Professor TSO, Ricky V. Y.

Professor TSO, Ricky V. Y.
Assistant Professor
Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development
PgDE (PVE) (Distinction), EdUHK
B.Soc.Sc. (1st Hon.); M.Phil.; Ph.D. (Ed. Psychol.), HKU
Educational Psychologist in Accredited Register
HCPC(UK) Registered Educational Psychologist
Registered Teacher, EDB, HKSAR
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 5356
Room 622, Meng Wah Complex
Areas>- Educational Psychology
- Cognition in the Special Population
- Reading and Writing developmental
- Special Education in College
- ***I Welcome prospective PhD/MPhil Applications and Research Interns/Assistants
Research Expertise
- Learning Sciences
- Literacies and Languages
- Educational Psychology
- Child Development
- Brain and Cognition
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise PhD/EdD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
Areas of Expertise
Educational Psychology
Cognition in the Special Population
Reading and Writing developmental
Special Education in College
Academic Awards, Scholarships and Prizes:
-Emerging Research Scholars 2022 (ERS 2022), EdUHK
-Certificate of Merit, Dean’s Research Award: Journal Articles 2020-21, EdUHK
-Dean’s Honour List, PgDE (PVE), EdUHK (2020)
-Best Oral Presentation Award, 16th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference, FOSS HKU (2016)
-1st Runner-up, 3MT Research Presentation Competition, HKU (2016)
-Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund (2016)
-Reaching Out Award, HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund 2014-15
-Erik Kvan Postgraduate Scholarship, Erik Kvan Memorial Fund (2014)
-Swire Scholarship, Swire Company (2013-2016)
-Postgraduate Scholarships,CTABE, Macau SAR Government (2013-2016)
-Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, Research Grants Council, HKSAR (2013-2016)
-Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student Award for the academic year 2011-2012, HKU
-Young Scientists Award (2nd-runner up), HKPS Annual Conference (2013)
-Li Po Chun Postgraduate Scholarships, Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund (2012)
-Best Poster Award, Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference 2012
-2nd Runner-up, 3MT Research Presentation Competition, HKU (2012)
Teaching Awards:
-Certificate of Merit, Faculty Teaching Award 2020/21 (Early Career), EdUHK
-FEHD "Top 10%" Teaching Awards 2019/20, EdUHK
External Research Grants:
General Research Fund (PI): How do different subtypes of dyslexia in Chinese benefit from a handwriting intervention? Uncovering the Neural Correlates and Cognitive-behavioural Markers, Research Grants Council, HKSARG, 2024 (HKD883,140; Project no.: 17618124)
Health and Medical Research Fund (Co-I). A chatbot-based program to promote well-being in caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder, Research Council, Health Bureau, HKSARG (HKD499,038; Project no. 21223081)
General Research Fund (PI): Salvaging Second-language English Reading in Children with Dyslexia in Native Chinese, What Makes a Difference? Cognitive Subtypes of Chinese-English Bilingual Children with Reading Difficulties, Research Grants Council, HKSARG, 2022 (HKD553,000; Project no.: 18624222)
Collaborative Research Fund (Co-I): Impact of mask-use and social distancing during COVID-19 and NID pandemic on face and facial expression recognition, Research Grants Council, HKSARG, 2021 (HKD1,150,822; Project no.: C7129-20GF)
Internal Research, Knowledge Transfer, & Teaching Grants:
Seed Fund for Basic Research for New staff for “Exploring Cognitive Profiles, Socio-emotional Functioning, and University Adaptation of College Students with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Pilot Study in Hong Kong”, HKU, 2024-25, (HKD 202,792)
Knowledge Transfer Grant for “A Convenient Package of Study Skills Training for College Students with Developmental Disorders (SpLD, ASD & ADHD),” EdUHK, 2022-23 (HKD100,000)
Seed Funding Grant for “Attention-related cognitive profile in College students with dyslexia in Chinese,” EdUHK, 2022-23 (HKD125,000)
Departmental Research Grant for “Cognitive Profile of College Students with Special Need in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (SpLD, ASD and ADHD),” EdUHK, 2022-23 (HKD50,000)
Fund for Innovation, Technology, and Social-wellbeing (Co-I) for “Mindfulness-based Stigma Stress Reduction Programme for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and their Parents”, EdUHK, 2021-23 (HKD400,000)
Innovation & Technology Fund (iTech Fund) for “An interactive web-based tool for enhancement of sleep and psycho-spiritual health,” EdUHK, 2020-21 (HKD200,000)
Departmental Research Grant for “What Cognitive Aspects Will CogMed Improve in Children with ADHD, and Who Benefit Most?” EdUHK, 2021-22 (HKD50,000)
Seed Funding Grant for “Medication Effect on Chinese Literacy Performance on Dyslexic Children with ADHD,” EdUHK, 2020-21 ($125,000)
Internal Research Grant for “Social Media Use, Fake News and Attitudes Towards Face Masks,” EdUHK, 2021-22 (HKD80000)
Departmental Research Grant for “Effect of Music on Stress-level Adjustment for Students during examinations” EdUHK, 2020-21 (HKD50,000)
Teaching Development Grant for “Supporting College Students with Special Need in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (SpLD, ASD and ADHD),” EdUHK, 2020-21 (HKD349,900).
Internal Research Grant for “Cognitive profile of Chinese-English bilingual children with dyslexia,” EdUHK, 2019 (HKD80000)
Research Enhancement Project Grant for “Perceptual Expertise of Chinese kindergartners with and without reading difficulties,” EdUHK, 2019-20(HK$50000)
Promoting Psychological Research in Community Grant for “Parents’ self-efficacy in promoting English Phonics reading in Chinese children with dyslexia: An intervention study,” EdUHK, 2018-19 (HKD100000).
Central Reserve Allocation Committee Fund (Co-PI) for “Proposal of the Establishment of Psychological Assessment and Clinical Research Unit,” EdUHK, 2017-19 ( HKD2,058,600 )
Internal Research Grant, Project name: “Assessing Perceptual Expertise of Chinese Characters in Children with Developmental Dyslexia,” EdUHK, 2017-18 (HKD100000)
Internal Research Grant (Start-up Grant) for “The effect of drawing and motor experience on perceptual expertise in face recognition,” EdUHK, 2017-18 (HKD30000)
Departmental Research Grant for “Visual Expertise in Chinese children with and without dyslexia learning to read Chinese and English,” EdUHK, 2017-18 (HKD50000)
Faculty Impact Project Grant, Knowledge Exchange Fund (Co-I)for “HKU Project in Enhancing the Orthographic Awareness of Chinese Characters in Local Chinese-as-a-Second-Language (CSL) Secondary School Students,” HKU 2014-15 (HKD85000)
Student Knowledge Exchange Project Grant, Knowledge Exchange Fund for “Inspiration Network —Mentorship Programme for Matriculation Non-Chinese Speaking Minorities,” HKU 2013-14 (HKD9290)
Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals:
Yeung, K. K., Chan, R. T., Chan, H., Shum, K. K., & Tso R. V. (2023). Word reading transfer in two distinct languages in reading interventions: How Chinese-English bilingual children with reading difficulties learn to read. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 137, 104501. (5-year IF: 3.129; Ranking: Q1; Contribution: co-first and corresponding author,
Tso, R. V., Chui, O., & Hsiao, J. H. (2022). How does face mask in COVID-19 pandemic disrupt face learning and recognition in adults with autism spectrum disorder? Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7, 64. (5-year IF: 4.1; Ranking: Q1 (Exp. Psy.); Contribution: first and corresponding author,
Tso, R. V., Au, T. K., & Hsiao, J. H. (2022). Non-monotonic developmental trend of holistic processing in visual expertise: The case of Chinese character recognition. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7, 39. (5-year IF: 4.1; Ranking: Q1 (Exp. Psy.); Contribution: first and corresponding author,
Hsiao, J. H., Liao, W., & Tso, R. V. (2022). Impact of mask use on face recognition: An eye tracking study. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7, 32. (5-year IF: 4.1; Ranking: Q1 (Exp. Psy.); Contribution: co-author,
Tso, R. V., Chan, R. T., Chan, Y., & Lin, D. (2021). Holistic processing of Chinese characters in college students with dyslexia. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1973. (5-year IF: 5.516; Ranking: Q1 (SJR - Multidisciplinary); Contribution: first and corresponding author,
Tso, R.V., & Cowling, B. (2020). Importance of face masks for COVID-19 – a call for effective public education. Clinical Infectious Diseases,71(16), 2195–2198. (5-Year IF: 9.604; Ranking: Q1; Contribution: first and corresponding author,
Tso, R. V., Chan, R. T., & Hsiao, J. H. (2020). Holistic but with reduced right-hemisphere involvement: The case of dyslexia in Chinese character recognition.Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 27, 553–562. (IF in 2020: 5.536; Ranking: Q1; Contribution: first and corresponding author,
Au, T. K., Chan, S. W., Chan, W. W. L., Cheng, L., Siegel, L. L., Tso, R. V. (2015). Can Non-interactive Language Input Benefit Young Second-Language Learners? Journal of Child Language, 42(2), 323-350. (IF: 1.174; Ranking: Q1;
Tso, R. V., Au, T. K., & Hsiao, J. H. (2014). Perceptual Expertise: Can Sensorimotor Experience Change Holistic Processing and Left-side Bias? Psychological Science, 25(9), 1757-1767. (IF: 5.476; Ranking: Q1; Contribution: first and corresponding author],
Published Books/Book chapters:
Tso, R. V.-Y., Yeung P. P.-S., & Yeung, K. K.-Y. (2023). A Convenient Package for Study Skills Training for College Students with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Hong Kong: EdUHK
Tso, R. V.-Y., & Yeung, K. K.-Y. (2021). Phonotopia (拼樂園). Hong Kong: EdUHK
Tso, R.V.Y. & Chui, O.H.C. (2021). Guideline in Supporting College Students with Special Need in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (SpLD, ASD and ADHD): The need for Psychoeducational Reassessment. Hong Kong: EdUHK.
Professional Community Services
Mentor November 2022 – Present
Mentorship Programme, MSocSc (Ed. Psychol.), HKU / MA in Professional Ed. Psychol., CUHK
- Supervise educational psychologists-in-training by providing hands-on practicum in educational psychological services.
Media Coverage
流行都市: 見工焦慮(interview on how to tackle job interview anxiety)
Source: TVB Jade流行都市/e/685329/
時事多面睇: 未有規管(interview on how lack of statutory licensing of some healthcare professions poses a challenge for parents with SEN children to access services)
Source: TVB News未有規管
【備戰DSE】最後三星期衝刺專家教10招溫書大法取佳績(Tips on how to prepare for upcoming DSE examinations)
Source: Oh!pama備戰dse_最後三星期衝刺-專家教10招溫書大法取佳/
疫症下,遙距教學的實戰(Distant Learning Under the COVID-19 Outbreak)
Source: Mingpao抗疫新階段/article/20200228/special/1582828625491
教幼童戴口罩專家倡提問引導說明動機(Effective Parenting on Enhancing Children’s Hygiene [Mask-wearing] Behaviours)
Source: Mingpao要聞/article/20200203/s00001/1580668962120/教幼童戴口罩-專家倡提問引導說明動機
【專家話你知】如何分辨小朋友是否有讀寫障礙(How to Find Out if My Child has Reading Difficulties?)
Source: Parents Daily
專家解構留學預備選中小學留意外語支援(Tips to parents on sending their children to study abroad)
Source: Skypost專家解構留學預備%20選中小學留意外語支援
【海外升學】專家解構留學預備 可以多看肥皂劇吸收外語(Tips on preparing to study abroad)
Source: TOPick, HKET【海外升學】專家解構留學預備%E3%80%80可以多看肥皂劇吸收外語
專家解構留學預備選中小學留意外語支援(Tips on considering school supports for abroad studies)
Source: HKET專家解構留學預備%20選中小學留意外語支援
教大GPS教你三個小貼士孩子玩到又學到 (Learning through playing)
Source: Mingpao教大gps-教你三個小貼士-孩子玩到又學到
考試壓力容易造成焦慮 教育心理學家教加分制溫書法增強信心【有片】(Reducing exam anxiety)
Source: TOPick, HKET
正能量溫書法提高信心(Effective study tips)
Source: SkyPost正能量溫書法%20提高信心
正能量溫書法加分制提高信心(Effective study tips through points system)
Source: HKET