Student Sharing - NIE X HKU e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-23)

FUNG Pak Wai, Jimmy
FUNG Pak Wai, Jimmy (group representative)
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science
This five-week programme is such a precious and memorable learning experience for me. During these five weeks, we explored a wide array of topics, did side-by-side comparisons of the education of the two places, and shared our views on related issues. I rediscovered the education in Hong Kong and learnt something I did not know before, such as alternative education pathways for teenagers. I also gained a lot of insights, from the Singaporean system, into how we can refine our own one. Besides, I understood that no country would have a perfect education system. Even features in the Singaporean system that I appreciate a lot create controversies, such as full subject-based banding (SBB) for secondary school subjects. The NIE participants shared how SBB provides students with a chance to learn according to their own pace, but also talked about the difficulties and undesired effects of SBB. The difference in our education reminds me that as a pre-service teacher, I should not limit myself to the model of education in Hong Kong, and should be open to different possibilities. It is important for me to view education in a global perspective, especially in an increasingly internationalized society in the 21st century.
The friendship we built with the NIE buddies is another priceless asset I gained in the programme. Through the e-Practicum Buddy Scheme, we shared a lot about our lives and cultures, and become increasingly familiar with each other. I was happy to see that more and more buddies were staying after the sessions to chat with one another. I truly hope we can meet in Singapore soon so to have more in-depth discussions and deeper cultural exchange.
Last but not least, I would like to thank the SUP office for providing this wonderful opportunity for us, especially Angela who has provided us with a lot of assistance and support. I am also grateful to collaborate with my fellow HKU representatives and our NIE counterparts to organize these fruitful sessions, and brought such an invaluable experience to every participant.

HO Wing Yan, Lily
HO Wing Yan, Lily (group representative)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English
The HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-23) has substantially broadened my cultural horizons and enhanced my interpersonal skills. Given the opportunity to lead this enriching programme, I have connected with students from the esteemed National Institute of Education (NIE) in Singapore and been provided with a unique platform to forge meaningful relationships with them.
One of the most rewarding aspects of joining this programme was the chance to delve deeply into Singaporean culture and education system, which is currently undergoing major educational policy reforms in pursuit of holistic outcomes. Through the engaging conversations with my NIE buddy, I began to know more and more about the diverse experiences of the participants from NIE, and understand their perspectives gradually. Being a buddy was an excellent opportunity for me to expand my worldview and hone my communication skills. As a buddy, I exchanged my viewpoints on a wide range of educational equity issues with them and learnt to comprehend their unique experiences, which allowed me to gain insights into its similarities and contrasts with the education system in Hong Kong.
In essence, the HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme has afforded me an opportunity to connect with students from a different country, learn about their diverse culture and education system, and hone my communication skills. I am profoundly grateful for this invaluable experience and look forward to meeting my NIE buddy this summer.

LEUNG Yuen Sum, Summer
LEUNG Yuen Sum, Summer (group representative)
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences
Participating in the HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-2023) has been a remarkably rewarding and inspirational experience. Throughout the virtual collaboration, I have gained a deeper understanding of the education systems in Singapore and Hong Kong, and have had the golden opportunity to learn from NIE buddies’ experiences and perspectives. Despite the cultural differences, we all had fruitful discussions regarding the education systems of both places and various popular education issues.
One of the key takeaways of the programme would be the comparison of the education systems between the two places. Given that both Hong Kong and Singapore have highly competitive education systems with a strong focus on academic achievement to prepare students for university, Singapore adopted a more all-round education system to cater to students of multi-intelligence. Under the current education reform in Singapore, students’ abilities and interests in different subjects are well-recognized and supported, providing multiple pathways to address students’ concerns about further academic pursuits and career planning. I believe adopting similar policies in Hong Kong could reduce students’ stress in public exams and encourage diversified development.
In conclusion, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to join the e-Practicum Buddy Programme. It has provided me with valuable insights and challenged me to think more critically about education and my role as a teacher-to-be, a Hong Kong citizen, and a global citizen. I believe this journey has further prepared me to be a student-teacher in Singapore for the International Practicum exchange. It is my pleasure to meet all of my buddies and I am looking forward to learning with you again!

HO Chin Wa, Alex
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science
The HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-23) was an eye-opening experience. This scheme provided me with a precious platform to discuss and compare an array of education topics in Hong Kong and Singapore, despite the fact that we were separated by the spatial barrier.
During the five weeks of sharing with students from HKU and NIE, we have discussed many meaningful educational topics, ranging from education reform to teacher education, from private tutoring to second language education, from SEN education to sexuality education. The most memorable sharing for me is how Singapore’s education reform will take place. Currently, secondary school students in Singapore are categorized and streamed into different schools and route for entering into tertiary education, thus creating a labelling effect. Moreover, the PSLE causes a lot of primary students to have immense stress in order for them to get into a desirable stream in secondary education. Fortunately, the scoring system of PSLE will be less strict and there will be no more streaming at secondary education level. It is nice to see that the exam-oriented culture is becoming less significant in Singapore. I hope that this culture can also be diminished in Hong Kong one day.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all staff and friends in this programme, both from HKU and NIE. In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to the group representatives, who had made great effort in organizing the sharing sessions with interesting ice-breakers and creative games. Through this scheme, not only did I broaden my horizons to understand the differences and strengths of education in Hong Kong and Singapore, but also I could meet new friends and foster friendship. More importantly, I gained a more comprehensive overview of Singapore’s life and culture. I sincerely hope that we can meet each other face to face one day!

JUNG Sun Ah, Sunny
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English
The NIE x HKU e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-2023) was truly an enlightening learning experience, offering a broader perspective of education beyond Hong Kong. Throughout the programme, I was able to meet different peers and share our common passion for education. Moreover, I highly appreciated the construct of the programme, using icebreakers and bingo games to help NIE and HKU students to create great rapport and bond with one another.
During the five weeks, NIE and HKU students were able to collaborate and exchange ideas on different educational issues spanning from private tutoring to sex education. Being able to interact and exchange ideas with different peers was truly rewarding, allowing us to enhance our understanding and knowledge of various educational issues. Furthermore, studying and comparing Hong Kong and Singapore’s educational issues were quite intriguing and insightful as various different approaches were adopted. In particular, I was quite fascinated with the contrasting approaches to sex education. As it is still considered a taboo subject, I was quite impressed with Singapore’s holistic attitude, offering efficient and supportive guidance to appropriately educate students with great precision. During the session, it really inspired me to consider a myriad of ways to improve the Hong Kong education system’s approach to sex education, putting efforts to offer thorough assistance and a comfortable learning environment to address this topic.
Overall, the NIE x HKU e-Practicum Buddy Scheme was a heart-warming educational collaboration, enabling us to explore and expand our knowledge of diversifying and improving the quality of education. Lastly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Angela and all the HKU staff for their organization and support for this whole programme.

KIM Jinseong, Jin
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science
This year’s HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme was also a very meaningful moment as I was able to explore a more extensive array of educational matters that are considered as important in both Hong Kong and Singapore.
It was quite interesting that there are certain distinct differences between Hong Kong and Singapore, such as the types of schools that students can attend, the medium of instruction or the choices of the curriculum. However, there were core educational values that were treated essentially in both contexts, such as the implementation of inclusive education for students with learning needs. The unifying ideologies among the different educational practices in both places made me think about the “right” direction that the educators or education system needs to pursue so to create a better learning environment for the students.
Apart from the contents that were being discussed in the sessions, the e-Practicum Buddy Scheme offered other interesting aspects through this collaborative programme. I was able to make in-depth conversations with my buddy and learned more about not only the educational system but also some of the unique cultural elements in Singapore. It was definitely a great opportunity for me to expand my lines of thoughts and views.

SHUM Ting Hei, Jayden
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science
The NIE X HKU e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-23) was a very fruitful experience. Not only did I understand a new culture through interaction with local people, but I was also able to compare and contrast education in Hong Kong and Singapore, two bustling Asian cities. Through the comparison, I could investigate education in both cities in a more detailed way which allowed me to reflect upon education.
During the scheme, I really enjoyed having casual chats with my NIE buddy. While it was interesting to know the cuisines and places to visit in Singapore, I found it meaningful to introduce and share the culture of my living city with others. This reminded me of the appealing part of the culture and how it shapes my daily life.
The major event of the scheme was the mini presentations in our weekly meetings. The preparation of my group’s presentation topic was challenging, but it was fascinating to know more about the educational situation in Singapore and discover the school life of a Singaporean student from my group members. The presentations covered different educational topics comprehensively, such as private tutoring, educational pathways and so on. They were very informative and impressive which allowed me to critically compare the education in both cities. I was surprised by how the two cities share many similarities in the topics. Also, I did immerse myself in the post-presentation discussions. It was inspiring to listen to the sharing and educational beliefs of others in the educational field. The exchange of thoughts deepened the presentations constructively and enriched my holistic view towards education.
We can see the strengths and weaknesses of education in both cities. While changes in education are happening, I believe that we are heading towards better and more effective education in both cities which would need effort and contribution from everyone in the field.

WONG Hon Leung, Freedy
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – Chinese
I am Freedy, one of the participants in the HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-23). In the past couple months, we participated in the weekly sessions and webinar jointly organised by HKU and NIE buddies to share information about our respective education systems, cultures, and teacher preparation programmes. It really broadened my horizons. By understanding the education systems, cultures, and teaching methods of Singapore, it helps me to develop a sense of global citizenship, enabling me to be more aware of and be better equipped to tackle international challenges.
For instance, comparing with Hong Kong, the Singapore education system places special emphasis on technology and innovation, which helps to develop students' scientific literacy and ability to deal with future challenges. Moreover, the Singapore education system offers a wide range of courses and study pathways, such as technical education, vocational colleges and junior colleges, to meet the needs of different students. I do think that Hong Kong's education system can emulate Singapore's, in addition to high grades, but also to cultivate students' innovative and technological thinking.
Besides, I also met a group of good friends from Singapore, we all share the same ambition. I believe we can encourage and learn from each other. Therefore, I hope to have the opportunity to visit them in Singapore in the future.
Finally, I am very grateful for this opportunity to participate in this programme, which will be of great help to me as a teacher in the future. Thank you all.

FANG Zhuofan, Cathrine
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science
Participating in the HKU x NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-23) is a fruitful experience. I have met an adorable buddy, En Qi, from NIE to work out the comparison of sexuality education in Hong Kong and Singapore. I was impressed by the current relatively mature sexuality education system in Singapore. Singapore and Hong Kong have Asian backgrounds, should both be conservative about sexuality education. However, the approach and the delivery mode adopted may differ in places due to various stakeholders' views, including parents, school administrators, teachers, non-governmental organizations, and religious and faith-based organizations. The Sexuality education in Hong Kong still has room for improvement. Through this programme, we had had an excellent opportunity to investigate and compare the current guidelines from the local education bureau. Most importantly, allowing us to realize what we can learn from them in the sessions.
Indeed, learning and communication are mutual. I think Hong Kong have done a great job in education for students with SEN. At the beginning of the sessions, we played games on different cultures and dialects in Hong Kong and Singapore, which allowed us to get together during the online sessions. Thanks to the e-Practicum Buddy Scheme, I have the chance to learn about the Singapore education system and exchange some ideas with En Qi about our teaching practicum. I sincerely hope we can meet one day face-to-face and experience the teaching environment in Singapore schools.

LAU Chung-man, Candace
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science
The HKU-NIE e-Practicum Buddy Scheme (2022-23) was a wonderful experience where we had a unique opportunity to connect with other pre-service teachers and learn about each other’s culture and educational system. Over the course of the five weeks, each HKU-NIE buddy pair presented on a different educational issue from the context of their own local context. I really appreciated this chance to learn more about Singapore’s educational system, uncovering the many similarities shared with Hong Kong. For example, it was very interesting to learn about how the complex historical background of both places that has had a strong influence on the current multilingual education policies. At the same time, this collaboration has also helped me recognise some of the key differences that exist between the two systems, highlighting how we can learn from each other’s strengths to find ways to improve on the gaps in our system.
The success of this collaboration was made possible with the leadership of our student representatives and the enthusiasm that each participant had to communicate and learn about each other. Through the weekly meetings and icebreaking games, we were able to develop friendships with our buddies. It was easy to connect with each other especially through our shared passion for teaching as we could talk about our teaching practicum experiences and exchange ideas on how to improve our teaching practice. We also shared interesting aspects about our culture, such as the local slang and our favourite local foods. I hope we can get the chance to meet up face-to-face and deepen this fruitful friendship in the future!