Professor JUNG, Jisun

Professor JUNG, Jisun
Master of Education (M.Ed.) Specialism Coordinator - Higher Education
Associate Professor
Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education
B. A. (Chonnam National University), M.A. (Korea University), Ph.D (Seoul National University)
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 3917 1183
Room 417, Runme Shaw Building
Research Expertise
- Educational Policy
- Higher Education Policy and Practice
- Research Methods and Methodologies
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am not taking on graduate supervision in 2025-2026.
Areas of Expertise
- Higher education (Higher education research as a field of study, Academic profession, Doctoral education, Master's education, University to work transition)
- 2023 Honorable Mention for the Best Book Award, Co-edited volume: Universities in the knowledge society: The nexus of national systems of innovation and higher education, Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG) of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
- 2022 Significant Research on International Higher Education, Co-edited volume: Universities in the knowledge society: The nexus of national systems of innovation and higher education, Council on International Higher Education (CIHE) of Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)
- Ranked as the 2023 World’s Top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University (By Single-Year Impact)
- Ranked as the 2022 World’s Top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University (By Single-Year Impact)
- 2019 Best Book Award, Co-edited volume: Researching Higher Education in Asia: History, Development and Future, Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG) of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
- Considered a Top 1% Reviewer for the Social Sciences, General – Sep.. 2019 2019, Clarivate Publons
- Universitas 21 Fellowships 2018-19. The University of Hong Kong.
- Best reviewer 2015. Asia Pacific Education Review.
1. Factors Involved in Master's Degree Pursuit in Hong Kong (Principal investigator, Early Career Scheme, 2019-2021, Hong Kong University Grants Committee, HK$ 300,764)
2. Graduate Employability in an Era of 'Technological Unemployment'. (Principal investigator, SRHE Scoping Award, 2022, Society for Research into Higher Education, United Kingdom, GBP 5,000)
3. The Development of Master’s Education and Its Quality Assurance in East Asia: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan. (Principal investigator, RIHE Open-type research: Joint Usage and Collaborative Research, Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University, JPY 900,000)
- Employability of university graduates in ‘technological unemployment’ time: Hong Kong case. (Principal investigator, Faculty Research Fund: 2019-20, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)
- Exploring the Notion of Quality in Self-Funded Master’s Program in Hong Kong (Principal investigator, Seed Fund 2017-18, The University of Hong Kong)
- The Development of Master’s Education in East Asia: A comparative Study of Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan. (Principal investigator, Faculty Research Fund: 2017-18, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)
- Students’ Motivation and Expectation for Career Advancement in Self-financed Master’s Program in Hong Kong (Principal investigator, Seed Fund 2015-17, The University of Hong Kong)
- Becoming an Academic: Professionalization, Socialization, and Career Development among Doctoral Students in Hong Kong (Principal investigator, Faculty Research Fund: 2015-16, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)
- PhD and EdD in Hong Kong: Hierarchical binary, supplementary binary or just equivalent? (Principal investigator, Faculty Research Fund: 2013-14, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)
Edited books
1. Aarrevaara, T., Finkelstein, M., Jones, G., & Jung, J. (2021) (eds.). Universities in the knowledge society. Springer: Cham.
2. Jung, J., Horta, H., & Yonezawa, H. (2017) (eds). Researching higher education in Asia: History, development, and future. Springer: Cham.
3. Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2017) (eds.). The changing academic profession in Hong Kong. Springer: Cham.
Guest editor for the journal special issue
4. Tran, L., Jung, J., Unangst, L., & Marshall, S. (2023). New developments in internationalisation of higher education in a changing context. Higher Education Research & Development
5. Jung, J. (2020). Master’s education in massified, internationalized, and marketized East Asian higher education systems. Higher Education Policy
6. Teichler, U., & Jung, J. (2016). Graduate Employment and Higher Education in Asia. International Journal of Chinese Education
7. Horta, H., Jung, J., & Yonezawa, A. (2015). Higher education research in East Asia: Regional and national evolution and path-dependencies. Higher Education Policy
Articles in Referred International Journal
- Jung, J., Lai, M., & Li, X. (2023). Part-time master’s students’ attitudes towards study and work. Studies in Continuing Education. DOI: 10.1080/0158037X.2023.2254244
- Carless, D., Jung, J., & Li, Y. (2023). Feedback as socialization in doctoral education: towards the enactment of authentic feedback. Studies in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2023.2242888
- Qian, H., & Jung, J. (2023). Career decision-making among Chinese doctoral engineering graduates after studying in the United States. Higher Education Quarterly. DOI: org/10.1111/hequ.12475.
- Li, X., & Jung, J. (2023). Career concerns and needs of Mainland Chinese master’s students in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Educational Researcher, 43(2), 335-349.
- Lai, M., & Jung, J. (2023). Master’s programmes at Sino-foreign cooperative universities in China: An analysis of the neoliberal practices. Higher Education Quarterly. https://DOI: 10.1111/hequ.12456
- Tran, L. T., Jung, J., Unangst, L., & Marshall, S. (2023). New developments in internationlisation of higher education. Higher Education Research & Development, 42(5), 1033-1041.
- Jung, J., Li, H., & Horta, H. (2023). Procedures, criteria and decision making in doctoral admissions: the case of China’s learning research universities. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. https://10.1080/02602938.2023.2179595
- Jung, J., Li, X., & Lai, M. (2022). Concept of research among master’s students in Hong Kong. Higher Education. https://10.1007/s10734-022-00989-4
- Jung, J. (2022). Imagining doctoral education in the fourth industrial revolution: Driving technology or being driven by technology. Minerva. https://DOI : 10.1007/s11024-022-09473-w
- Li, H., Jung, J., & Horta, H. (2022). The same starting line? The effect of a master’s degree on PhD students’ career trajectories. Studies in Continuing Education. https://DOI:10.1080/0158037X.2022.2117148
- Xie, X., Huang, Q., & Jung, J. (2022). Higher education and regional development of Shenzhen municipality in China’s greater bay area. International Journal of Chinese Education, 11(3).
- Jung, J. (2021). Working to learn and learning to work: Research on higher education and the world of work. Higher Education Research & Development, 41(1), 92-106.
- Jung, J. & Li, X. (2021). Exploring motivation of pursuing master’s degree in Hong Kong. Higher Education Quarterly. 75(2), 321-332.
- Jung, J. (2021). Learning experience and academic identity building by master's students in Hong Kong. Studies in Higher Education, 46(4), 782-795.
- Jung, J., Horta, H., & Postiglione, G. A. (2021). Living in uncertainty: COVIC-19 and higher education in Hong Kong. Studies in Higher Education, 46(1), 107-120.
- Jung, J., Horta, H., Zhang, L.-F., & Postiglione, G. A. (2021). Factors fostering and hindering research collaboration with doctoral students among academics in Hong Kong. Higher Education
- Jung, J. (2020). Master’s education in Hong Kong: Access and programme diversity. Higher Education Policy.
- Jung, J. (2020). Master’s education in massified, internationalized, and marketized East Asian higher education systems. Higher Education Policy.
- Huang, Q. & Jung, J. (2020). Development of strategies for internationalising Chinese higher vocational education. Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia, 18(1), 41-62.
- Lee, S. J., Kim, S., & Jung, J. (2020). The effects of a Master’s degree on wage and job satisfaction in massified higher education: The case of South Korea. High Education Policy.
- Jung, J. (2020). The fourth industrial revolution, knowledge production and higher education in South Korea. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 42(2), 134-156.
- Jung, J. (2020) Local and non-local doctoral students in Hong Kong: Do stressors differ with students’ origins? International Journal of Chinese Education, 8(2), 160-185.
- Zhang, L.-F., Horta, H., Jung, J., Postiglione, G.A. (2020). The research-teaching nexus: Not merely an enduring myth. Higher Education Forum, 17, 69-97.
- Horta, H., Jung, J., Santaos, J. M. (2019). Mobilities impact on current research output, quality, and visibility of academics in city-based higher education systems. Higher Education Policy.
- Jung, J. (2019). Learning experience and academic identity building by master's students in Hong Kong. Studies in Higher Education.
- Horta, H., Jung, J., Zhang, L.-F., & Postiglione, G. A. (2019). Academics’ job-related stress and institutional commitment in Hong Kong universities. Tertiary Education and Management.
- Jung, J., & Lee, S. J. (2019). Exploring the factors of pursuing a master’s degree in South Korea. Higher Education.
- Zhang, L.-F., Horta, H., Jung, J., Chen, G. & Postiglione, G. A. (2019). The role of thinking styles in program satisfaction andperceived intellectual competence among STEM doctoralstudents. Journal of Education Psychology, 111(4), 573-589.
- Jung, J. (2018). Learning experience and perceived competency of doctoral students in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Education Review, 19(2), 187-198.
- Jung, J. (2018). Students’ perception of EdD and PhD programmes in Hong Kong. Tertiary Education and Management, 24(4), 284-297.
- Lee, S. J., & Jung, J. (2018). Work experiences and knowledge transfer among Korean academics: focusing on generational differences. Studies in Higher Education, 43(11), 2033-2058.
- Horta, H., Jung, J., & Santos, J. M. (2018). Effects of mobilities on the research output and its multidisciplinarity of academics in Hong Kong and Macau: An exploratory study. Higher Education Quarterly, 72(3), 250-26
- Jung, J. (2018). Domestic and overseas doctorates and their academic job entries in South Korea. Asian Education and Development Studies, 7(2), 205-222.
- Jung, J. (2018). Higher education in Korea: Western influences, Asian values and indigenous processes. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 11(1), 1-13.
- Jung, J., & Kim, Y. (2018). Exploring regional and institutional factors of international students’ dropouts: The South Korea Case. Higher Education Quarterly, 72(2), 141-159.
- Postiglione, G. A., Xie, A., Jung, J., & Hong, Y. (2017). Rural students in a Chinese top-tier university: Family background, school effects, and academic performance. Chinese Education & Society, 50, 1-12.
- Kim, Y.S., Horta, H., & Jung, J. (2017). Higher Education research in Hong Kong, Japan, China and Malaysia: exploring research community cohesion and the integration of thematic approaches. Studies in Higher Education, 42(1), 149-168.
- Teichler, U., & Jung, J. (2017). Graduate employment and higher education in Asia. International Journal of Chinese Education, 5(2), 129-134.
- Jung, J., & Lee, S. J. (2017). Impact of internship on job performance among university graduates in South Korea. International Journal of Chinese Education, 5(2), 250-284.
- Jung, J., & Lee, S. J. (2016). Influence of university prestige on graduate wage and job satisfaction: the case of South Korea. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 38(3), 297-315.
- Jung, J. (2015). Higher education research as a field of study in Korea: Inward but starting to look outward. Higher Education Policy, 28(4), 495-515.
- Jung, J., & Horta, H. (2015). The contribution of East Asian countries to internationally published Asian higher education research: The role of system development and internationalization. Higher Education Policy, 28(4), 419-439.
- Jung, J., & Shin, J. C. (2015). Administrative staff members’ job competency and their satisfaction in a Korean research university. Studies in Higher Education, 40(5), 881-901.
- Aiston, S. J., & Jung, J. (2015). Women academics: An international comparison. Gender and Education, 27(3), 205-220.
- Horta, H., Jung, J., Yonezawa, A. (2015). Higher education research in East Asia: Regional and national evolution and path-dependencies. Higher Education Policy, 28(4), 411-417.
- Jung, J. (2014). Research productivity by career stage among Korean academics. Tertiary Education and Management, 20(2), 85-105.
- Shin, J. C., & Jung, J. (2014). Academics job satisfaction and job stress across countries in the changing academic environments. Higher Education, 67(5), 603-6
- Horta, H., & Jung, J. (2014). Higher education research in Asia: An archipelago, two continents or merely atomization? Higher Education, 68(1), 117-134.
- Shin, J. C., & Jung, J., Postiglione, G. A., & Azman, Z. (2014). Research productivity of returnees from study abroad in Korea, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Minerva, 52(4), 467-487.
- Jung, J., & Horta, H. (2013). Higher education research in Asia: A publication and co-publication analysis. Higher Education Quarterly,67(4), 398-419.
- Jung, J. (2013). International research collaboration among academics in China and South Korea. International Journal of Chinese Education, 1(2), 235-254.
- Jung, J. (2012). Faculty research productivity in Hong Kong across academic discipline. Higher Education Studies, 2(4), 1-15.
Book Chapters
- Jung, J. (2022). Expansion of postgraduate degrees and labour market implications in East Asia. In: Lee W.O., Brown P., Goodwin A.L., Green A. (eds). International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore.
- Li X., Horta H., & Jung J. (2022) University ranking games in East Asia: Triggers and consequences. In: Lee W.O., Brown P., Goodwin A.L., Green A. (eds). International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore.
- Aarrevaara, T., Finkelstein, M., Jones, G., & Jung, J. (2021). Universities and the knowledge society: The emerging nexus of systems of innovation and higher education. In T. Aarrevaara, M. Finkelstein, G. A. Jones, & Jung, J. (eds). Universities in the knowledge society. pp. 3-14. Springer: Cham.
- Aarrevaara, T., Finkelstein, M., Jones, G., & Jung, J. (2021). The impact of the knowledge society on universities and the academic profession. In T. Aarrevaara, M. Finkelstein, G. A. Jones, & Jung, J. (eds). Universities in the knowledge society. pp. 49-64. Springer: Cham.
- Jung, J., Jones, G. A., Finkelstein, M. J., & Aarrevaara, T. (2021). Comparing systems of research and innovation: Shifting contexts for higher education and the academic profession. In T. Aarrevaara, M. Finkelstein, G. A. Jones, & Jung, J. (eds). Universities in the knowledge society. pp. 415-428. Springer: Cham.
- Jung, J. (2021). Short-term international mobility among academics. In J. K. A. Singh (ed). Academic mobility and international Academics: Challenges and opportunities. pp.165-180. Emerald: Bingley.
- Jung, J. (2020). Doctoral education policies in South Korea. In A. Farazmand (ed.). Global Encyclopedia of Publication Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. AG Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- Manathunga, C., Grant, B., Kelly, F., Raddon, A., & Jung, J. (2020). (Re)birthing the academy: Unruly daughters striving for feminist futures. In L, Henderson., A. L. Black., & S. Garvis (Eds.). (Re) birthing the feminine in academe creating spaces of motherhood in patriarchal contexts. pp. 249-268. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Jung, J., Horta, H., Yonezawa, A. (2018). Introduction: Higher education research as a field of study in Asia. In J. Jung, H. Horta., & A. Yonezawa. (eds.). Researching Higher Education in Asia. pp. 1-11. Springer.
- Jung, J. (2018). Higher Education Research in South Korea: Research Themes and Methodologies in National Journals. In J. Jung, H. Horta., & A. Yonezawa. (eds.). Researching Higher Education in Asia. pp. 163-179. Springer.
- Jung, J., Horta, H., Yonezawa, A. (2018). Higher education research in Asia: History, development and challenges. In J. Jung, H. Horta., & A. Yonezawa. (eds.). Researching Higher Education in Asia. pp. 355-366. Springer.
- Yonezawa, A., Chen, S., Jung, J., & Lo, W.Y.W. (2017). Catch-up and identity developments in and impacts of university rankings in East Asia. In E. Hazelkorn (Ed.), Global rankings and the geopolitics of higher education: Understanding the influence and impact of rankings on higher education, policy and society (pp. 116-127). London: Routledge.
- Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2017). The changing academic profession in Hong Kong: Challenges and future. In G. Postiglione, & J. Jung. (eds.). The changing academic profession in Hong Kong.pp.3-14.Springer.
- Jung, J., & Chan. C. (2017). The scholarship of teaching among academics in Hong Kong. In G. Postiglione, & J. Jung. (eds.). The changing academic profession in Hong Kong. pp. 145-169. Springer.
- Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2017). Conclusion. In G. Postiglione, & J. Jung. (eds.). The changing academic profession in Hong Kong. pp.215-21Springer.
- Shin, J. C., Jung, J., & Lee, S. J. (2016). Doctoral training and inbreeding of Korean academics: Focusing on perception, activity, and performance. In J. F. Galaz-Fontes., A. Arimoto., U. Teichler., & J. Brennan. (eds.). Personal Characteristics, Career Trajectories, Sense of Identity/Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Academics. Springer. (Forthcoming).
- Jung, J. (2015). Gender differences in research scholarship among academics: An international comparative perspective. In W. Cummings., & U. Teichler. (eds.). The relevance of academic work in comparative perspective. pp. 163-178. Springer.
- Jung, J., & Postiglione, G. (2015). From massification towards the post-massification of higher education in Hong Kong. In J. C. Shin., G. Postiglione., & Huang, F. (eds.). Mass higher education development in East Asia: Strategy, quality, and challenges. pp. 119-136. Springer.
- Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2015). Congeniality and research productivity in state-professional-market drive systems of mass higher education. In W. Cummings., & U. Teichler. (eds.). The relevance of academic work in comparative perspective. pp. 107-120. Springer.
- Jung, J., Kooij, R., & Teichler, U., (2013). Internationalization and the new academic generation. In M. Finkelstein., F. Huang., & M. Rostan. (eds.) The Internationalization of the Academy: Changes, Realities and Prospects. pp. 207-236. Springer.
- Shin, J. C., Jung, J., & Kim. Y. S. (2013). Teaching and research of Korean academics across career stages. In A. Arimoto., W. Cummings., J. C. Shin., & U. Teichler. (eds.) Teaching and Research in Contemporary Higher Education: Systems, Activities, Nexus, and Rewards. pp. 177-196. Springer.
- Cummings, W. K., Bain, O., Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2013). Internationalization of the academy: Rhetoric, recent trends, and prospects. In M. Finkelstein., F. Huang., & M. Rostan. (eds.) The Internationalization of the Academy: Changes, Realities and Prospects. pp. 55-77. Springer.
- Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2012). Frameworks for creating world-class universities: The Hong Kong case. In J. C. Shin., & B. Kehm. (eds.) Institutionalization of a World-Class University in Global Competition. pp. 237-254. Springer.
- Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2012). World-class university and Asia's top tier researchers. In Q. Wang., Y. Cheng., & N. C. Liu. (eds.). Building World-Class Universities: Different Approaches to a Shared Goal. pp. 161-181. Sense Publisher.
Book Reviews
- Jung, J. (2021). Shin Arita. Education and social stratification in South Korea. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2020. Social Science Japan Journal.
- Jung, J. (2018). Book Review. Mary Ann Maslak. Education and female entrepreneurship in Asia: Public policies and private practices. Palgrave Macmillan US, 2017. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. (accepted)
- Jung, J. (2017). Book Review. Lihong Wang: Chinese students, learning cultures and overseas study. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Frontiers of Education in China, 12(2), 303-305.
- Jung, J. (2012). Book Review. David D. Dill and Frans A. van Vught (eds): National innovation and the academic research enterprise: public policy in global perspective. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Higher Education, 63(3), 383-385.
Newspaper/Web-news articles
- “Does a Higher Education Research Community Exist in Asia?” at International Higher Education, 74, winter. The Boston College Center for International Higher Education.
- “Higher education research in embryonic stage” at University World News (with HugoHorta).
Professional Community Services
- Co-editor
- Higher Education Research & Development
- Editorial Board Member and Academic Reviewer
- Higher Education Quarterly, Journal of Academic Ethics, Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education
Conference Presentation
- Jung, J. (2023). Graduate employability in an Era of ‘technological unemployment’: A scoping review. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australiasia (HERDSA). July. Brisbane, Australia.
- Jung, J. (2021). Master’s education in massified, internationalized, and marketized East Asian higher education systems. Higher Education Research Association (HERA). May. Online.
- Li, Y-C., Jung, J., Tao, Z., & Xiong, W. (2020). The curriculum of comparative education in Hong Kong and Macao. Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society conference. November. Taipei, Taiwan. (Online)
- Jung, J., Horta, H., & Postiglione, G. (2020). Living in Uncertainty: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Higher Education in Hong Kong. The IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research – Hong Kong (CHER-Hong Kong). November. Lingnan University, Hong Kong SAR, China. (Online)
- Jung, J. (2019). Master’s education in Hong Kong: Access and programme diversity. Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) conference. December. Wales. UK.
- Jung, J. (2019). The fourth industrial revolution, knowledge production and higher education in South Korea. The IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research – Hong Kong (CHER-Hong Kong). November. Lingnan University, Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Lee, S. J., Kim, S. J., & Jung, J. (2019). Mismatch of career planning in master’s program: the case of South Korea. The 32th CHER (Consortium for Higher Education Research) Conference. August. Kassel, Germany.
- Jung, J. (2019). Exploring factors of master’s degree pursuit in Hong Kong. Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2019. April. San Francisco. USA.
- Oleksiyenko, A., Ruan, N., & Jung, J. (2018). Data complexity and collaborative learning: A case-study in comparative higher education. Co-Constructing Excellence: Recognising, Scaffolding and Building Excellence in University Learning and Teaching. December. Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Jung, J. (2018). Hybrid university in East-Asia: A case of South Korea. International Conference on Education, Nov. University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumper, Malaysia.
- Jung, J. (2018). Learning experience and perceived competencies of doctoral students in Hong Kong. The 6th International Academic Identities Conferences 2018. Septemeber. Hiroshima, Japan.
- Jung, J. (2018). How do master’s students perceive academic identity and academic career path? The 6th International Academic Identities Conferences 2018. September. Hiroshima, Japan.
- Lee, S. J., & Jung, J. (2018). Exploring the factors of pursuing master's degree in South Korea. The 6th International Academic Identities Conferences 2018. September. Hiroshima, Japan.
- Jung, J., Horta, H., & Yonezawa, A. (2017). Higher education research in Asia. WERA focal meeting. World Education Research Association (WERA) and Hong Kong Education Research Association (HKERA) Conference. December. Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Jung, J., & Kim, Y. (2017). Dropout of International Students in South Korea: Institutional and Regional Factors. The 29th CHER (Consortium for Higher Education Research) Conference. August. Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Lee, S. J., & Jung, J. (2017). Different Generations, Different work Experiences and Knowledge Transfer among Korean Academics. The 29th CHER (Consortium for Higher Education Research) Conference. August. Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Jung, J. (2016). Comparative Higher Education Research in South Korea: Trends and Challenges. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference. February. Hong Kong, China.
- Jung, J. (2015). Professional doctorate in Education: The case of Hong Kong. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference. February. Hong Kong, China.
- Horta, H., & Jung, J. (2015). The contribution of East Asian countries to internationally-published Asian higher education research. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference. February. Hong Kong, China.
- Jung, J. (2014). Doctoral Training for Uncertainty: The Experience of Hong Kong. Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium 2014 Meeting, Instituto Superior Tecnico. June. Lisbon. Portugal.
- Jung, J. (2014). Doctoral program in Education: PhD and EdD in Hong Kong. 2014 Asia Pacific Teaching Professor Conference. March. Tokyo, Japan.
- Jung, J., & Shin, J. C. (2014). Research productivity of returnees from study abroad in Korea, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. The Hong Kong Educational Research Association Annual International Conference. February. Hong Kong, China.
- Horta, H., & Jung, J. (2014). Higher education research in Asia: Seas of disjuncture, archipelagos and thematic navigation. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference. February. Hong Kong, China.
- Horta, H., & Jung, J. (2014). Higher education research in Asia: Moving at different speeds and looking at different issues? The Seventh World Universities Forum. January. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Aiston, S. J., & Jung, J. (2013). Women academics: An international comparison. The 2013 SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) Conference. December. Wales, UK.
- Horta, H., & Jung, J. (2013). Higher education research in Asia: Views on an emerging community. The 26th CHER (Consortium for Higher Education Research) Conference. September. Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Jung, J. (2013). The higher education research in Korea: From inward to outward perspective. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference. February. Hong Kong, China.
- Jung, J. (2012). Gender differences in research scholarship among academics: An international comparative perspective. International Conference on Changing Conditions and Changing Approaches of Academic Work. June. Berlin, Germany.
- Postiglione, G., Zhang, L., & Jung, J. (2012). Academic productivity and congeniality in state and market driven systems of mass higher education. International Conference on Changing Conditions and Changing Approaches of Academic Work. June. Berlin, Germany.
- Jung, J. (2012). International research collaboration among Asian academics. Panel presentation in ‘A critical look at cross-border partnerships in higher education: Beyond symbolic arrangements’. 56th Annual Conference of the comparative and International Education Society 2012. April. Puerto Rico, USA.
- Jung, J., Hur, E. J., & Shin, C. K. (2011). The educational disparity between rural and urban schools in Korea. International Conference on Addressing Student Learning Diversity. The Hong Kong Institute of Education. December. Hong Kong, China.
- Postiglione, G. & Jung, J. (2011). Patterns of Productivity among Asia's top-tier Researchers. The 4th International Conference on World-Class Universities. November. Shanghai, China.
- Shin, J. C. & Jung, J. (2011). Faculty job satisfaction and job stress across 19 countries: Typology and profiles. International Conference on Changing Academic Profession. November. Wuhan, China.
- Postiglione, G., Zhang, L, & Jung, J. (2011). Academic productivity: Patterns and perspectives within emergent regional integration. International Conference on Changing Academic Profession. November. Wuhan, China.
- Jung, J. (2011). Sino-Korean cooperation in higher education. International Conference on Standardizing Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, Exercising Administration According to Law and Promoting Sustainable Development. June. Xiamen, China.
- Song, K. O., & Jung, J. (2011). International comparative study of public educational policy with a focus on accessibility, accountability, and students’ happiness. 2011 Annual Conference of Korean Education Research Association. October. Gwangju, Korea.
- Jung, J. (2010). Faculty members’ career development, career stages, and academic activities. The Changing Academic Profession International Conference on Personal Characteristics, Career Trajectories, Sense of Identity/Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Academics. October. Mexico City, Mexico.
- Teichler, U., Hohle, E., & Jung, J. (2010). Career, employment and work of the academic profession. The 23th CHER (Consortium for Higher Education Research) Conference. June. Oslo, Norway.
- Jung, J., Lee, S. J., & Shin, J. C. (2010). Job searching actions and quality in employment conditions of university graduate youth: Focusing on academic majors. 2010 Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey Conference, Korean Employment Information Service Institute. May. Seoul, Korea.
- Jung, J., Rou, H. Y., & Shin, J. C. (2009). Job competency of administration staffs and their job satisfaction. Association for Institutional Research 49th Annual Forum. May. Atlanta, USA.
- Jung, J., & Kim, H. H. (2009). Analysis on the influential factors on private tutoring expenditure of Korean college students. The 4th Korean Education Employment Panel Forum. Korean Research Institute Vocational Education Training, February. Seoul, Korea.
- Jung, J. (2008). The analysis of Korean faculty members’ academic activities and research productivity based on academic generation. The 5th Asian Post-graduate Forum, School of Education, The International Christian University, November. Tokyo, Japan.
- Song, K. O., & Jung, J. (2008). Analysis on school context affecting teachers’ profession. The 2th KELS (Korean Education Longitudinal Study) Conference. Korea Educational Development Institute, October. Seoul, Korea.
- Shin, J. C, Shin, T. S., Jung, J. (2007). Mission classification as a basis of building research university in Korea. The 8th International Conference on Education Research. October. Seoul, Korea.
- Shin, J. C., Shin, T. S., & Jung, J. (2007). Factors affecting college student achievement. The 3th Korean Education Employment Panel Forum. Korean Research Institute Vocational Education Training, October. Seoul, Korea.
Keynotes, International symposium, workshop, and seminar
- Jung, J. (2022). Networking early-career researchers in higher education research in East Asia. Japanese Educational Research Association Conferences (JERA). Hosted by JERA. August. (Conducted online)
- Jung, J. (2022). Comparative studies in higher education. Organized by Department of Education, Seoul National University, March, South Korea. (conducted online)
- Horta, H., & Jung, J. (2022). Engaging in higher education research in East Asia. The 8th Higher Education Research Association Conference. Hosted by Seoul National University. April. (conducted online)
- Green, W., & Jung, J. (2022). Ways of finding publishing for emerging researchers. Oceania Comparative and International Education Society Conference. Hosted by OCIES. June. (conducted online)
- Aarrevaara, T. & Jung, J. (2021). Universities in knowledge society. Book Launch. Organized by Academic Profession in Knowledge Society (APIKS) Conference. Hosted by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, December, Turkey. (conducted online)
- Jung, J., & Xiong, W. (2021). Navigating your academic trajectory: Success in Hong Kong. UCL Centre for Higher Education Studies, UK. June (conducted online)
- Green, W., & Jung, J. (2021). Training the next generation of peer reviewers: An interdisciplinary dialogue. British Association of Applied Linguistics ECR series. Queen's University Belfast, UK & Nagasaki University, Japan. June. (conducted online)
- Jung, J. (2020). Comparing national reforms of research policy and higher education. Organized by Faculty of Education, Yonsei University, December, South Korea. (conducted online)
- Aarrevaara, T. & Jung, J. (2020). Universities in knowledge society. Book Launch. Organized by Academic Profession in Knowledge Society (APIKS) conference, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, December, Turkey. (conducted online)
- Jung, J. (2020). Master’s education in Hong Kong: Access and programme diversity. RIHE Open Seminar: Master’s Education in East Asia and COVID 19 Impacts. Organized by Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University, November, Japan. (conducted online)
- Jung, J. (2019). Motivation,learning experience and career planning of master’s students in Hong Kong. Organized by Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, June. Melbourne, Australia.
- Jung, J. (2019). Learning experience and career planning of master’s students in Hong Kong. Organized by Faculty of Education, Deakin University, May. Melbourne, Australia.
- Jung, J.(2018). Higher education research in Asia. Keynote speech. 2018 Graduate Student Conference on International Development of Teaching Profession Program. National Chiyai University, Chiyai, Taiwan.
- Postiglione, G. A., & Jung, J. (2017). Changing academic profession in Hong Kong. Book Launch. Organized by the Consortium for Higher Education Research in Asia (CHERA). The University of Hong Kong, Dec. Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Jung, J., Horta, H., & Yonezawa, A. (2017). Researching higher education in Asia. Book Launch. Co-organized by Comparative Education Research Center (CERC) and The Consortium for Higher Education Research in Asia (CHERA). The University of Hong Kong, Dec. Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Jung, J. (2017). Domestic and overseas doctorates and their academic job entries in South Korea. The Consortium for Higher Education Research in Asia (CHERA). The University of Hong Kong, Nov. Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Jung, J. (2017). Learning experience and perceived competency of doctoral students in Hong Kong. International Workshop on “The Challenges of Doctoral Training in Asian Research Intensive Universities: Skills Acquisition, Satisfaction in Programme, and Career Plan. National University of Singapore. May. Singapore.
- Jung, J., Horta, H., & Santos, J. (2017). What Mobilities affect Research Productivity of Academics in Hong Kong and Macau? An Exploratory Research. International Symposium on Transnational of Higher Education in East Asia: student, Faculty Mobility, Talent Competition and University Governance. Lingnan University. March. Hong Kong.
- Jung, J. (2016). Does a higher education research community exist in Asia? Invited seminar. The Centre for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne. February, Melbourne, Australia.
- Jung, J., & Lee, S. (2015). The Influence of university prestige on graduates’ job mobility and wage. International Symposium: Globalization, Changing Labour Market and Social Mobility. Centre for Greater China Studies. The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Jan. Hong Kong, China.
- Jung, J. (2014). Exploring hybrid universities in East Asia: Cultures, values, and changes. APHERP Research Cluster symposium. July. Taipei. Taiwan.
- Horta, H., Padua, M., & Jung, J. (2014). Challenging new frontiers in engineering systems research: Complementing network methods and in-depth qualitative research for a better understanding of the social construction of reality? Robotics and Systems in Engineering and Science, LARSyS 2014 Annual Meeting. July. Lisbon. Portugal.
- Horta, H., Jung, J., & Postiglione, G. A. (2013). Hong Kong's changing academy: To be productive or produced? Co-organized seminar by Community for Research in Higher Education (CHER) and Wah Ching Centre of Research on Education in China (CREC). May. Hong Kong, China.
- Horta, H., & Jung, J. (2013). Does a higher education research community exist in Asia? Co-organized seminar by Community for Research in Higher Education (CHER) and Wah Ching Centre of Research on Education in China (CREC). Feb. Hong Kong, China.
- Jung, J., & Horta, H. (2012). Higher education research in Asia: A scientometrics perspective. International Symposium on Shifting Patterns of University Governance in East Asia: Challenges and Prospects. National Academy for Educational Research, Nov. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Shin, J. C., & Jung, J. (2012). Does returning academics from abroad are more productive in Korea? Council for International Higher Education (CIHE) Pre-Conference Forum. Association for Studies of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Nov. Las Vegas, USA.
- Jung, J. (2011). Research collaboration among academics with a focus of China and Korea. Comparative Education Research Center. The University of Hong Kong, Oct. Hong Kong, China.
- Jung, J. (2011). Academic careers in Korean universities: A perspective for comparison with China. China Studies Research Cluster: China in a Globalizing World. The University of Hong Kong, April. Hong Kong, China.
- Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2011). Research collaboration among academics in Asian countries with a focus on Mainland China and Hong Kong. China Studies Research Cluster: China in a Globalizing World. The University of Hong Kong, April. Hong Kong, China.