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HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2021-22)

Updated on May 06, 2022 (Fri)

HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2021-22)

Following the success of last year’s “NIE x HKU Online Collaboration programme”, our Faculty and the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University in Singapore jointly relaunched the eight-week immersion programme between January and March 2022. The aim of the programme was to facilitate student teachers’ exchange of opinions on different educational topics as prospective teachers. There were 16 participants in total: nine from NIE and seven from our Faculty.

The programme included a wide variety of activities. First, weekly interactive meetings were held, where students covered topics on the general educational systems as well as more specific educational topics such as special educational needs, sex education, and private tutoring in both Hong Kong and Singapore. Game sessions and buddy systems were also designed, so that the participants could better balance their workloads and exchanges of knowledge, thereby supporting their better engagement in the programme.

In addition, two sessions were open to all the staff and students of both institutions. The participating student teachers hoped to involve more like-minded people in sustainable development and working together on ways of addressing current educational issues. Moreover, they hoped to promote an open and harmonious learning environment in which everyone could benefit from sharing, viewing education from different perspectives and incorporating the knowledge into their own future teaching arrangements.

At the end of the programme, the participants exchanged e-letters to encourage and commend each other for the fruitful and memorable journey they had shared together.

The participants found the programme well-structured and enriching. They also thought it was a wonderful opportunity for student teachers to build friendships and explore education in both regions. 
To read more details and the participants’ reflection, please visit