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Hong Kong University Education Alumni Association

Hong Kong University Education Alumni Association (HKUEdAA) 香港大學教育學院校友會


Photo:  Inside campus

Established in 2004 during the celebration of the Faculty’s 20th anniversary, the HKUEdAA aims to: 

  • maintain and promote networking and friendship;
  • organise educational, recreational, social, cultural and community services activities;
  • further the interests and professionalism amongst members; and
  • provide assistance to students and graduates.

Graduates from the Faculty of Education, HKU are welcome to enrol in the HKUEdAA*. 


Apply for Membership


* Please refer to the online application form for the membership fee.


Please join the HKUEdAA Facebook group now!


 QR Code:




June 30, 2023 (Friday) - Wine Appreciation Session



Past Events 

Please join the HKUEdAA Facebook group to view the highlights of the past events.


HKUEdAA Executive Committee, 2023 – 2024

Executive CommitteeName


Mr Yick Tak Ming, Luke

Vice President


Mr Lee Siu Hok, William

Dr Leung Sui Man, Anita

Mr Richard Yang


Mr Wong Sing Tsun, Derek


Mr Ng Ka Ming, Jonathan

Professional Coordinator

Mr Lam Ho Ming, Mingson

Ms Tsang Yuk Ping, Maggie
Ms Annabelle Zhang

Social Convenor


Ms Anna Chan

Ms You Rou, Rosa

Executive Committee Member


Mr Kwan Cheuk Kuen, Anderson
Ms Lai Man Wa, Eva
Mr Leung Siu Ki, Simon
Ms Ng Mei Yee, Florence
Dr Zheng Shenggang


For details of the constitution, please click the link below: 

Constitution of the Hong Kong University Education Alumni Association