A Journey of Learning:
School Attachment and Cultural Exploration in Macau
Updated on March 25, 2025 (Tue)

Meaningful. Memorable. Enriching. Transformative – These are some words 20 student-teachers from the Faculty of Education used to describe the Macau Teaching Odyssey: School Attachment and Cultural Exploration programme held from 10-13 March 2025.
Organised by the School-University Partnerships (SUP) Office at the Faculty of Education and supported by the UGC Funding Scheme for Mainland and Global Engagement and Student Learning Experience, the programme provided students with an invaluable opportunity to gain exposure to the education system and unique curricula in Macau. It also helped students develop insights into innovative pedagogies and best practices in dynamic learning settings.
University of Saint Joseph (USJ)
During their four-day stay on the close-knit campus at USJ, HKU participants attended thought-provoking lectures offered by USJ’s School of Education. In interactive class settings, our students appreciated the opportunity to learn from committed, passionate educators at USJ and connect with peers from diverse backgrounds, engaging in both knowledge and cultural exchange. They also gave presentations on the unique features of the courses and programmes offered at the Faculty of Education of HKU.
Pui Ching Middle School (PCMS)
During their visits to the lively campuses of PCMS, HKU participants met with school leadership and took part in lesson observations. Dynamic and eye-opening, the lessons provided rich insights and abundant food for thought for our pre-service teachers. For example, they had the chance to observe firsthand how AI is used effectively in the classroom to promote deeper engagement and foster critical thinking, as well as teachers’ role in promoting creativity and empowering students to take ownership of their learning. These were also demonstrated by the remarkable learning artefacts, such as innovative robotics and animations created by students of the school.
Reflection, Gratitude and Impact
In the debriefing sessions facilitated by academics from both universities, HKU students compared the education systems in Macau and Hong Kong, and also shared how the Macau programme helped them develop practical skills, including applying effective class management strategies, promoting STEAM education, leveraging AI to enhance teaching and learning, designing project-based learning activities, creating learner-centred environments and catering to different learning styles. Additionally, the programme has enhanced students’ cross-cultural communication skills, broadened their horizons and boosted their confidence as aspiring teachers.
As they reflected on their learning journey in Macau, HKU students also expressed their gratitude for the experience and enthusiasm for applying what they have learned to positively impact the schools they will serve in Hong Kong and beyond.
More to Come
The SUP Office is deeply honoured to have the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed partner institutions, USJ and PCMS, in offering such a rewarding learning experience for pre-service teachers, and is grateful for their friendship, hospitality and support, which made this wonderful partnership in teaching and learning possible. The SUP Office looks forward to more collaborative opportunities with them in the years ahead.
To learn more about the experiential learning opportunities offered by the SUP Office, please visit the website: https://web.edu.hku.hk/sup-partners/student-experiential-journey

Students and staff from USJ and HKU attend the Welcome Session organised by the School of Education of USJ.
USJ staff: Professor Isabel Tchiang (Acting Dean of the School of Education), Professor Susannah Sun (BEd Program Coordinator), Professor Hao Wu (Research Coordinator), Ms Tammy Chu
HKU staff: Dr Leung Kin Yi Promail (Director, School-University Partnerships), Ms Gloria Liu (Manager, School-University Partnerships)
USJ and HKU students and staff are warmly welcomed by school leadership at PCMS, including Principal Dr Kou Kam Fai, Vice Principal Dr Chan Keng Lim, and Deputy Director Mr Lei Chan Pong.

Presentation of Certificates of Participation at PCMS (Coloane campus)
USJ staff: Professor Isabel Tchiang (Acting Dean of the School of Education), Professor Susannah Sun, Professor Miranda Mak, Professor Iris Mak
Pui Ching Middle School staff: Principal Dr Kou Kam Fai, Vice Principal Mr Kuok Keng Man, Vice Principal Dr Ieong Pui Ian, Director Ms Cheang Ka Lai, Deputy Director Mr Lei Chan Pong
HKU staff: Professor Loh Ka Yee Elizabeth (Programme Director, Undergraduate Double Degree Programmes), Dr Valerie Yip (Deputy Programme Director, Undergraduate Double Degree Programmes), Dr Eva Chan (Programme Coordinator, BEd&BSocSc), Dr Leung Kin Yi Promail (Director, School-University Partnerships)
A debriefing session facilitated by Professor Frances Lee (MEd Program Coordinator, USJ), Professor Lo Yuen Yi (Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), HKU), and Dr Ruby Yang (Programme Coordinator, BA&BEd (LangEd)-English, HKU)