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The members of the Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education (SCAPE) have a wide range of research interests, including higher education studies, comparative education, education in China, education leadership, education policy and equity in education.


SCAPE members publish research monographs with leading publishing houses, such as Routledge and Springer. They also produce world-leading research outputs for major international refereed journals, such as American Educational Research Journal, British Educational Research Journal, Comparative Education Review, Educational Research Review, Globalisation, Societies and Education, Higher Education, Research Evaluation,Studies in Higher Education, and Teaching and Teacher Education.


SCAPE colleagues have been highly successful in obtaining research funds from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), such as General Research Fund (GRF), Early Career Scheme (ECS), Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS); other local funds, such as Public Policy Research (PPR) and Quality Education Fund (QEF); and from international bodies, such as Spencer Foundation (US). SCAPE colleagues also play leadership roles in a number of research centres, including the Consortium for Higher Education Research in Asia (CHERA) and the Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC).


SCAPE members teach in a variety of Faculty Programmes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and have utilized Teaching Development Grants, peer observations and other means to enhance their teaching. They aspire to excellence in all facets of academic work and have received numerous awards for Research Outputs, Early Career Research Outputs, Research Articles, University Outstanding Teaching, Outstanding Research Student Supervisor, and Knowledge Exchange.


The Unit looks forward to interacting more with our stakeholders and developing further achievements in research, teaching, knowledge exchange, leadership and service to local and international communities.