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Higher Education and the New Economic Growth Challenge for Asia: The Role of Universities in Climate Action and Inclusive Social Policy

Event type

Seminar , Webinar



June 14, 2022 (Tuesday)


4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Higher Education and the New Economic Growth Challenge for Asia: The Role of Universities in Climate Action and Inclusive Social Policy

Higher Education in Asia: Moving Ahead

Topic: Higher Education and the New Economic Growth Challenge for Asia: The Role of Universities in Climate Action and Inclusive Social Policy


Co-organizers: Social Contexts and Policies of Education (Academic Unit) (SCAPE), Consortium for Higher Education Research in Asia (CHERA)


Date: June 14, 2022 (Tuesday)

Time: 16:00-17:00 (Hong Kong Time)

Format: Zoom


Chair: Prof Gerard Postiglione and Dr Jisun Jung, The University of Hong Kong

Speaker: Ms Sofia Shakil, The Asia Foundation

Discussant: Dr Sungsup Ra, Asian Development Bank



The link between higher education and economic growth is well-researched. Human capital and knowledge creation are intricately linked and important outputs of tertiary education. Higher education supports workforce development, boosts earning potential, promotes enterprise collaboration, and drives innovation. As a public and private good, higher education boosts earning potential of individuals but also contributes to national development and creates broader forms of entrepreneurship. Notwithstanding the issue of over-education and the capacity of labor markets to employ graduates, it is the quality and relevance of higher education that fuels economic transformation in growing economies.  

Return to investments in higher education can be even more significant if they includes the role of higher education in preparing graduates to address pressing development challenges, such as climate action/sustainability, and socially inclusive policies. What new ways can universities promote climate action in cooperation with key stakeholders in the private and public sector? How can universities influence policies to expand safety nets and support workers in the “new post-pandemic economy, including in areas of digital and financial literacy, e-commerce for sustainable and inclusive development? How can universities deliver education that prepares graduates to become leaders in socially inclusive and climate-smart development? These questions will be raised to generate discussion with a focus on Asia’s post-pandemic economic development.