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“Rethinking Educational Excellence: New Perspectives on Developing Student Talent” Webinar by Professor Jonathan Plucker, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Updated on April 06, 2022 (Wed)

The captioned Webinar, part of the Academy for Leadership in Teacher Education (ALiTE) International Webinar Series for Exemplary Scholarship, was successfully held on March 31, 2022. It was delivered by Professor Jonathan Plucker, Julian C. Stanley Professor of Talent Development, Center for Talented Youth and School of Education, Johns Hopkins University, USA. The Webinar was attended by around 250 participants, including university academic staff and students, school principals and teachers, and researchers. 



A warm welcome was expressed by Professor A. Lin Goodwin, Dean of HKU’s Faculty of Education, at the beginning of the Webinar. Professor Plucker then delivered the lecture, where he discussed the definitions of being “gifted”, effective new ways to conceptualise advanced learning, and how to design educational interventions which allow more students to reach their potential than traditional models.   



The Webinar was followed by a fruitful Q&A session, in which Professor Plucker answered thought-provoking questions from the enthusiastic audience.



The video recording of this Webinar and the accompanying PowerPoint slides are now available on our website: