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Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy


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(1) Hong Kong PhD Fellowships (HKPF)
The Hong Kong PhD Fellowships are awarded by the Research Grants Council (RGC). They are available to selected full-time PhD applicants with outstanding academic performance, research ability/potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities. The HKPF provides a monthly scholarship of HK$27,600 and a conference and research related travel allowance of HK$13,800 per year during the normative study period. All HKPF holders will also be awarded the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship. Each HKPF holder will therefore be provided by the University with items (a), (b) and (e) listed below on top of what they will receive from the RGC.

(2) HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship (HKU-PS)

The HKU Presidential PhD Scholarships are available to selected full-time PhD applicants from among the applicants who are nominated by the University to the RGC to compete for the HKPF. In principle, all HKPF awardees will receive the HKU-PS. Also, HKPF nominees who are not selected for the HKPF but who are considered to be of high calibre by the University may be awarded the HKU-PS. The HKU-PS provides the most generous package of approximately HK$427,100 in the first year, and about HK$407,100 in each of the subsequent years during the normative study period. The package includes:

(a)    Cash Award to support research and living expenses: 
HK$40,000 in Year 1; HK$20,000 per year in the remaining normative study period
(b)    Waiver of composition fees for the whole normative study period (i.e. HK$42,100 per year)
(c)    Postgraduate Scholarship of HK$27,600 per month (subject to annual adjustments)
(d)    Conference and Research-related Travel Allowance of HK$13,800 per year
(e)    a guaranteed hall place in Year 1, with possibility of renewal 

(3) Postgraduate Scholarships (PGS)
Full-time MPhil and PhD students who hold a first degree at second class honours first division (or equivalent) or above are normally considered eligible to receive a Postgraduate Scholarship during the normative study period. The basic level of PGS is currently HK$18,760 (wef 1/9/2024) per month. A PGS holder whose PhD probation has been confirmed will receive a higher PGS rate (HK$19,270, wef 1/9/2024) with effect from the calendar month following full confirmation of passing his/her probation. The amount of PGS is subject to annual adjustments.