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Ruby Jubilee Tagline

40 years of Excellence: Touching Hearts, Inspiring Minds



a wall with a logo on it

40 years of Excellence: Touching Hearts, Inspiring Minds


40 years of Excellence

For the past four decades, the Faculty has been committed to delivering top-notch education and conducting cutting-edge research. This commitment is reflected in the Faculty's achievements over the years, which have firmly established the Faculty's reputation as a regional and global educational hub.


Touching Hearts

The Faculty is dedicated to developing not only the academic capacities of our students, but also to nurturing their well-being and personal growth. This part of the tagline highlights the Faculty's role in creating a supportive and caring education environment, cultivating well-rounded individuals who are not only academically accomplished, but also compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive to the needs of others.


Inspiring Minds

By igniting curiosity, stimulating creativity, and empowering lifelong learning, the Faculty aspires to foster intellectual growth and innovation in all individuals. We also uphold the belief that education constitutes an ongoing journey of intellectual development and inspiration for everyone.





a wall with a logo on it










語出《大學》「欲誠其意者,先致其知,致知在格物」,是中國文化有關「知識」最早和最重要的概念。許慎釋為召致、精致,故朱熹說「致,推極也;知,猶識也。推極吾之知識,欲其所知無不盡也」,因此「致」至少有兩層含義:1) 獲得;2) 推求窮究,達到頂峰。「達人」則語出《論語‧雍也》「己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人」。兩個概念強調了竭力追尋知識,不唯獲致個人成就,更為了讓別人也能夠通達事理,達成目標,發揮潛能,實現價值。



Special thanks to Professor Lam Wai Ip for creating the Chinese version of the tagline.

Click here to learn the story behind the tagline (in Chinese only).