“English Teaching 101” Workshop
Updated on June 07, 2022 (Tue)

The “English Teaching 101” Workshop was held on the HKU campus on May 30, 2022. The workshop was attended by around 30 Secondary 6 students who are interested in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Language Education) – English [BA&BEd(LangEd)-Eng] programme.
The face-to-face workshop echoed the JUPAS Information Week held on May 25, 2022. It is also a new initiative, which provided us with an excellent opportunity to engage with our prospective students on the HKU campus.
The workshop consisted of several interesting and interactive activities. First, the participants attended a short lesson taught by our BA&BEd(LangEd)-Eng Year 5 students, with innovative teaching methods for senior secondary level.
After that, the participants had enthusiastic exchanges with the group leaders, who were also Year 5 students of the BA&BEd(LangEd)-Eng programme. They discussed a wide range of topics, such as their reasons for choosing the programme on a more personal level, why they wanted to become an English teacher, student life at HKU, and their future plans and career paths.
In the wrap-up, Ms Suzi Nicholson, Programme Coordinator, summed up the learning outcomes of the workshop: to provide the participants with an experience of innovative teaching methods for senior secondary level, and to give them a precious opportunity to exchange ideas with current students. She also shared important admissions information about the programme.
Before leaving the HKU campus, the participants went on a guided campus tour and had the chance to visit the premises within the Faculty and some landmarks of HKU, such as the Main Building and the Main Library.
We hope that this new event offered the potential students a valuable glimpse into the programme and we look forward to meeting them at HKU again soon.