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Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy

Application Documents

Enquiries Information


+852 3917 5728


+852 2547 1924


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Detailed Research Proposal and/or Research Proposal Summary

Applicants are required to submit application documents according to the requirements of the Graduate School. Details are available in the Online Application System. The Faculty also has specific requirements on the research proposal and/or research proposal summary, as follows:


For PhD applications:

A Research Proposal of not more than 20 pages (containing a 1-page abstract, and excluding references) giving a clear description of the particular aspect of the field in which you are interested and explaining the particular approach which you propose to take in studying the subject matter.


For MPhil applications:

A 6-page Research Proposal Summary on a proforma is required.


Language Policy

All MPhil/PhD theses should be written in English. For applicants whose research topic is in Chinese Language Education, approval may be granted for their thesis to be written in Chinese. Applications for such approval should be submitted at the time of application for admission. If an applicant intends to write the thesis in Chinese, the Research Proposal Summary (for MPhil applicants) or the 1-page abstract (for PhD applicants) should still be written in English but the Research Proposal (for PhD applicants) may be written in Chinese.


Before Submitting an Application

MPhil/PhD applicants are strongly advised to contact a potential supervisor with relevant research interests for advice on the development/refinement of the research proposal before submission. Please refer to the academic staff website of the Faculty for details of their research interests.


Our Postgraduate Admissions Advisor is:

Professor Xiao Zhang
Associate Dean (Research Higher Degrees)
Tel(852) 3917-5728
Fax(852) 2547-1924
Email[javascript protected email address]