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Programme Structure

Enquiries Information


+852 3917 4852


+852 2547 1924


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The EdD programme is offered in both part-time and full-time modes. The period of study shall normally be as follows:

Mode of studyMinimum periodMaximum period
Part-time48 months72 months
Full-time36 months60 months


Candidates are required to satisfactorily complete a total of 8 to 9 courses described below:


Core Courses

  1. Research Methods I
  2. Research Methods II
  3. Thesis Writing Workshop
  4. Issues in Education

Graduate School Courses

  1. Responsible Conduct of Research
  2. Stream-based Responsible Conduct of Research


3 to 4 Elective Courses (with a total of at least 72 hours)

By the end of the probationary period, which should normally not exceed 24 months for part-time candidates and 18 months for full-time candidates, candidates must have

  1. completed the 4 core courses;
  2. completed the courses on research ethics offered by the Graduate School;
  3. completed the first three chapters (i.e. Introduction, Literature Review, and Research Methods) of the doctoral thesis to the satisfaction of the Supervisory Panel; and
  4. presented a confirmation seminar.

Candidates are required to write a thesis of 50,000 to 60,000 words and are expected to attend and present thesis seminars regularly after confirmation of candidature.