Research Seminar: Publishing in top-tier applied linguistic journals: Perspectives of an editor-reviewer-author
November 10, 2023 (Fri)
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Publishing in top-tier applied linguistic journals: Perspectives of an editor-reviewer-author
Dr Csilla Weninger
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University
November 10, 2023 (Friday)
11:00 – 12:15
Room 405, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Chair: Dr Kevin Tai
In this interactive session, we will consider key stages and aspects of the publishing process and discuss common pitfalls as well as best practices that may lead to a less painful and more successful experience in getting our work published in top journals.
About the speaker:
Trained as a sociolinguist, Dr Csilla Weninger’s research examines language in its social contexts of use along two main strands. First, she is interested to explore how spoken, written and visual discourse manifests, propagates and reinforces cultural and political ideologies that can be traced and uncovered through the detailed analysis of text and talk. A bulk of her publications in this area concern the impact and imprint of ideologies on the conduct of schooling, primarily through textbooks, policies and classroom discourse. Second, and as an extension of the first area, her research aims to examine and develop critical approaches to English language and literacy education. A key concern for such approaches is moving beyond literacy as a skill and fostering students’ engagement with texts as a reflexive and affective situated social practice. In this regard, she has been involved in researching and teaching digital media literacy as a foundational skill and disposition for 21st century education. Theoretically, her work is situated at the intersection of critical discourse studies, sociocultural linguistics and critical literacy studies. She is co-editor in chief of Linguistics and Education, and head of English Language & Literature, at National Institute of Education, Singapore. Email:
~ All are welcome ~
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