International Practicum (in-person)
NIE X HKU International Practicum Exchange Programme (Singapore) (2023-24)
NIE X HKU International Practicum Exchange Programme (Singapore) (2022-23)
International Practicum Exchange Programme (Singapore) (2023-24)
The School-University Partnerships (SUP) Office is committed to facilitating international practicum opportunities for students through exchange programmes with universities across the globe. This has provided student-teachers with diverse cultural immersion experiences, allowing them to gain invaluable insights into various education systems and teaching practices worldwide.
In summer 2024, a group of our students embarked on a 4-week practicum placement in local Singaporean schools through the NIE x HKU International Practicum Exchange Programme jointly offered by HKU and NIE (National Institute of Education Singapore).
Read on to see what students said about their enriching journey of teaching and learning through the programme.

Professor LO, Yuen Yi (Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching)) and SUP Director Dr LEUNG, Promail present Certificates of Completion to participants.

HKU students present souvenirs to the International and School Partnerships team at NIE.
HKU Participants
CHUNG Ching, Charlotte (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English)
HUNG Lok To, Sonia (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English)
MATTRAS Gladys Hiu Ling (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English)
WONG Ching Yi, Bella (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – Chinese)
WONG Tsz Kit, Andrew (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – Chinese)
WONG Yuen Ni, Angela (Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences)
WU Yik Mei, Queenie (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – Chinese)
YEUNG Ho Long, Isaac (Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science)
International Practicum Exchange Programme (Singapore) (2022-23)
As part of our commitment to fostering international collaboration and enhancing student experience, the SUP Office offers the NIE x HKU International Practicum Exchange Programme with NIE (National Institute of Education) in Singapore.
Our Office was delighted to see the in-person programme resume after a 3-year suspension due to the impact of Covid-19. Seven students from the Faculty embarked on a transformative learning journey where they undertook 4-week professional practicum in local schools in Singapore in July 2023.
Objectives of the programme:
Some of the main objectives for student-teachers include:
- Developing observation and reflection skills by working alongside experienced teachers in Singapore
- Gaining practical experiences from assisting with lesson planning, preparation of teaching materials, carrying out teaching activities, etc.
- Having a deeper understanding of the professional roles and responsibilities of a teacher
- Having an opportunity to experience a different educational system and culture, build a global mindset and form cross-cultural friendships in an international setting
HKU Participants
Name | Programme |
Miss FANG Zhuofan, Cathrine | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science |
Mr FUNG Pak Wai, Jimmy | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science |
Mr HO Chin Wa, Alex | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science |
Miss HO Wing Yan, Lily | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English |
Miss LAU Chung-man, Candace | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science |
Miss LEUNG Yuen Sum, Summer | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences |
Mr SHUM Ting Hei, Jayden | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science |
Positive feedback & fruitful outcomes
A debriefing session was held at HKU with the participants and feedback was also collected via a post-practicum survey. Students found the international practicum experience enriching and meaningful. It helped them broaden their horizons and gain insights into different educational approaches, pedagogies and curricula. They also appreciated the guidance and mentorship they received from seasoned educators during their practicum, which would help equip them for their future teaching careers.
Here are some words the participants used to describe their fruitful experience: