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Professor CHEN, Gaowei

Professor CHEN, Gaowei


Unit Head

Associate Professor

Academic Unit of Mathematics, Science, and Technology


BS in Information Engineering (Xi'an Jiaotong), MPhil in Educational Technology (Peking U), PhD in Educational Psychology (CUHK), Postdoc (Pitt Lrdc)

Associate Editor, Journal of the Learning Sciences
International Associate, Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research (CEDiR), University of Cambridge


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(852) 3917 7610


Room 513, Meng Wah Complex

Research Expertise

  • Learning Sciences
  • Teacher Education and Development
  • Technology-enhanced Learning
  • Educational Psychology
  • Research Methods and Methodologies

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications

I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2024-2025.

Research Interests:

Learning sciences and technologies; Dialogic teaching and learning; Classroom discourse; Teacher professional development; AI in education; Video-based learning; Visual learning analytics; Mathematics education; Educational statistics


Teaching Areas:

Dialogic teaching and classroom talk; Learning sciences; Educational psychology in the classroom; Quantitative research methods; Educational statistics and measurement


  1. Faculty Outstanding Young Researcher Award, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, 2020-21.
  2. Research Output Prize (ROP), University of Hong Kong, 2019-20.
  3. Faculty Early Career Research Output Award, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, 2019-20.
  4. 41st Round PDF/RAP Scheme, University Research Committee (URC), University of Hong Kong, 2018-19.

External Grants (Principal Investigator)

  1. A video-visualization online professional development approach for teachers: Promoting productive classroom talk and student learning. HKD 744,245. RGC General Research Fund (GRF), #17605221. (2021-2024)
  2. A visualization-enhanced video-based e-learning platform (V2 e-platform) for teachers and students. HKD 3,647,464 (including matching funding from Tin Ka Ping Foundation). Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living (FBL), #ITB/FBL/7026/20/P. (2021-2023)
  3. Analytics-Supported Collaborative Observation of Videos: The effect on student engagement and achievement in mathematics. HKD 740,200. RGC General Research Fund (GRF), #17608318. (2018-2021) 
  4. Promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education in Hong Kong: Using analytics-supported e-learning to enhance student attitudes and achievement in science. HKD 575,170. Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme. (2018-2021) 
  5. Technology-supported teacher learning about effective classroom talk: Impact on students’ participation and achievement in mathematics. HKD 679,000. RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS), #27606915. (2016-2018) 


External Grants (Co-Investigator)

  1. Conceptualising assessment literacy of teachers in Content and Language Integrated Learning programmes. HKD 455,324. PI: Yuen Yi Lo. RGC General Research Fund (GRF), #17603321. (2021-2024)
  2. Investigating the development of responsive teaching ability in pre-service science teachers: A video-based teaching intervention. HKD 351,437. PI: Kennedy Chan. RGC General Research Fund (GRF), #17611620. (2020-2022)
  3. Education Equity in Hong Kong: Secondary analysis of the factors that contribute to Hong Kong students’ mathematics performance in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015. HKD 274,992. PI: Frederick Leung. RGC General Research Fund (GRF). (2018-2019)
  4. A Longitudinal Investigation on Student Engagement in Mathematics in Chinese Higher Education Institutions from Multiple Perspectives. HKD 340,676. PI: Hongbiao Yin. RGC General Research Fund (GRF). (2018-2020)
  5. Integrating the flipped classroom paradigm into issue-based enquiry learning and teaching: Design-based research on teachers’ in-class and out-of-class facilitation strategies. HKD 563,992. PI: Morris Jong. RGC General Research Fund (GRF). (2018-2020)
  6. Unraveling the role of community service in adolescent identity formation. HKD 242,000. PI: Huixuan Xu. RGC General Research Fund (GRF), #18603515. (2015-2017) 
  7. Emotional labor in teaching and its relationship to teacher efficacy and psychological well-being. HKD 433,494. PI: Hongbiao Yin. RGC General Research Fund (GRF), #14413314. (2014-2017)
  8. Enhancing language education with artificial reality neo-platform (eLEARN). HKD 3,444,200. PI: Gary Wong. Quality Education Fund (QEF). (2017-2019)
  9. Introducing virtual reality techniques into learning and teaching of physical geography in Hong Kong secondary schools. HKD 292,560. PI: Morris Siu-yung Jong. EDB. (2016-2017)
  10. Empowering teachers through VideoReview. USD 2,295,981. PI: Susan Doubler. National Science Foundation (NSF), Discovery Research K-12 Award #1415898, (2014-2018). [Advisory Board Member]


Internal Grants (Principal Investigator)

  1. Learning Sciences (“Using Visual Analytics to Support Online Teacher Professional Development: An Innovative Approach and Platform”). 41st Round PDF/RAP Scheme. University Research Committee (URC), HKU. (2019-2022)
  2. Leveraging visual analytics to develop a prototypical online teacher professional development approach and platform. HKD 53,260. HKU Seed Funding, #201811159036 (2019-2020)
  3. Promoting Classroom Dialogue: Teacher Professional Development Using Online Video-Analytics and Collective Inquiry. HKD59,960. Faculty Research Fund, Faculty of Education, HKU (2019-2021)
  4. Analytics-supported collaborative learning: Impact on students of different cognitive abilities and from different socioeconomic backgrounds. HKD 77,570. HKU Seed Funding, #201611159070 (2017-2018)
  5. The development of students’ interactive and constructive engagement in the mathematics classroom. HKD 29,700. Faculty Research Fund, Faculty of Education, HKU (2017-2018)
  6. Analytics-supported student collaboration: Impact on engagement and achievement in mathematics. HKU Seed Fund for Basic Research. HKD 40,000. (2017)
  7. Facilitating knowledge exchange and coaching: An online Research Methods consultation platform. HKD 246,651. Dean’s Innovation Fund, Faculty of Education, HKU, #6010059. (2015-2017)
  8. Supporting teacher learning of classroom talk: An analytics-supported reflection approach. HKD 118,804. HKU Seed Funding, #201409159007. (2015-2016)

    Journal Publications (*: advisee; by topics)

    Technology-supported teacher learning


    Conference Papers

    • Editorial boards

      • Associate Editor, Journal of the Learning Sciences
      • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Psychology (Educational Psychology)
      • Editorial Board Member, British Journal of Educational Technology
    • Keynote speeches


      • November 15, 2022. Visualization- and analytics-supported video-based teacher professional development. The 20th Shanghai International Curriculum Forum (SICF). East China Normal University

      • July 7, 2021. Video-visualisation professional development approach to promoting dialogic teaching. CEDiR Annual Review 2021: Dialogue in Different Contexts. University of Cambridge

      • Oct 20, 2019. Fostering video-based teacher reflection: The use of analytics and visualization. The 21st Cross-strait Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice. Shenzhen University

      • Jul 22, 2019. Improving teacher-student talk and student learning in the classroom. The 10th Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning: Innovations and Applications (GCCIL 2019), Beijing Normal University


    • Invited lectures

      • Dec 14, 2019. Innovative classroom teaching: Dialogic teaching and student learning. The 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Forum on Education and Society, Shenzhen

      • Oct 20, 2017. The link between classroom talk and student learning. The 3rd Frontier Forum on Learning Science and Teacher Development, Peking University

      • Jul 22, 2017. Towards analyzing guided discussions. Doctoral Student Forum on MOOC research (PKU-2017), Peking University

      • Oct 23, 2016. Predicting responsiveness during online academic discussions. Doctoral Student Forum on MOOC research (PKU-2016), Peking University

      • Guest editors

        • Susan Bridges, Gaowei Chen, and Carol K. K. Chan. (on-going). Special issue on “Advances in research on videos and teacher learning.” Learning, Culture and Social Interaction (Publisher: Elsevier). 
        • Gary Wong, Leon Lei, Kening Zhu, Henry Chan, and Gaowei Chen. (2019). Special issue on “Innovative Engineering Education for Smarter World.” International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (Publisher: Inderscience). 


      • Service to the faculty/university/community

        • Quantitative Research Methods consultant, 2014-present 
        • Acting director, EdD programme, Aug-Dec, 2015
        • Faculty Research Ethics Committee, 2015-present
        • Faculty IT Committee, 2016-present
        • Faculty Higher Degree Committee, 2018-present


      • Service to professional societies

        • Chair, Division of Learning Analysis and Assessment, the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021)
        • Co-chair, Conference Programme, The 11st Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning: Innovations and Applications (GCCIL 2020)
        • Executive Committee Member, Global Chinese Society for Inquiry Learning, 2019-
        • Co-chair, Division of Learning Analysis, Assessment, and Artificial Intelligence in Education, the 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2020)
        • Co-chair, SIG on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences, the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2019)
        • Technical program co-chair, IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), December 2017
        • Organizing committee member, International Symposium- Reimagining Teacher Education, Hong Kong, March 2018
        • Chair, Doctoral Student Forum, the 22nd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), May 2018
        • Programme committee member, Track of Technology-Enhanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education, 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 2018
        • Programme committee member, Track of Technology-Enhanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education, 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 2017
        • Chair, Division of Learning Analysis, Assessment, and Artificial Intelligence in Education, the 21st Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), June 2017
        • Co-chair, Division of Learning Analysis and Assessment, the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), May 2016
        • Co-organizer, Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), Hong Kong, July 2014
        • Reviewer for the Journal of the Learning Sciences, International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Learning and Instruction, Journal of Educational Psychology, Teaching and Teacher Education, British Journal of Educational Technology, Dialogic Pedagogy Journal, Internet and Higher Education, Interactive Learning Environments, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, Higher Education Research & Development, Journal of Computers in Education,  Children and Youth Services Review, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Journal of Educational Technology & Society

      Supervision of Doctoral Students


      1. Productive temporal patterns and visualizations of peer talk in dialogic collaborative problem solving
      2. Video-based analytics in teacher professional development: Impact on mathematics teachers’ noticing and productive talk in the classroom
      3. AI-empowered productive teacher professional talk: Do contextualized talk moves impact lesson study outcomes?
      4. Engaging students scientific practices in a knowledge building environment
      5. Fostering knowledge building through dialogic teaching among Chinese tertiary students
      6. Teacher academically productive talk and student emotional and cognitive engagement in the classroom
      7. Supporting Chinese parents to use discrete trial teaching to promote appropriate behaviors of their children with autism spectrum disorders
      8. Navigating primary to secondary school transition through the lens of resilience
      9. Unravelling the influence of students’ engagement on mathematics achievement


      Teaching List (2014-present)


      Undergraduate Courses

      • EDUC2004: Classroom research: An introduction

      Taught Postgraduate Courses

      • MEDD7121: Analysis of quantitative research in education
      • MEDD6014: Methods of research and enquiry
      • MEDD6014: Quantitative research methods workshop series
      • MEDD6201: The sciences of learning
      • MEDD6444: Effective talk in the classroom

      Research Postgraduate Courses

      • EDUR6020: Quantitative research methods I
      • EDUR6021: Quantitative research methods II
      • EEDD6701: Research methods I
      • EEDD6702: Research methods II
      • EDUR7070: Learning Theories and Educational Models for the 21st Century
      • EDUR7076: An Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
      • EDUR8041: Planning for theory, methods and impact of ‘learning-based research’ in schools and classrooms
      • EDUR8042: Theories of learning and design of learning environment