Seminar: Systemic functional linguistic genre pedagogy in tertiary English as a second language /foreign language context
October 13, 2023 (Fri)
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Systemic functional linguistic genre pedagogy in tertiary English as a second language /foreign language context
Professor Emi Emilia
Faculty of Education
Universitas Islam International Indonesia
Date: 13 October 2023 (Friday)
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Language: English
Venue: Room 646, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Chairperson: Dr. EKY Loh, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU
Registration Link:
(Deadline: 12 October 2023)
About the Seminar:
In this presentation I will talk about the implementation of systemic functional linguistic genre pedagogy in the teaching of English as a second/foreign language in a tertiary context in Indonesia. I will first of all discuss the implementation of the pedagogy in teaching language skills integratedly in the curriculum of English Education Study Program. Then I will focus on the results of the implementation of the pedagogy in the teaching of writing, in the course named Writing for Academic Purposes I and II in 2022. Writing for Academic Purposes was concerned with writing 3 essays, including Exposition, Discussion, and Explanation. Writing for Academic Purposes 2 was to do with writing a research proposal. I will show how the pedagogy was implemented in one semester, 16 meetings, and then the results of the teaching program. I will present samples of students’ texts analysed using systemic functional linguistics and students responses to a questionnaire distributed at the end of the semester through a google form. The results show that students can write an exposition, discussion and explanation, the research proposal with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and students opinions about the teaching program are in general positive. All students said that feedback and explicit teaching about how to write were really what they had wanted for a long time. I will close the presentation with some recommendations regarding research and the application of genre pedagogy at school.
About the Speaker:
Dr Emi Emilia is a professor of language and literacy education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. She is an academic expert who specializes in the field of language acquisition, literacy development, and educational practices related to language learning. Prof Emi also holds a position as the Head of English Study Program for undergraduate as well as postgraduate level. Professor Emilia is also active in research, teaching, and scholarly activities in the domain of language and literacy education. More information about the speaker is available on web:
~ All are welcome~