimed for its excellent research performance and strong research culture. There are six research centres and three consortia in the Faculty.


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