Professor LEUNG, Jessica S. C.

Professor LEUNG, Jessica S. C.
Programme Coordinator of BEd&BSc
Associate Professor
Academic Unit of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
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(852) 3917 8608
Research Expertise
- Learning Sciences
- Science Education
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
Science Education, Nature of Science, Socioscientific Issues, Epistemic Cognition
Teaching Award
Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award (Team) - 2018-19
Fellow of Advance Higher Education
Principal Investigator
Establishing a performance expectation framework for STEM education among primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong (2023-2024), Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office, HKSAR (HK$546,136).
- A practice turn in learning about science: Promoting the use and perceived value of nature of science understanding in evaluating socioscientific news (2021-2023), General Research Fund, Research Grants Council ($752,500).
- Fostering systems thinking in socioscientific issues: Coping with 21st century challenges (2021-2022), Seed Fund for Basic Research, University Research Committee, HKU ($119,966).
- Environmentally responsive pedagogies to develop 'ECO (Environmentally COnscious) Advocates' for Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area (2020-2023), Seed Funding for Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Scheme, University Research Committee, HKU ($800,000).
- Exploring the Use of Content Representation (CoRe) for Developing Secondary Preservice Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Nature of Science within a Socioscientific Context (2018-2019), Seed Fund for Basic Research, University Research Committee, HKU ($47,590).
- Conceptual Change about the Causes of Obesity from a Socioscientific Perspective (2016-2017), Seed Funding for Basic Research for New Staff, University Research Committee, HKU ($150,000).
- Informal Reasoning Regarding Socioscientific Issues among Science Majors and Non-science Majors: Using Obesity as a Context for Study (2016), Faculty Research Fund, Faculty of Education, HKU ($30,000).
- Obesity: Beyond a Health Issue, (2014-2015), HKU Common Core Teaching Development Grant, HKU ($68,040).
- Joint university collaboration to develop students’ competence and leadership in promoting integrated STEM education (2017-2020), Joint University Teaching and Learning Related Proposals, University Grants Committee ($4,953,900).
- Strengthening STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education in Preservice Teacher Preparation (2016-2017), Teaching Development Grant, HKU ($250,000).
- HKU Science, Mathematics, and Art (SMArt) Project; (2015-2016), University Knowledge Exchange Impact Project Funding, HKU ($70,000).
- HKU x Food Revolution 2015 - The SciChef Cooking Challenge!, (2014-2015), University Knowledge Exchange Impact Project Funding, HKU ($85,000).
- Science x Art II - Learning Science via Interactive Visual Art (2014-2015), Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2014, Faculty of Science, HKU ($50,000).
- Science x Art II - Learning Science via Interactive Visual Art (2013-2014); University Knowledge Exchange Impact Project Funding, HKU ($70,000).
- Science for Everyone - HKU Sci-Tube Channel Project (2013-2014), University Knowledge Exchange Impact Project Funding, HKU ($100,000).
Journal Articles
Chik, P. Y. Y., Leung, J.S.C., Bridges, S. M., Williams, G. A., Russell, B. D., Not, C. A. (2023). Learning in and from the field: A qualitative study of affective engagement. Environmental Education Research.
Leung, J. S. C. & Cheng, M. M. W. (2022). Prioritizing emotion objects in making sense of student learning of socioscientific issues. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
Leung, J. S. C. (2022). A practice-based approach to learning nature of science through socioscientific issues. Research in Science Education, 52, 259–285.
Ezeamuzie, N. O., Leung, J. S. C., & Ting, F. S. T. (2022). Unleashing the potential of abstraction from cloud of computational thinking: A systematic review of literature. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 60(4), 877-905.
Ezeamuzie, N. O., Leung, J. S. C., Garcia, R. C. C., & Ting, F. S. T. (2022). Discovering computational thinking in everyday problem solving: A multiple case study of route planning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
Leung, J. S. C. (2021). Shifting the teaching beliefs of preservice science teachers about socioscientific issues in a teacher education course. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 20, 659–682.
Leung, J. S. C. & Cheng, M. M. W. (2021). Trust in the time of corona - epistemic practice beyond hard evidence. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 16, 327–336.
Ezeamuzie, N. O., & Leung, J. S. C. (2021). Computational Thinking Through an Empirical Lens: A Systematic Review of Literature. Journal of Educational Computing Research.
Lederman, J. S., Lederman, N. G., Bartels, S., Jimenez, J., Acosta, K., Akubo, M., Aly, S., de Andrade, M. A. B. S., Atanasova, M., Blanquet, E., Blonder, R., Brown, P., Cardoso, R., Castillo-Urueta, P., Chaipidech, P., Concannon, J., Dogan, O. K., El-Deghaidy, H., Elzorkani, A., Ferdous, T., Fukuda, N., Gaigher, E., Galvis-Solano, L., Gao, Q., Guo, S., Gwekwerere, Y., Gyllenpalm, J., Hamed Al-Lal, S., Han-Tosunoglu, C., Hattingh, A., Holliday, G., Huang, X., Irez, S., Jiménez, J., Kay, G., Koumara, A., Kremer, K., Kuo, P.-C., Lavonen, J., Leung, J. S. C., Liao, Z., Librea-Carden, M. R., Lin, S.-F., Liu, C., Liu, E., Liu, S.-Y., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Mcdonald, C. V., Möller, A., Morales, M., Mulvey, B. K., Neumann, I., Neurohr, A.-L., Y. Pan, Y., Panjaburee, P., Penn, M., Plakitsi, K., Picholle, E., Ramnarain, U., Raykova, Z., Rundgren, C.-J., Salonen, S., Santibáñez-Gómez, D., Schwartz, R., Sharma, R., Srisawasdi, N., Takiveikata, S., Urueta-Ortiz, T., Vitlarov, K., Voitle, F. & Wishart, J. (2021). International collaborative follow-up investigation of graduating high school students’ understandings of the nature of scientific inquiry: Is progress being made? International Journal of Science Education, 43(7), 991–1016.
Leung, J. S. C. & Cheng, M. M. W. (2020). Conceptual change in socioscientific issues: Learning about obesity. International Journal of Science Education, 42(18), 3134–3158.
Leung, J. S. C. (2020). Promoting students’ use of epistemic understanding in the evaluation of socioscientific issues through a practice-based approach. Instructional Science, 48(5), 591–622. https://doi:10.1007/s11251-020-09522-5
Leung, J. S. C. (2020). Students’ adherences to epistemic understanding in evaluating scientific claims. Science Education. 104(2), 164-192.
Leung, J. S. C., Chan, K. K. H., & He, T. C. (2019). Student teachers’ metaphorical conceptualisations of the experience of watching themselves and their peers on video. Educational Studies, 47(3), 257-274.
Chan, K. K. H., He, C., Ng, R. C. K., & Leung, J. S. C. (2018). Student teachers’ emotions when watching their own videos and those of their peers. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 3(3), 192-211.
Leung, J. S. C., Wong, A. S. L., & Yung, B. H. W. (2017). Evaluation of science in the media by non-science majors. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 7(3), 219-236.
Leung, J. S. C., Wong, A. S. L., & Yung, B. H. W. (2015). Understandings of nature of science and multiple perspective evaluation of science news by non-science majors. Science &Education, 24(7), 887-912.
Book Chapters
Leung, J. S. C. (accepted). Epistemic growth in students’ understanding and caring about placing trust: A practice-oriented approach to learning nature of science. In Y. S. Ong, Y. J. Lee, & T. M. Tan (eds.), In pathways through science education: Notes to our future colleagues. Springer.
Leung, J. S. C. & Cheng, M. M. W. (2022). Prioritising emotion objects: Towards a better understanding of preservice science teachers’ growth in the learning and teaching of socioscientific issues. In Y. S. Hsu, R. Tylter, & P. White (eds.), Innovative approaches to teaching and teacher professional learning in socioscientific issues and sustainability education (pp. 33–50). Springer.
Cheng, M. M. W. & Leung, J. S. C. (2022). Socioscientific issues as a STEM education approach. In M. A. Peters (ed.), Encyclopedia of teacher education (pp. 1–5). Springer.
Cheng, M. M. W. & Leung, J. S. C. (2021). Thinking about science in university general education: obesity as a socioscientific issue. In A. Berry, D. Gunstone, D. Corrigan, C. Buntting & A. Jones (eds.), Education in the 21st century: STEM, creativity and critical thinking (pp. 119–135). Springer.
Leung, J. S. C., Wong K. L., & Chan, K. K. H. (2020). Pre-service secondary science teachers’ beliefs about teaching socio-scientific issues. In J. Dillon, M. Evagorou & J. A. Nielsen (eds.), Science teacher education for responsible citizenship (pp. 21–39). Springer.
Conference Papers
Leung, J. S. C. (2022, June). Epistemic growth beyond cognition: Students’ understanding and caring about placing trust in the time of corona. (Symposium: Frameworks and methodologies for epistemic growth in K-12 science classrooms to address post-truth discourse). 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan.
Leung, J. S. C. & Cheng, M. M. W. (2022, June). Emotion objects: An embodiment of learning socioscientific issues with heart. 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan.
Leung, J. S. C., Cheng, M. M. W. & Chik, P. Y. Y. (2022, June). Making systems thinking public: Collaborative construction, revision and use of computer-based causal loop diagrams. 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Hiroshima, Japan.
Lo, C. T. S., Bridges, S. M., Yip, W. Y. V., Williams, G. A., Chan, K. H., Chen, G., Leung, J. S. C., Russell, B. D., Not, C. A. & Goodwin, A. L. (2022, June). Sociomateriality of apprenticeship learning in ecological fieldwork. 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Hiroshima, Japan.
Leung, J. S. C. & Cheng, M. M. W. (2021, July). STEM education through socioscientific issues: Opportunities and challenges to achieving social justice. 6th STEM in Education 2021 International Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Leung, J. S. C. (2021, June). Becoming competent outsiders to science: Teaching nature of science through a practice-based approach. International Science Education Conference, Singapore.
Leung, J. S. C. & Cheng, M. M. W. (2019, August). Conceptual change in socioscientific issues: Learning about obesity. 13th Biennual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Bologna, Italy.
Cheng, M. M. W. & Leung, J. S. C. (2019, November). Socioscientific issues – teaching STEM for social justice. 2019 International STEM in Education Symposium, Chongqing, China.
Lederman, J. S., Lederman, N. G., Bartels, S., Jimenez, J., Acosta, K., Akubo, M., Aly, S., de Andrade, M. A. B. S., Atanasova, M., Blanquet, E., Blonder, R., Brown, P., Cardoso, R., Castillo-Urueta, P., Chaipidech, P., Concannon, J., Dogan, O. K., El-Deghaidy, H., Elzorkani, A., Ferdous, T., Fukuda, N., Gaigher, E., Galvis-Solano, L., Gao, Q., Guo, S., Gwekwerere, Y., Gyllenpalm, J., Hamed Al-Lal, S., Han-Tosunoglu, C., Hattingh, A., Holliday, G., Huang, X., Irez, S., Jiménez, J., Kay, G., Koumara, A., Kremer, K., Kuo, P.-C., Lavonen, J., Leung, J. S. C., Liao, Z., Librea-Carden, M. R., Lin, S.-F., Liu, C., Liu, E., Liu, S.-Y., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Mcdonald, C. V., Möller, A., Morales, M., Mulvey, B. K., Neumann, I., Neurohr, A.-L., Y. Pan, Y., Panjaburee, P., Penn, M., Plakitsi, K., Picholle, E., Ramnarain, U., Raykova, Z., Rundgren, C.-J., Salonen, S., Santibáñez-Gómez, D., Schwartz, R., Sharma, R., Srisawasdi, N., Takiveikata, S., Urueta-Ortiz, T., Vitlarov, K., Voitle, F. & Wishart, J. (2018, March). International Collaborative Investigation of High School Students’ Understandings of Scientific Inquiry – A Follow Up Study. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, GA, USA.
Leung, J. S. C., Chan, K. K. H., He, C. L. (2017, April–May). Metaphorical conceptualizations on video viewing experience by student teachers in a teacher development programme. Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, TX, USA.
Chan, K. K. H., Leung, J. S. C., He, C. L. (2017, April–May). Student teachers' feelings when viewing their own videos and their peers' videos. Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, TX, USA.
Chan, K. K. H., Leung, J. S. C., He, C. L., Lam, D. S. H., & Ng, R. C. K. (2017, April). Tracking student teachers' changing ability to notice in a video-based methods course. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, TX, USA.
Leung, J. S. C. (2016, August). Informal reasoning regarding socioscientific issues among science majors and non-science majors: Using obesity as a context for study. 5th International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Tokyo, Japan.
Leung, J. S. C., Wong, S. L. & Yung, H. W. (2016, April). The use of NOS understandings in the evaluation of science news by nonscience majors. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Leung, J. S. C., Wong, S. L. & Yung, H. W. (2015, August-September). Relationship between NOS understandings and evaluation of science in the media. 10th Biennual conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Helsinki, Finland.
Professional Community Services
Editorial Board Member (2023 - 2025) - Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Public Service
Science (S1-3) Textbook Review Panel Member (2020 - 2021) - Education Bureau, HKSAR