Research Seminar: Research Seminar: SETTVEO: Evidence-based reflection and teacher development
October 24, 2023 (Tue)
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

Research Seminar:
SETTVEO: Evidence-based reflection and teacher development
Professor Steve Walsh
School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
Newcastle University
October 24, 2023 (Tuesday)
12:45 - 14:00
Room 411-412, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
In this talk, I report findings from a funded research project at The University of Hong Kong which looked at the use of technology enhanced learning in a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) context. The aim of the study was to provide English language teachers with appropriate tools and procedures to enable them to reflect on and improve their practice, using an app: SETTVEO. This app extended previous work, using the SETT (Self Evaluation of Teacher Talk) framework (Walsh, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2017) and VEO (Video Enhanced Observation) app (Miller and Haines, 2016). The central argument of the study was that reflective practice (RP) would be enhanced when reflections are evidence-based by giving teachers something to reflect on and something to reflect with. My main interest is dialogic reflection with a focus on how reflection gets done and how it might change over time.
Findings suggest that the use of self-observation, with data and accompanied by some kind of dialogue, can promote up-close and detailed understandings of teaching and learning. It is anticipated that the outcomes of the study will be of importance to teacher education since educators will be able to tailor the curriculum to the reflective and professional needs of trainee teachers. Further impact will be provided by highlighting and describing the strategies used by teachers to facilitate cooperative development through dialogic reflection; in sum, the study will demonstrate how teachers’ awareness of their language use can help them reflect in a more productive and meaningful way.
About the speaker:
Professor Steve Walsh is Visiting Professor in Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. He was a Head of Applied Linguistics and Communication at the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University. Most of his working life has been spent abroad, working as an English language teacher and teacher educator in Spain, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Poland and China. He is committed to teacher education, especially second language teacher education, and enjoys working with teachers to develop a closer understanding of teaching and learning in all contexts. He is interested in all aspects of classroom discourse, especially the relationship between 'talk' and learning. In addition to describing the interaction which takes place in a range of contexts, he is also interested in developing interactional awareness among both teachers and learners.
~ All are welcome ~
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