Doctor of Education
Composition Fee
Enquiries Information
+852 3917 4852
+852 2547 1924
[javascript protected email address]
Composition fee per student for 2024-2025 intake:
Part-time (Years 1 - 6) | HK$94,200 per year |
Full-time (Years 1 - 5) | HK$113,040 per year |
1. Expected completion time for the whole programme is about 4-6 years for part-time mode and 3-5 years for full-time mode.
2. The composition fee for 2025-2026 intake may be subject to change.
3. With effect from 2022-23, all full-time students will be charged a student activity fee of $100 per annum to provide support for activities of student societies and campus wide student events.