Speech and Intelligence: Unveiling the Psychology and Brain Science Behind the Importance of Talking 言語與智力:從心理學與腦科學角度解讀言語活動的重要性
January 04, 2025 (Sat)
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

"Speech and Intelligence: Unveiling the Psychology and Brain Science Behind the Importance of Talking" by Prof. Ouyang Guang
Date: January 4, 2025 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
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Human speech production, or talking, is so commonplace that most people take this ability for granted, often unaware of its impact on basic cognitive abilities. In this workshop, I will present the theoretical foundation illustrating how speech production activities play a critical role in cognitive enhancement and development. Basic cognitive abilities, such as memory, reasoning, and attention, are fundamentally important for our daily lives, as they are essential for everyday functioning. Consequently, enhancing these cognitive abilities, or general intelligence, has garnered significant interest within society. However, scientific evidence supporting various training programs remains inconsistent and controversial.
In this workshop, I will explore how real-time speech activity, an easily accessible practice, is linked to two major components of the cognitive ability system: information maintenance and operation. I will demonstrate how engaging in speech production can enhance these cognitive systems. Additionally, the workshop will cover the research paradigms and principles used to study cognitive enhancement, providing an overview of the topic.
About the speaker:
Prof. Guang Ouyang is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on developing signal processing methods to extract information from complex neural signals related to cognition and learning. With over ten years of experience in neural signal analysis, he has gained significant expertise in the detailed features and composition of neural signals recorded at various levels. Prof. Ouyang has developed advanced electroencephalography (EEG) signal processing methods that have supported over 100 publications from labs in 15 countries. His EEG-based research has been published in more than 40 peer-reviewed journal papers in the field of cognitive neuroscience.
日期: 2025年1月4日 (星期六)
時間: 上午10時至11時