Powerful Pedagogy Post Pandemics
October 11, 2022 (Tue)
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Academy for Leadership in Teacher Education International Webinar Series for Exemplary Scholarship
Distinguished Lecture sponsored by Tin Ka Ping Foundation
Powerful Pedagogy Post Pandemics
Professor Gloria Ladson-Billings
Professor Emerita
School of Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
Date: October 11, 2022 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am (HKT)
Mode: ZOOM Webinar
Online registration: https://hku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_T_CpRtA3QRS7aDLkXXB-RA
Language: English
Enquiries: eduert@hku.hk
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education has been profound. Additionally, other potential pandemics (e.g. racial/ethnic violence, economic uncertainty, impending environmental catastrophe, etc.) confront students. Despite school systems attempt to conduct remote teaching and learning, we recognised the large disparities that exist among groups of students and the limited ways educators have responded. This lecture speaks to the “opportunities” the pandemic presented for teachers and those who prepare them.
About the Speaker
Professor Gloria Ladson-Billings is Professor Emerita and former Kellner Family Distinguished Professor of Urban Education in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, and was a faculty affiliate in the Departments of Educational Policy Studies, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, and Afro American Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is the Immediate Past President of the National Academy of Education and former President of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). She is a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy and Hagler Institute Fellow at Texas A&M University. Professor Ladson-Billings’ research examines the pedagogical practices of teachers who are successful with African American students. She also investigates critical race theory applications to education.
Professor Ladson-Billings is the author of several critically acclaimed books, including The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children and Crossing over to Canaan: The Journey of New Teachers in Diverse Classrooms, and editor of six other books and author of more than 100 journal articles and book chapters. Her work has won numerous scholarly awards, including the H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, the George and Louise Spindler Award from the Council on Anthropology and Education and the AERA’s Distinguished Research Award. Professor Ladson-Billings holds a number of honorary degrees, including Morgan State University (USA), University of Alicante (Spain), University of Massachusetts – Lowell (USA), Umeå University (Sweden) and the Erickson Institute (USA).
All are welcome!