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Eye-tracking + EEG workshop: Introduction to eye-tracking and EEG integration technology and research

Event type




April 15, 2024 (Mon)


Room 401-402, Meng Wah Complex, HKU


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Dr Olaf Dimigen
Eye-tracking + EEG workshop: Introduction to eye-tracking and EEG integration technology and research

Eye-tracking + EEG workshop:
Introduction to eye-tracking and EEG integration technology and research

        Dr Olaf Dimigen, Assistant Professor, University of Groningen

Moderator:    Prof Guang Ouyang,
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU

Date:               April 15, 2024 (Monday)

Time:              2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Venue:            Room 401 – 402, Meng Wah Complex, HKU

Traditionally, electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies have required participants to maintain a fixed gaze to prevent signal distortion, a requirement that starkly contrasts with the dynamic nature of how we explore our visual environment in daily life, by making 2-4 eye movements per second. A promising approach for studying attention and cognition in more naturalistic settings is the combined recording of eye-tracking and EEG data while allowing participants to freely make eye movements. This workshop will introduce researchers to this relatively novel method combination, with an emphasis on data analysis.

The workshop is structured into two parts:

Theoretical Foundation (from 2:00 to 3:00 + 30 mins Q&A)

The first session offers an introduction to the potential advantages, applications, and challenges of integrating eye movement and EEG recordings. I will show some examples of how this technique can lead to new insights in the areas of reading, face perception, and natural scene viewing. A special emphasis will be on the methodological challenges of co-registration, including the practicalities of setting up a laboratory and integrating the data, as well as strategies for removing ocular artifacts from the EEG. Finally, I will cover recent advances in regression-based deconvolution techniques (Dimigen & Ehinger, 2021), which are instrumental in deriving clean and interpretable brain signals during natural vision.

Hands-On Analysis (from 3:30 to 5:00)

The second session will be hands-on. Together, we will analyze simple EEG/eye-tracking datasets using two freely available Matlab toolboxes developed in my lab: EYE-EEG ( and UNFOLD ( This part is designed to be interactive, and while some prior knowledge of Matlab and EEG/ERP analysis basics is beneficial, it is not mandatory.

Participants are required to bring their own laptops with Matlab installed (version R2018 or newer). All necessary toolboxes and datasets will be provided during the workshop.

~ All are welcome ~

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