Professor GREEN, Clarence G.

Professor GREEN, Clarence G.
English Language Education
Assistant Professor
Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education
PhD (University of Melbourne), MA (University of Melbourne), Grad Dip Ed, BA(Hons)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 5304
Room 660, Meng Wah Complex
Research Expertise
- English Language Education
- Learning Sciences
- Data Sciences and Digital Humanities
- Language Processing and Dyslexia
- Literacies and Languages
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise PhD/EdD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
Areas of Expertise
Australian Postgraduate Award (University of Melbourne)
- 2024-Ongoing. A crowdsourcing megastudy for the development of a new Age-of-Acquisition database for English literacy research, pedagogy, and educational psychology. Principal Investigator. Faculty Research Fund and URC Seed Fund. University of Hong Kong: Amount $210,000 HKD.
- 2022- 2023: A Large-Scale Lexical Database of Children’s Literature for Experimental and Computational Research. Co-Principal Investigator: Centre for Smart Analytics Seed Funding, Australia: Amount $52,299 HKD
- 2017-2020: Syntactic Resonance in Child-Caretaker Interaction. Principal Investigator: Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP), Singapore: Amount $521,879 HKD
- 2016-2018: Improving Disciplinary Literacy by Developing Vocabulary and Grammatical Profiles. Principal Investigator: Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP): Amount $319,561 HKD
- 2016-2017: Psycholinguistic Chunking during the Development of Disciplinary Literacy. Principal Investigator, 2016-2017. Start Up Grant, NIE-NTU, Singapore: Amount $44,293 HKD
- Green, C., Giblin, I., & Mulder, J. (2024). A systematic narrative synthesis review of the effectiveness of genre theory and systemic functional linguistics for improving reading and writing outcomes within K-10 education. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy.
- Green, C., Keogh, K., & Prout, J. (2024). The CPB Sight Words: A New Research-based High-Frequency Wordlist for Early Reading Instruction. The Reading Teacher.
- Green, C., & McLachlan, C. (2024). Vocabulary for academic literacy, In E. Rata (Ed.), Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education, Elgar.
- Green, C. (2024) Extensive Reading and Viewing for Vocabulary Growth: Corpus insights. In P. Crosthwaite (Ed). Corpora for Language Learning (pp. 84-92). Routledge.
- Green, C., Keogh, K., Sun, H., & O’Brien, B. (2023). The Children’s Picture Books Lexicon (CPB-Lex): A large-scale lexical database from children’s picture books. Behavior Research Methods, 1-18.
- Steinkrauss, R., Green, C., Verspoor M., & Sun, H. (2023) A Dynamic Usage Based Perspective of Bilingual Children’s VAC Development in English. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 4(1), 9-36.
- Green, C, & McLachlan, C. (in press) Vocabulary Acquisition in Early Education: From Oral Language to Emergent Academic Literacy.E. Rata (Ed) The Research Handbook on Curricula and Education.
- Baghdadli, A., Arcuri, G., Green, C., Gauthier, L., Gagnon, P., & Gagnon, B. (2023). The Fast Cognitive Evaluation (FaCE): a screening tool to detect cognitive impairment in patients with cancer. BMC cancer, 23(1), 1-12.
- Green., C. Pentalich, M., Barrow, M, Weerasinghe, D, Daniels, R. (2023) Receptive Vocabulary Size Estimates for General and Academic Vocabulary at a Multi-campus Australian University. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics.
- Green. C. (2022) Extensive Reading of General Fiction and Incidentally Building a 9000 word vocabulary: Do Corpus Simulations Suggest it is Possible? Reading in a Foreign Language. (Q1)
- Green C., (2022). Corpora for Teaching Collocations in ESP. In R. Jablonkai & E. Csomay, Routledge Handbook of Corpora and Language Teaching and Learning.
- Green, C. (2022). Computing curriculum time and input for the incidental learning of academic vocabulary. Language Learning and Technology.
- Green., C. (2021) Extensive viewing of children’s entertainment and the potential for incidentally learning early years reading vocabulary: A corpus study. Language and Education.
- Green, C., & Sun, H. (2021). Global estimates of syntactic alignment in adult and child utterances during interaction: NLP estimates based on multiple corpora. Language Sciences, 85, 101353.
- Green, C. (2021). The oral language productive vocabulary profile of children starting school: A resource for teachers. Australian Journal of Education, 65(1), 41-54.
- Green, C. (2020). Extensive reading and viewing as input for academic vocabulary: A large-scale vocabulary profile coverage study of students’ reading and writing across multiple secondary school subjects. Lingua, 239, 102838.
- Green, C. (2019). Enriching the academic wordlist and Secondary Vocabulary Lists with lexicogrammar: Toward a pattern grammar of academic vocabulary. System, 87, 102158.
- Green, C. (2019). A multilevel description of textbook linguistic complexity across disciplines: Leveraging NLP to support disciplinary literacy. Linguistics and Education, 53, 100748.
- Green, C., and Lambert, J. (2019). Position vectors, homologous chromosomes and gamma rays: Promoting Disciplinary Literacy through the Secondary Phrase Lists. English for Specific Purposes.
- Green, C., and Lambert, J. (2018). Advancing Disciplinary Literacy through English for Academic Purposes: Discipline-specific Wordlists, Collocations and Word Families for Eight Secondary Subjects. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 35: 105-115.
- Green, C. (2017). Patterns and Development in the English Clause System: A Corpus-based Grammatical Overview. Springer.
- Green, C. (2017). Introducing the Corpus of the Canon of Western Literature: A corpus for Culturomics and Stylistics. Language and Literature, 26(4), 282–299.
- Green, C. (2017). Usage-based Linguistics and the Magic Number four. Cognitive Linguistics, 28(2), 209-237.
- Green, C. (2015). An analysis of the relationship between cohesion and clause combinationinEnglish discourse employing NLP and data mining approaches. Literary andLinguisticsComputing,30(3), 326-343.
- Green, C. (2014). On the relationship between clause combination, grammatical hierarchy and discourse-pragmatic coherence. Functions of Language, 21(3), 297–332.
Conference Papers
- Green, C., Giblin, I., Mulder, J., (Sept., 2022), Effectiveness of Genre Theory/SFL- based pedagogies on improving reading and writing outcomes in Australia: a Systematic Narrative Synthesis review for f-10 education. British Education Research Association, BERA. Liverpool, UK.
- Green, C. (2021, July). Limited Evidence for Abstract Structural Priming During Language Development and Interaction. PAPER PRESENTED AT the International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Green, C. (2019, August). The Mid-level Constructions of Academic Vocabulary: Towards a Pedagogical Resource. The Lexicogrammar of Academic Vocabulary Lists/LAV Lists). PAPER PRESENTED AT the British Association of Applied Linguistics BAAL 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Green, C. (2018, July). Subject Area Education Heightens Resting Activation in the Mental Lexicon: A Report on Three Psycholinguistic Experiments into Disciplinary Literacy. PAPER PRESENTED AT the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
- Green, C. & Lambert, J. (2018, June). Discipline-specific Corpora and the Development of Disciplinary Literacy. PAPER PRESENTED AT the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English (ICAME), Tampere, Finland.
- Green, C. (2017, July). Working Memory, Usage-based Linguistics and the Magic Number Four. PAPER PRESENTED AT 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-14)., Tartu, Estonia
- Green, C. (2016, September). Quantitative Historical Drift in English Clause Combination. PAPER PRESENTED AT American Association for Corpus Linguistics 2016 Conference, Ames, Iowa, United States.
Keynotes/Invited Talks/Consultancies
- Green, C. (2023, June 10). KEYNOTE. Corpus Linguistics as Data Science: Cross-fertilization and potential. First Conference on Corpora and the Humanities, Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications. Shanghai International Studies University. Shanghai, China.
- Green, C. (2022, November 7). Topic Modelling in R. Workshop for the Office of Education Research, Singapore, NTU. (Online) (Consultancy).
- Green, C. (2022, October 7). Cohesion and Coherence in Text. Monash University Twilight Sessions for English Language Teachers, (Online).
- Green, C. (2022, May 2). Language acquisition in school age children (5-12): Typical development patterns. Workshop for approx. 150 Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologist. NGO, Noah’s Ark, Melbourne. (Consultancy)
- Green, C. (2022, April 20) Extensive Reading and the Acquisition of Vocabulary. International Perspectives on Corpus Technology for Language Learning, University of Queensland.
- Green, C. (2020, June 2-10). Text Mining and Information Extraction using Corpus Linguistics. 2-day Workshop for the Office of Education Research, Singapore, NTU Consultancy)
- Green, C. (2020, June). Graduate Level Research: Expectations and Challenges. PAPER PLENARYPRESENTED AT the NIE International Graduate Student Webinar (IGSW) 2020.
- Green, C. & Lambert, J. (2018, September). Disciplinary Literacy and the Secondary Vocabulary List. PAPER PRESENTED AT the Ministry of Education, Curriculum Planning and Development Division, Singapore.
- Green C. (2019). KEYNOTE International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture.
- Green, C. (2017, August). KEYNOTE. The Applications of Corpus Linguistics in Language Teaching and Assessment. The International Conference on Language Teaching and Assessment: current issues and trends, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Professional Community Services
Professional Roles
- Accredited Linguist, Australian Linguistics Society (February, 2023-ongoing)
- Australian Linguistics Society (Co-Chair of Special Interest Group Linguistics in the Schools), 2021-ongoing)
- Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), 2012- ongoing
- International Association of Applied Psychology, 2018- 2019
Journal Editorial Roles
- Journal of English for Academic Purposes (SJR Q1 impact factor, 1.64) Editorial Board, 2020- ongoing.
- Asia Pacific Journal of Education (SJR Q2 impact factor, 0.733) Associate Editor, 2020-ongoing.
Potential PhD students are encouraged to contact me in regard to supervising in the following areas: early emergent literacy, vocabulary, reading development and comprehension, TESOL, corpus linguistics and data science/NLP.
* I am currently looking for PhD students with some programming skills (e.g., python) who would like to work on primary school vocabulary and literacy from a data science perspective.