教育講座系列(18) : 與孩童「虛」「深」學習
June 11, 2022 (Sat)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

教育講座系列(18) : 與孩童「虛」「深」學習
Education Seminar Series (18): Deepening Children’s Learning with Virtual Reality
在後疫情時代,小朋友的學習方式經已發生變化。旅遊限制和保持社交距離的措施限制了孩子與外界接觸而無法親自探索,只剩下他們面前的10吋屏幕。很多家長及教師擔心世界變得太快,他們會跟不上現今小朋友學習的內容和模式。在眾多不明朗的因素下,家長和教師如何找到讓孩子在21世紀深度學習的新途徑?此講座旨在幫助家長和教師探索孩子未來的學習方向。講者會探討和分析與電子學習相關的科技教育熱門話題,包括虛擬實境 (VR) 學習、運算思維和人工智能 (AI) 教育、深度學習和元宇宙 (metaverse)。
- 未來的學習是怎樣的?
- 家長和教師如何幫助孩子探索10吋屏幕以外的世界?
- 如何平衡地使用虛擬和實境學習空間?
黃家偉博士現為香港大學教育學院溝通、發展與資訊科學學部助理教授,以及教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心主任。他畢業於香港城市大學及美國伊利諾大學香檳分校,並分別取得電腦科學哲學博士及教學設計與領導教育碩士學位。黃博士於2017 至2019年出任電機及電子工程師學會(IEEE)香港分會教育支部主席,現為該學會高級會員及IEEE教育學報(IEEE Transactions on Education)副編輯。黃博士專注於計算思維和人工智能教育、沉浸式學習環境和STEM 教育領域的研究,曾發表過百篇國際期刊論文及文章及曾參與超過十多項研究項目,並獲優質教育基金及研究資助局的支持,資助其研究項目。
In the post-COVID-19 era, children’s learning has already been changed. Travel restriction and measures on maintaining social distancing have limited their contact with the outside world for exploration in physical space, and what is left is our 10-inch screen in front of them. Many parents and teachers worry that the world is moving too fast, and they cannot catch up with what the children are learning and how they learn. With so many uncertainties ahead, how can parents and teachers find a new way for children to engage in deeper learning in the 21st century? This seminar aims to help parents and teachers foresee the future of learning. Various topics related to e-learning will be explored and examined, including virtual reality (VR) learning, computational thinking and artificial intelligence (AI) education, deeper learning, and “metaverse”.
Content to be covered:
- How does the future of learning look like?
- How can parents and teachers help children explore the world beyond the 10-inch screen?
- What can we do to balance the use of virtual and physical learning space?
About the speaker:
Dr Gary Wong is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education and the Director of the Centre for Information Technology in Education at the University of Hong Kong. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong and a Master of Education in Learning Design and Leadership from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. He was the Chair of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Hong Kong Section (Education Chapter) during 2017 and 2019. He is a senior member of IEEE, and is currently an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Education. His research interests include computational thinking and artificial intelligence education, computer-mediated reality for education and integrated learning in STEM education. He has already published more than a hundred articles in journals and conference proceedings, led a number of projects and received research grants from Quality Education Fund and Research Grants Council to support his research.