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Press Invitation: Environment and Conservation Fund - Hong Kong Environmental Protection Young Pioneers: Virtual Reality Creation Project
傳媒邀請函:環保基金 香港環保小先鋒:虛擬實境創客計劃啓動禮

Updated on December 13, 2023 (Wed)

Environment and Conservation Fund
Hong Kong Environmental Protection Young Pioneers: Virtual Reality Creation Project


The launching ceremony of “Hong Kong Environmental Protection Young Pioneers: Virtual Reality Creation Project” will be held on December 18, 2023 (Monday). The Project is funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund and administered by the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), with Bubble Creation, Hong Kong Discovery and Aldrich Bay Government Primary School as co-organisers. This Project utilises the Learning Analytics enabled Virtual Reality (LAVR) content creation platform, developed by the Culture Computing and Multimodal Information Research Lab of the Faculty of Education, HKU, to assist primary school students in using and creating Virtual Reality (VR) content. It aims to cultivate and raise students' awareness of conserving nature environment and protecting the ecosystem through eco-tours and workshops.


The event includes a workshop session that allows participants gain experience in using the LAVR platform which is designed to be simple and user-friendly, enabling users to create VR stories with literal or audio descriptions. It is specifically tailored to support students of different levels in participating in Maker activities. By creating VR stories, schools and students become active creators rather than passive users of online resources platforms. This process also fosters students’ learning initiative and stimulates their creativity. 


Members of the media are welcome to attend the event to know more about how this VR platform can aid students’ learning. Details are as follows:


Date:    December 18, 2023 (Monday)
Time:    2:45 pm - 4:30 pm (Media Registration Time: 2:30 pm)
Venue:    School Hall, Aldrich Bay Government Primary School


2:30 pm - 2:45 pm    Registration
2:45 pm - 2:55 pm    Project introduction
2:55 pm - 3:02 pm    Welcome Speech
3:02 pm - 3:15 pm    Award presentation ceremony
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm    Workshop
4:15 pm - 4:30 pm    Sharing session


For media enquiries, please contact Ms Trista Lee of the “Hong Kong Environmental Protection Young Pioneers: Virtual Reality Creation Project” (E-mail: or Ms Cheryl Cheung, Senior Manager (Development and Communications), Faculty of Education, HKU (Tel.: 3917 4270 / E-mail:
December 13, 2023

環保基金 香港環保小先鋒:虛擬實境創客計劃啓動禮


由環境及自然保育基金資助,香港大學教育學院推行,並由遊藝地圖、野外動向和愛秩序灣官立小學協辦的「環保基金 香港環保小先鋒:虛擬實境創客計劃」,將於2023年12月18日(星期一)舉行項目啓動禮。該計劃旨在透過香港大學教育學院文化計算和多模態資訊研究實驗室研發的LAVR虛擬實境創作平台,與學生一同使用和創造虛擬實境,配合實體生態導賞及校園工作坊,以創新的沉浸式互動體驗,結合線上線下混合學習模式,帶領學生探討因全球氣候變化引致的自然保育問題。






日期:    2023年12月18日(一)
時間:    下午2時45分至4時30分(傳媒登記時間:下午2時30分)
地點:    愛秩序灣官立小學禮堂


下午2:30 - 2:45    登記
下午2:45 - 2:55    司儀歡迎辭、介紹出席嘉賓及簡介計劃內容
下午2:55 - 3:02    主辦單位代表、主禮嘉賓及協辦機構代表致辭
下午3:02 - 3:15    頒發感謝狀予夥伴學校
下午3:15 - 4:15    分組工作坊活動
下午4:15 - 4:30    工作坊作品分享


傳媒查詢,請聯絡「環保基金 香港環保小先鋒:虛擬實境創客計劃」李晉慧女士 (電郵或香港大學教育學院高級經理(發展及傳訊)張俊瑜女士(電話:3917 4270 / 電郵﹕。  

