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Experiential Learning

WWF-Hong Kong

WWF One Planet Education Programme


Background of Co-organiser


The education mission of WWF-Hong Kong is to create conservation and sustainability advocates across all generations through fun, engaging real-life experiences. All of our education activities fall under the “One Planet Education Programme” (OPEP), primarily targeting at primary and secondary school students, as well as youths and the greater community. 

We aim to inspire and empower people with the knowledge and skills that will enable society to conserve nature, fast-track the development of renewable energy, and adopt sustainable consumption and trade practices.

WWF organises an extensive and comprehensive range of educational programmes aimed at students, youths and teachers, as well as the general public, our corporate partners and other stakeholders from around the region.




  • Student interns will understand and experience the working environment as an environmental educator and learn about the potential job opportunities with NGOs.
  • Provide opportunities for student interns to experience outdoor ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) programmes and learn the skills of leading ESD programmes by joining the centre-based school visits in different centres during June and July.
  • By preparing and developing different kinds of education materials, students will learn how to design and develop WWF education programmes, training workshops and events etc.


Project Details


Details of work assigned to students:


  • Experience a variety of education activities (centre-based school visit, community-based events, school outreach activity, online/virtual activity)
  • Assist in programme development, revamp and evaluation tasks
  • Be able to lead one of the school visits/talks / student workshops by the end of the internship.




  • 25 September - 31 October 2023
  • Five days per week, including weekends and public holidays (9am to 6pm)




Kwai Hing, Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park and Island House




  • PGDE (full-time) students majoring in Environmental Science, Biology, Geography or any discipline related to nature conservation
  • Preferably having a Certificate in First Aid


Application Deadline and Procedure


11:59pm, 28 August 2023


  • Complete the application form at HKU Moodle (Part 1) AND
  • Upload the following documents to the respective project folder at HKU Moodle (Part 2) (Please combine all documents into one Word/PDF file)
    1. A personal statement (of not more than 200 words) explaining why you would like to join this EL project
    2. Your CV.
  • Shortlisted students may be invited to attend an interview arranged by WWF-Hong Kong (details to be confirmed).


Project Keywords


ESD, Environmental Education, Outdoor Education, Sustainability




Janice Cheung, Manager, Programme Operations (WWF-Hong Kong) [Email: [javascript protected email address]; Telephone: 2864 1406]