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Education Mentorship Programme 2023-24 Inauguration Ceremony

Updated on March 16, 2024 (Sat)

Education Mentorship Programme 2023-24 Inauguration Ceremony

The Inauguration Ceremony of the Education Mentorship Programme 2023-24 was held on March 16, 2024, marking the commencement of a new round of the Education Mentorship Programme (“Programme”).


Jointly organised by the Faculty of Education and The Hong Kong University Education Alumni Association (HKUEdAA), the Programme is designed to enable students of the Faculty to enhance their exposure to professional development through direct experience, sharing, and active interaction with experienced professionals and executives in education-related fields. 


The ceremony began with a warm welcome from Professor Lawrence Ng, Associate Dean (Outreach and Engagement), and Professor Elizabeth Ka Yee Loh, Assistant Dean (Knowledge Exchange). They highlighted the significance of mentorship in guiding students towards professional growth in their respective fields. They also expressed gratitude to all the mentors who selflessly contribute their time and expertise to this Programme. Mr Yick Tak Ming, Luke, President of HKUEdAA, also emphasised the essential role of mentorship in facilitating personal development of mentees. 


The ceremony included a sharing session by Mr Mingson Lam and Ms Rosa You, mentors for this year’s programme. Mingson, who has been an active participant in the Programme, shared his mentoring experiences and highlighted the benefits that students could gain from the Programme. Rosa, an experienced language teacher, provided valuable insights from her field of expertise in language teaching. Additionally, Miss Wendy Jian, a mentee from the previous year, shared communication tips with the new mentees and discussed what she had gained through engagement with her mentor. 


The ceremony concluded with ice-breaking games and a networking session, allowing all participants to connect and learn more about one another.


We genuinely wish for our mentors and mentees to have an enriching and enlightening experience throughout the Programme, and we hope that their friendships will continue to flourish and grow in the days to come!