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Experiential Learning


Teaching and Learning for 2030 (New)


Background of Co-organiser


Founded in 2014, EDiversity has been promoting choice and diversity in education based on our staunch belief in respecting children’s innate and diverse needs. Our strategy is to focus on empowering parents and teachers, so they can have the mindset and skills to build an empathetic, nurturing, and child-oriented environment at home and at school. We have been showcasing possibilities in education to push for rethinking and therefore a paradigm culture shift in education. We are the only NGO in Hong Kong bringing a thorough change to the learning process in formal curriculum of Primary 1-3 through the project.




  • Instil values and positive attitudes among P.1-3 students through a life-related General Studies curriculum
  • Empower teachers student-centred mindset and skills in curriculum design and teaching pedagogies
  • Enhance positive parent-child relationship and parent-school collaboration.


Project Details


Details of work assigned to students:


  • Assist in collaborative learning activities in GS lessons
  • Help prepare materials for student-centred activities
  • Help promote student-centred teaching and learning through creating FB videos and posts with photos and videos taken during lessons
  • Assist in parent education workshops.




  • 25 September - 31 October 2023
  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm (8am to 5pm on occasional school activities)




  • Office: Workshop 2, 21/F, Sunwise Industrial Building, 16-26 Wang Wo Tsai Street, Tsuen Wan

  • Schools in various parts of Hong Kong




PGDE (full-time) students majoring in Chinese or Early Childhood Education, with Sexual Conviction Record Check


Application Deadline and Procedure


11:59pm, 28 August 2023


  • Complete the application form at HKU Moodle (Part 1) AND
  • Upload the following documents to the respective project folder at HKU Moodle (Part 2) (Please combine all documents into one Word/PDF file)
    1. An essay in Chinese on your understanding of student-centred teaching and learning, evaluate your own education experience and describe how you would make your teaching career more student-centred.
    2. Your CV.
  • Shortlisted students may be invited to attend an interview arranged by EDiversity (details to be confirmed).




We are looking for applicants with passion in putting student-centredness into the learning process and willingness to observe and reflect on the EL experiences.


Project Keywords


Values Education, Student-centred Teaching and Learning, Positive Education




Ms. Doreen Ho (EDiversity) [Email: [javascript protected email address]; Telephone: 9660 0410]