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Education Mentorship Programme 2021-22 Online Inauguration Ceremony

Updated on March 10, 2022 (Thu)

Education Mentorship Programme 2021-22 Online Inauguration Ceremony

The Online Inauguration Ceremony of the Education Mentorship Programme 2021-22 was held via ZOOM on March 4, 2022 with over 60 mentors, mentees and guests attending. The event marked the official commencement of the Programme this year. With the support of mentors from a wide range of professional areas such as teaching, education administration, speech therapy, early childhood education and information technology in education, our mentees have the opportunity to gain exposure to professional development and to learn from their assigned mentors. 


The Ceremony started with warm welcoming remarks by Professor A. Lin Goodwin, Dean, Faculty of Education, HKU. Professor Goodwin conveyed our gratitude to all the mentors for the time and love they give to our mentees, and expressed her belief that mentoring can be a wonderful pathway into new experiences and deep learning. Dr Lawrence Ng, Associate Dean (Outreach and Engagement), and Dr Elizabeth Loh, Assistant Dean (Knowledge Exchange), also greeted the participants and thanked them for participating.


During the event, a sharing session was conducted by two mentors and a mentee of the Programme. Mr Jonathan Ng and Ms Mandy Au, two of the mentors, shared their mentorship experience. Jonathan has been a mentor for several years, and he has treasured the opportunities for guiding students. Mandy only joined the Programme last year, but she has already found the Programme beneficial to both mentors and mentees, as they can learn from each other. Miss Vinci Cheung, one of our mentees, gladly shared with participants her valuable experiences of learning from her mentor, who gave her useful and practical advice on her teaching practicum, academic studies and future career possibilities.  Vinci also encouraged her fellow mentees to proactively interact with their respective mentors. 


After the sharing, the mentors were introduced to all the participants. Everyone then took part in ice breaking games in groups to learn more about each other, in particular where they lived and what their hobbies were. They had a lot of fun and were pleased to make new friends in a relaxing atmosphere. We hope this Programme will bring meaningful and enlightening exchange to both our mentees and mentors!