ALiTE Leadership Series - Empowering Teacher Professional Learning Using Classroom Video: What do school leaders need to know and be able to do?
July 06, 2022 (Wed)
2:30 PM - 5:30 PM

During the COVID time, many teachers have videotaped themselves in the classroom. These video records can potentially serve as useful resources for teacher professional learning, by helping teachers reflect on and improve their teaching practice, as well as for instructional coaching. Despite the promises of using video as a tool for teacher professional learning, research has highlighted that designing and leading video-based teacher professional learning activities is a complex undertaking. Teacher leaders need to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and practices to effectively design and facilitate video-based teacher professional learning activities.
This workshop aims to introduce participants to the basic ideas of how to design and facilitate video-based teacher professional learning activities for enhancing teacher learning of core practices. Core practices are fundamentals of teaching that not only matter to student learning but also advance teacher learning. Participants will be introduced to various video-based teacher professional development models, innovative video technologies (e.g. Swivl, point-of-view goggles) for capturing and representing classrooms as well as tools and protocols for designing and facilitating video-embedded teacher professional learning activities. School leaders who wish to draw on research-informed practices of how to use classroom videos to empower teacher learning and transform their school professional development activities for improving instruction will be interested in this workshop.
Dr. Kennedy Chan is a science education researcher and teacher educator with a strong commitment to understanding and developing science teachers’ expertise. His research interests include science teacher professional knowledge and the use of video in teacher education. Kennedy practises research-led teaching and has won multiple teaching awards, including the 2017 University Early Career Teaching Award and the 2017 Student-led University Teaching Feedback Award and four faculty-level teaching awards. He was also a finalist for the 2019 University Grants Committee Teaching Award (Early Career Faculty Members). He has published and disseminated his innovative teaching ideas in journal articles, newsletters and talks at practitioner meetings. He collaborates with international partners including academics at Monash University, Stanford University and Stockholm University to design video-based teacher professional development programmes for empowering teacher learning. Kennedy is also committed to translating research into practice. He is the chairperson of the CDC–HKEAA committee (Biology) and the convenor of the working group on the review of the Biology curriculum. He also serves in the HKDSE subject committee (Biology).
Target Participants: Principals, Vice Principals, Assistant Principals, Panel Heads, Middle Leaders and experienced teachers in local kindergartens, primary and secondary schools
Medium of Instruction: English
Venue: Main Campus of The University of Hong Kong*
(Delivery mode may be changed from face-to-face to online mode in view of the latest development of COVID-19. Participants will be informed of further arrangements if necessary)
Fee: HKD$700 / Participant
Quota: 30 Participants
- Government’s Vaccine Pass requirements are applicable to universities. Visitors should have received three doses of COVID-19 vaccination; and use the LeaveHomeSafe(LHS) mobile application to scan the venue QR code. For more information, please visit: Anyone who does not have a smartphone or is unable to use the LHS app can present their vaccination record or exemption certificate in paper form to the security staff at the entrances to gain access to campus.
- Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants with 100% attendance.