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Partnerships Collaboration (2023-24)

Partnerships Collaboration (2022-23)

Partnerships Collaboration (2021-22)

Partnerships Collaboration (2020-21)


Partnerships Collaboration (2023-24)



IB Chinese Language Teaching Professional Forum 2023-24


The HKU IB Chinese Language Teaching Professional Forum aims to provide a platform for IB Chinese language teachers to share their practices and learn from each other. The forum includes a series of webinars around various topics related to IB Chinese language teaching. Teachers and alumni are invited to share their practices and the Faculty welcome all teachers, students and alumni to join.
Same as the previous year, three Forums have been scheduled for each semester in 2023-24:
Semester 1:   October, November and December 2023
Semester 2:   March, April and May 2024


IB Chinese Forum Series 2023-24




Partnerships Collaboration (2022-23)



IB Chinese Language Teaching Professional Forum 2022-23


The HKU IB Chinese Language Teaching Professional Forum aims to provide a platform for IB Chinese language teachers to share their practices and learn from each other. The forum includes a series of webinars around various topics related to IB Chinese language teaching. Teachers and alumni are invited to share their practices and the Faculty welcome all teachers, students and alumni to join.
In 2022-23, three Forums have been scheduled in each semester:
Semester 1:   October, November and December 2022
Semester 2:   February, March and April 2023



PGDE School Forum 2022-23


Forum 1 (7 Sep 2022)

Session 1

Topic: Why Teachers are more important now than ever
Speaker: Dr Gary Harfitt, Principal, Good Hope School (Secondary Section)


Session 2a (Kindergarten stream)

Topic: 幼師入職你要知暨長洲幼稚園校本特色分享會
Speaker: Mr Cheng Kai Yin, Principal, Kwok Man Vernacular Normal Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten


Session 2b (Primary stream)

Topic: How do schools accommodate students from different backgrounds?
Speaker: Mr Chim Hon Ming, Principal, Chiu Sheung School, Hong Kong


Session 2c (Secondary stream)

Group 1

Topic: The Reasons for Becoming a Professional Teacher
Speaker: Mr Ho Sai Cheong, Principal, Mu Kuang English School


Group 2

Topic: From the Journey of Becoming a Teacher to the Journey as a Teacher: Things to Ponder
Speaker: Ms Evelyn Wong, Principal, Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School


PGDE School Forum 2022-23-SF1 


Forum 2 (14 Sep 2022)

Session 1

Topic: Nurturing diverse learners by understanding how they think and learn: some insights from our experience and practice
Speaker: Mr Franky Poon, Principal, Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School


Session 2 - Parallel Interactive Group Discussion

Topic: My journey: Learning to be a Caring Cultivators of All-round Growth and Inspirational Co-constructors of Knowledge


Speakers (Awardees of The Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence [CEATE]):
Mr Kwan Si Lun Alan, Baptist (STW) Lui Ming Choi Primary School

Ms Tse Pik Wan Grace, Fanling Kau Yan College

Ms Tang Wan Ki, Fung Kai Innovative School

Mr Fung Hon Yin, YCH Lim Por Yen Secondary School

Mr Chik Man Fung, CCC Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School

Mr Kan Wai Hung, Principal, HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No. 1 Secondary School

Ms Yip Wai Ting Vashti, Sau Ming Primary School



 PGDE School Forum 2022-23-SF2


Forum 3 (21 Sep 2022)


Session 1

Topic: Motivating Students to Learn
Speaker: Ms Veronica Yau, Principal and delegates, Fanling Kau Yan College


Session 2 - Panel discussion

Topic: How to prepare yourself as a life-long holistic professional teacher?

Ms Veronica Yau, Principal of Fanling Kau Yan College
Mr Marco Wong, Vice Principal of Fanling Kau Yan College
Prof Yang Rui, Dean of Faculty of Education, HKU
Dr Lo Yuen Yi, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) of Faculty of Education HKU
PGDE Student-teacher representatives:
  •    Miss Li Man Yu, Michelle

  •    Mr Chu Kwok Wai, Phoenix

  •    Miss Cheung Yat Ning, Sarah


PGDE School Forum 2022-23-SF3 





Partnerships Collaboration (2021-22)



Students as Partner: Live Streaming Hands-on Professional Development Workshop for Physics/STEM teachers (supported by QEF and EDB)


Supported by the Quality Education Fund (QEF), the Education Bureau (EDB) of the HKSAR Government, Ms Promail Leung, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Education, and 11 Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science (BEdBSc) Physics major student-teachers have jointly organised two live-streaming online hands-on and minds-on teacher professional workshops on 16 and 17 Feb 2022, respectively. Around 60 Physics/ STEM school teachers participated in these meaningful events.  To view the workshop video, please click here.


Below are the 11 BEd&BSc students who took part in the two workshops:

Year 5

Year 4

Year 3

Lo Chun Yip, Michael
Kwok Kai Yin, Jonathan
Tang Sik Ming, Madison
Leung Cheuk Wang, Ken
Chan Iat Cheong, Davis
Yau Siu Ning, Teresa

Choi Sin Sum






Chan Tsz Wun, Sharon
Kwan Ho Yam, Benson
Yau Chi Lam, Xavier
Wong Hoi Ying, Melody




Ms Leung has been collaborating with student-teachers to upscale their innovative tech-infused assignments to Inquiry-based Physics Teaching Packages (PhyTP) since 2018.  For this workshop, six PhyTP were produced to support Physics/STEM school teachers, which are suitable for both face-to-face and online teaching. These materials cover research-evident misconceptions or concepts that students often find difficult to understand.  Each set of the materials contains a video with bilingual subtitles and a teacher’s manual for easy explanation to students (Fig 1). In addition, bilingual worksheets or handouts for students are included in most of the sets.


Fig 1. Teaching videos and user manual

Fig 1 Teaching videos and user manual



The workshops have adopted the “Students as Partners” (SaP) approach, which empowered the student-teachers and Faculty staff as active collaborators in planning, decision-making, and implementation that contribute to the workshops equally. During the workshops, student-teachers worked in groups to devise their teaching plans and adopt e-learning pedagogies to disseminate their original and innovative PhyTP. They also adopted different e-learning tools to facilitate professional dialogues and the exchange of ideas between pre-service and in-service teachers.  Since the teaching package may involve 3D-printed DIY models, tangible teaching parts and instruction sheets (Fig 2) were mailed to participants’ schools in advance for real-time engagement.
Fig 2 Tangible teaching parts and instruction sheets

Fig 2 Tangible teaching parts and instruction sheets


Crucial elements of the SaP workshop’s success included a firm belief that what both the Faculty of Education staff and student-teachers were doing would be meaningful and worthwhile for school pupils; their works were solidly grounded in the subject content. Having “Students as Partners” has clearly demonstrated that an effective partnership is a respectful, mutually beneficial learning journey and educational endeavours, despite the restrictions of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong (e.g., school suspension, social distance and so on).




This promising collaboration with student-teachers could significantly contribute to the improvement of higher education teaching and successful student learning. Although the process of partnering with students is complex and the impact of the successful partnership on teaching and learning was difficult to measure in general, tremendous benefits of student partnership have been observed from the student-teachers’ sharing such as the development of future skills (4Cs: collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking skills), positive mindsets and commitment to the teaching profession (e.g., teaching efficacy and teacher identity formation ).  

We are proud of our students for their wonderful efforts and contribution to the community, especially during the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that both teachers and students will benefit from utilising the teaching packages.

Students Sharing


Chan I CLeung CKLo C YTang SM

Chan Iat Cheong

(Year 5)

Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science

Leung Cheuk Wang

(Year 5)
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science

Lo Chun Yip, Michael

(Year 5)

Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science

Tang Sik Ming, Madison

(Year 5)

Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science




IB Chinese Language Teaching Professional Forum 2021-22


The HKU IB Chinese Language Teaching Professional Forum aims to provide a platform for IB Chinese language teachers to share their practices and learn from each other. The forum includes a series of webinars around various topics related to IB Chinese language teaching. Teachers and alumni are invited to share their practices and the Faculty welcome all teachers, students and alumni to join.
In 2021-22, three Forums have been scheduled in each semester:
Semester 1:   October, November and December 2021
Semester 2:   February, March and April 2022


For details and registration, please refer to links below for more information.


Flyer - Semester 1


Flyer - Semester 2


PGDE School Forum 2021-22


Forum 1 (8 Sep 2021)

Session 1

Topic: Becoming a teacher in a VUCA 2.0 world
Speaker: Dr Gary Harfitt, Principal, Good Hope School (Secondary Section)


Session 2a (Kindergarten stream)

Topic: 幼師入職你要知暨長洲幼稚園校本特色分享會
Speaker: Mr Cheng Kai Yin, Principal, Kwok Man Vernacular Normal Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten


Session 2b (Primary stream)

Topic: How do schools accommodate students from different backgrounds?
Speaker: Mr Chim Hon Ming, Principal, Chiu Sheung School, Hong Kong


Session 2c (Secondary stream)

Group 1

Topic: Becoming a Professional Teacher - Aims of Education, Curriculum and Schools
Speaker: Dr Raymond Yip, Principal, Munsang College


Group 2

Topic: Becoming Professional
Speaker: Mr Sheridan Lee, Former Principal Assistant Secretary (Curriculum Development), EDB



Forum 2 (15 Sep 2021)

Session 1

Topic: Nurturing diverse learners by understanding how they think and learn: some insights from our experience and practice
Speaker: Mr Franky Poon, Principal, Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School


Session 2 - Parallel Interactive Group Discussion

Topic: My journey: Learning to be a Caring Cultivators of All-round Growth and Inspirational Co-constructors of Knowledge


Speakers (Awardees of The Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence [CEATE]):
Ms Wong Pui Sze, Baptist (STW) Lui Ming Choi Primary School
Ms Wong Wing Sze, YCH Choi Hin To Primary School
Mr Lee Ho Yin, SKH St Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu College
Mr Shum Chun Yip, Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai)
Ms Tse Pik Wan, Grace, Fanling Kau Yan College




Forum 3 (23 Sep 2021)


Session 1

Topic: Motivating Students to Learn
Speaker: Ms Veronica Yau, Principal and delegates, Fanling Kau Yan College


Session 2 - Panel discussion

Topic: How to prepare yourself as a life-long holistic professional teacher?

Ms Veronica Yau, Principal of Fanling Kau Yan College
Mr Marco Wong, Vice Principal of Fanling Kau Yan College
Prof A. Lin Goodwin, Dean of Faculty of Education, HKU
Dr Yuen Yi Lo, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) of Faculty of Education HKU
PGDE Student-teacher representatives:
  •    Mr Lam Sze Nam, Andrew
  •    Mr Kwong Chung Man
  •    Miss YIP Wing Tung Pieonnie
  •    Miss Kam Yan Ki Kelly





Partnerships Collaboration (2020-21)

Hear it workshop Aug 2021-1
Hear it workshop Aug 2021-1


Co-Creating Online English Radio Drama for Secondary School Students


Under COVID-19 pandemic, interactive activities have been suspended. Our Faculty not only focused on our students’ development but we would also like to give back to the community. The School-University Partnerships Workshop - Co-Creating Online English Radio Drama for Secondary School Students aimed to enhance Secondary School students learning motivation and further explored their interests in radio drama. On the other hand, participants of the workshop were able to:

  1. learn how participation in online radio drama activities would enable their students to use and sharpen their English language skills as well as their creative and collaborative abilities;  
  2. participate in a ‘walk-through’ of the process of creating and performing radio drama via an online platform
  3. reflect on how this process may be adapted and fine-tuned so as to develop a school-based online radio drama in their own professional setting.

This online workshop was held on 4 Aug 2021 for 30 in-service English teachers which lead by workshop leader, Ms Tanya Kempton, TELL Unit, Faculty of Education, HKU. If you are interested in this programme, please visit the website via link below for more information.



Explore More
Science workshop May 2021-1

School-University Partnerships Workshop (Science): Collaborative learning of Science teachers through School-University Partnerships


The workshop was held online on 15 May 2021. The workshop aimed to facilitate professional learning opportunities for both the mentor teachers and the mentees. Forty participants (including in-service Science teachers and students) attended the workshop online.


IB Chinese Language Teaching Professional Forum 2020-21


The HKU IB Chinese Language Teaching Professional Forum aims to provide a platform for IB Chinese language teachers to share their practices and learn from each other. The forum includes a series of webinars around various topics related to IB Chinese language teaching. Teachers and alumni are invited to share their practices and the Faculty welcome all teachers, students and alumni to join.


Flyer - Semester 1


Flyer - Semester 2


Physics workshop Oct 2020

Science/Physics Teaching Enrichment Workshop held to facilitate professional dialogue


To promote professional dialogue of Science/Physics teaching and learning, an interactive workshop was co-organised by the Faculty’s School-University Partnership Office and Ms. Promail Leung, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty’s Academic Unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership, on 24 Oct 2020. The workshop aimed at broadening and deepening our relationships with schools and teachers through teachers’ professional development activities. A total of 30 participants, including both in- and pre-service teachers and officials from the Education Bureau took part in the workshop.

The workshop was hosted by Ms Leung with two in-service teachers as guest speakers, who shared their vivid teaching experiences in Science and STEM Education. Mr Roy Sin from Yuen Long Merchants Association Secondary School demonstrated his interest in promoting techniques and exemplars in Integrated Science and Physics subjects, whereas Ms Emily Cheung from Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School shared her 40-year teaching philosophy in promoting science education.

Participants were inspired by the speakers’ student-centred lesson design. Professional dialogue among teaching and learning was also promoted during the workshop.