School-University Partnerships (SUP) Office hosted Study Tour from National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
Updated on June 03, 2024 (Mon)

On June 3-7, 2024, the School-University Partnerships (SUP) Office at the Faculty of Education hosted a study tour from the National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore to facilitate knowledge exchange, enrich learning experiences, and deepen the partnership between the two institutions.
NIE representatives Dr Teo Yong Chua (Assistant Dean, Double Major Programmes, Office of Teacher Education) and Ms June Koh (Outreach & Scholarship Programme), together with 14 prospective teachers from various disciplines, received a warm welcome from Professor Lo Yuen Yi (Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching), Dr Promail Leung (Director, School-University Partnerships), and HKU student ambassadors.
Through an immersive programme of workshops, school visits and lesson observations at local schools, attendees had the valuable opportunity to exchange ideas and gain insights into the educational landscapes and pedagogical practices in both Hong Kong and Singapore. Participants were inspired by the innovative teaching strategies and engaging learning environments that they witnessed during lesson observations and post-lesson discussions.
By fostering valued partnerships, the SUP Office is delighted to advance internationalisation, academic exchange and student experience, contributing to HKU’s 3+1 Is mission.
To learn more about SUP’s events and initiatives, please visit