Constitution of the Hong Kong University Education Alumni Association
- The name of the Association is “The Hong Kong University Education Alumni Association HKUEdAA (香港大學教育學院校友會)” (“the Association”).
- The registered address of the Association is “Office of the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong”.
- The Association shall be non-profit making with the following aims:
- To maintain and promote networking and friendship amongst its members.
- To organise educational, recreational, social, cultural and community services activities.
- To initiate and assist the furthering of the interests and professionalism amongst its members.
- To provide for assistance, awards and scholarships to students and graduates of the Faculty of Education, including its former Departments and other sub-divisions, and its predecessor, School of Education (“the Faculty”).
- Members of the Association shall be divided into the following categories:
- Full Members
- Ordinary Members: Subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, graduates of the Faculty upon payment of the requisite fees shall become Ordinary Members.
- Life Members: Subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, graduates of the Faculty shall become Life Members upon payment of the requisite fees, or graduates of the Faculty who are current members of the HKU Education Alumni Foundation.
- Associate Members: Subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, persons who are current members of the HKU Education Alumni Foundation but not graduates of the Faculty. The HKU Education Alumni Foundation shall pay to the Association fees that are equivalent to the amount required for Full Life members.
- Honorary Members: Honorary membership shall be conferred on such persons as recommended by the President and approved by the Executive Committee.
- Full Members
- Rights of Members:
- To enjoy the facilities and functions provided by the Association.
- To propose and vote at the General Meetings.
- To elect and be elected as Executive Committee members.
- To receive notifications and publications issued by the Association.
- Application for Ordinary Membership or Life Membership shall be made on the prescribed Application Form signed by the applicant and delivered to the Secretary for acceptance by the Executive Committee at a meeting. Applicants shall be notified in writing by the Secretary of the resolution of the Executive Committee in respect of their applications as soon as possible after the meeting. The Executive Committee shall have the right to refuse any application without revealing the reason.
- The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee, the term of service of which shall be two years.
- The Executive Committee shall include the following honorary officials - a President, a Vice-President: Honorary Secretary, a Vice-President: Honorary Treasurer, one or more than one Vice-President: Honorary Social Convenor, one or more than one Vice-President: Honorary Professional Coordinator, one or more than one Vice-President: Honorary Members Affairs, the Immediate Past President and co-opted members.
- The President shall take the chair at all meetings and direct the business of the Executive Committee.
- The Vice-President: Honorary Secretary shall assist the President to direct the business of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall become acting President. She/he shall also conduct the correspondence of the Association, take minutes of all meetings, keep records and publish bulletins.
- The Vice-President: Honorary Treasurer shall deal with financial matters, keep an account of the income and expenditure, and present a Statement and Balance Sheet to the Executive Committee at the end of the financial year.
- The Vice-President: Honorary Social Convenor shall organise all recreational, social and cultural activities for the benefit of members.
- The Vice-President: Honorary Professional Coordinator shall organise functions for the professional furtherance of members.
- The Vice-President: Honorary Members Affairs shall take care of the growth of memberships of the association and the benefits of members.
- There are no limit on the number of co-opted members.
- An Audit Board shall be elected by the Executive Committee as Honorary Auditors to audit and sign the annual statement prepared by the Treasurer.
- The Executive Committee members are eligible for re-election but shall not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
- A General Meeting of the Association shall be held annually not later than 31st December to transact the following business:
- To receive reports from the Executive Committee
- To receive the statements of accounts
- To pass any amendments to the Constitution
- To receive suggestions from members regarding the business of the Association
- To elect members for the next Executive Committee, where applicable
- The Executive Committee shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within one month of receiving a written joint request from over 50 members.
- Members shall be notified of Annual General Meetings and receive the agenda at least 14 days before each meeting.
- At all meetings all decisions shall be made by a simple majority vote of the members present. In case the votes tie, the President shall have a second vote.
- Notwithstanding the provisions in clause 20, amendments of the Constitution can only be passed by at least two thirds of the members present at the General Meeting.
- The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 15 members. If the number of members present is less than the quorum, the meetings shall be postponed for 14 days when the meeting must be carried out regardless of the number of members present, which shall form a quorum.
- A Full Member may be nominated for election to the Executive Committee by any two Full Members. The nomination shall be sent to the Secretary in writing at least 21 days before the date of election, together with a notification in writing from such nominee of his/her willingness to serve on the Committee if elected.
- Fourteen days before an Annual General Meeting, the Executive Committee shall send to all Members of the Association a list of candidates duly nominated and a statement stating the number of vacancies to be filled.
- The election shall take place in the following manner:
- If the number of candidates duly nominated equals or is less than the number of vacancies to be filled, the said candidates shall be deemed to have been elected to the Executive Committee with immediate effect after the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting at which the vacancies are to be filled.
- If the number of candidates duly nominated exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, the election shall be by a show of hands or by ballot, and the candidates to be elected shall hold office with immediate effect after the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.
- If any seat remains unfilled, such vacancy shall be treated as a casual vacancy in the Executive Committee. The newly formed Executive Committee shall have the power to find Full Members to fill casual vacancies.
- With the exception of the immediate Past President, who shall automatically become an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee, the new Committee members shall forthwith elect among themselves to fill the various posts of the Committee not later than 31st December of the same year. The outgoing Officers shall hand over their offices to the new members within10 days of the new Committee being set up.
- A financial year shall be from 1st September to 31st August of the following year.
- The subscription for Life Members shall be HK$300, (subject to adjustment by the Executive Committee), and shall be paid to the Association upon application. The life subscription shall be halved for graduates of the Faculty’s full-time programmes who join the Association within six months after graduation.
- The annual subscription for Ordinary Members shall be HK$100 (subject to adjustment by the Executive Committee) and shall be paid to the Association not later than the date of the Annual General Meeting. The annual subscription shall be halved for graduates of the Faculty’s full-time programmes who join the Association within six months after graduation
- The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a bank approved by the Executive Committee, and withdrawal shall only be made with the signatures of any two of the following: the President, the Vice-President, and the Treasurer.
- The funds of the Association shall only be used to meet its recurrent expenditure and to further the aims stipulated in Section Two of this Constitution, unless decided otherwise by a General Meeting.
- In the event of debts or liabilities of the Association exceeding its assets, the Executive Committee Members of the financial year in which such debts or liabilities were incurred shall jointly be responsible for such excess.
- Should the Executive Committee consider that the aims of the Association can no longer be achieved, a General Meeting will be called whereby the motion of dissolution shall be passed by two-third of the members present.
- After dissolution, the remaining assets of the Association shall be donated to charitable organisations in Hong Kong.