TPACK Essentials: Enhancing Teaching with Technology
November 13, 2023 (Mon)
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

TPACK Essentials: Enhancing Teaching with Technology
Professor Charoula Angeli-Valanides
Department of Education, University of Cyprus
Date: November 13, 2023 (Monday)
Time: 11:00 – 12:30
Mode: Zoom and Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, HKU
Chair: Dr Gary Wong
Centered around the theme “Enhancing Teaching with Technology,” this seminar is strategically designed to demystify the underlying concepts of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The goal is to endow participants with practical strategies that seamlessly infuse technology into their teaching and learning (T&L) practice while bolstering their focus on pedagogical and content expertise. It primarily targets educators and educationists on the quest for a more nuanced understanding of TPACK and pragmatic ideas to integrate technology within the K–12 context and beyond.
During the session, participants will embark on an enlightening journey entailing the elucidation of TPACK principles, their application across various contexts, and an exploration of a vast array of digital tools. Designed to be highly interactive, it will involve hands-on activities requiring computer access. To amplify the learning experience, many relevant resources and templates will also be provided, facilitating immediate application.
Upon completion, participants are expected to walk away with a “relational understanding of TPACK,” coupled with a plethora of design ideas poised to aid them in weaving technology into their T&L practice, all the while considering pedagogical and content expertise. Although the session may not cover the entire expanse of TPACK due to time constraints, it envisions inspiring participants to explore the topic further, ultimately fostering a more nuanced understanding of its transformative potential in various educational contexts—writ large.
About the speaker:
Professor Charoula Angeli is a revered professor in the Department of Education at the University of Cyprus, Nicosia, where she specializes in Instructional Technology. Her work is a compelling intersection of technology and education, significantly contributing to the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) framework and technology in teacher education. She has notably advocated for enhancing teachers' skills to integrate technology into their teaching practices effectively.
Her research extends to instructional design and technology-enhanced learning, aiming to create engaging, productive, and inclusive educational environments. She is keenly interested in exploring individual cognitive differences and how these influence learning with computers. Additionally, her work in the realms of computers and education and computational thinking explores the impact of computer-based learning and how to incorporate computational thinking into curricula best. Her comprehensive research portfolio underscores her commitment to shaping technology integration in teaching and learning, solidifying her position as a leading voice in her field.
~ All are welcome ~
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