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Programme Overview and Aims

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Programme Overview and Aims

The Doctor of Education programme is offered for experienced professionals who are leaders, or aspire to be leaders, in education-related institutions and services.


Programme features:



  • a professional doctorate consisting of well-structured and integrated coursework and research components that can be used to support high levels of understanding and investigation of issues relevant to the practice of education
  • a wide variety of courses for equipping candidates with research skills and knowledge in their particular specialism. EdD candidates will be given a high degree of flexibility to select the courses that are most appropriate for their research studies
  • quality supervision is provided throughout the whole period of candidature
  • a series of research seminars and workshops given by in-house specialists and international scholars will run throughout the study period to inform and support candidates’ studies
  • an Office of Research supports and coordinates the administration of all matters relating to research postgraduate studies and a coherent programme of research methodology support and research seminars/workshops

Our EdD programme is distinctive with its strong research focus and coursework component tailored to the needs and interests of participants and their work places. The coursework component is fully articulated with the research component.



It aims:

  • to develop participants' capacity for inquiry and evidence-led decision-making and their ability to translate research findings into usable knowledge and
  • to enhance the capacity of educational practitioners to model and transmit best professional practices to others.