Research Workshop: Mixed Methods Research: Problems, Pitfalls and Practices
October 20, 2023 (Fri)
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

Research Workshop:
Mixed Methods Research: Problems, Pitfalls and Practices
Professor Steve Walsh
School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
Newcastle University
October 20, 2023 (Friday)
12:45 - 14:00
Room 408-410, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
In this workshop we’ll be looking at some of the ‘dos and don’ts’ of mixed methods research, probably the most widely used research methodology in contemporary educational research. It is probably true to say that both funders and editors of research journals often attach considerable importance to projects which use a mixed methods research design. While there is certainly something appealing about this approach, using, as it does, both quantitative and qualitative data, there are also issues. Some would argue that it is difficult to accumulate expertise in both research paradigms: to excel at both quant and qual research is a huge challenge. Others might argue that it is difficult, or even impossible, to bring together methods which seem diametrically opposed.
In this session, we’ll be considering how to make mixed methods research appeal to funders. What might give one mixed method bid an advantage over another? How can we make sure that our grant proposal ‘ticks all the boxes’ in the eyes of the funder? I’ll be sharing some of my own personal success (and failure) stories and unpacking what these experiences have taught me. We’ll consider what makes a bid successful; how to attract the attention of reviewers; what impact really means and how to ensure that an application demonstrates a clear pathway to impact. We’ll also look at some of the criteria used to evaluate applications and consider how we might increase our chance of success. And finally, we will consider what to do when a bid fails; how to make a success out of an unsuccessful research funding application?
About the speaker:
Professor Steve Walsh is Visiting Professor in Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. He was a Head of Applied Linguistics and Communication at the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University. Most of his working life has been spent abroad, working as an English language teacher and teacher educator in Spain, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Poland and China. He is committed to teacher education, especially second language teacher education, and enjoys working with teachers to develop a closer understanding of teaching and learning in all contexts. He is interested in all aspects of classroom discourse, especially the relationship between 'talk' and learning. In addition to describing the interaction which takes place in a range of contexts, he is also interested in developing interactional awareness among both teachers and learners.
~ All are welcome ~
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