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How could schools eliminate reading difficulties: The successful example of Alberta

Event type




September 09, 2022 (Fri)


by Zoom


9:30 AM - 10:45 AM


Professor George Georgiou
How could schools eliminate reading difficulties:  The successful example of Alberta

How could schools eliminate reading difficulties:
The successful example of Alberta


Professor George Georgiou

Department of Educational Psychology

Faculty of Education

University of Alberta, Canada

Date: September 9, 2022 (Friday)  

Time: 9:30 – 10:45am (HKT) 

Chair: Dr Patcy Yeung

The seminar will be conducted via ZOOM

Online Registration:  

(Please register by 5:00pm (HKT) on September 8, 2022 (Thursday). The meeting ID and password will be sent to registrants by email.)


It has been repeatedly argued that there is a profound disconnection between the science of reading and educational practice. Very little of what we have learned as reading researchers has had any impact on what happens in schools. In this presentation I will describe a successful model of a productive partnership between the government, the schools, and the researchers in Alberta (Canada) that has resulted in eliminating reading difficulties from many of our schools.  

About the speaker:

Professor George Georgiou is a full professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta, Canada. His research focuses on two related topics: (a) the development of reading acquisition across languages including its predictors, and (b) the remediation of reading difficulties. In the last two years, Professor Georgiou was seconded to Alberta Education to oversee the development of the new English Language Arts curriculum. He has received several national and international awards for his research including the Killam professorship in 2020, the Alberta Teachers' Association Educational Research Award in 2019, and the APA Div. 15 early career research award in 2015. Because of the impact of his research on the society, in 2018, he was inducted into the Royal Society of Canada. 

~ All are welcome ~
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please contact the Office of Research, Faculty of Education at

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