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Experiential Learning


Experiential Learning at ICE


Background of Co-organiser


Inter Cultural Education (ICE) is a Hong Kong social enterprise aiming to promote global awareness and mutual understanding of people from different cultural background through face-to-face interaction.


Even as the world becomes closer through international trade and cheaper flights, we are seeing a huge spike in xenophobic behaviour, racism and discrimination against the minorities. The economy may have benefitted immensely from globalisation but many people are not equipped with the skills and knowledge to live in this new era. We believe that by connecting people across different cultures and backgrounds, we can foster a deeper understanding through intercultural interaction and make the world a better and more peaceful place for our future generations. ICE has worked with more than 112 institutions and impacted more than 39,255 students. ICE has recently worked with Ocean Park and Cathay Pacific on a Sustainable Development Programme.




  • Support new programme initiatives design and assist in developing and implementing cross-cultural lessons series for local students
  • Create lesson plans and agendas to ensure lessons are done interactively with a database of over 1,000 international volunteers
  • Conduct project evaluation (quantitative and qualitative)
  • Work with people from more than 10 nationalities


Project Details


  • For participating students who are interested in gaining experience on stage, ICE will train them as co-trainers, potentially allowing them to be the main trainers of the lesson if they are confident enough.
  • If students are more interested in content development, they will observe ICE’s projects first and either improve/create new lesson plans according to the demand of the customers.




  • 25 September - 31 October 2023
  • Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm

  • Students might be required to work on weekends, for which hours rendered will be deducted from a normal work day.




  • Primary location: ICE Office in Ngau Tau Kok
  • Other location(s): secondary schools and universities




PGDE (full-time) students of all majors ​​​who are:


  • interested in education in secondary school level
  • open-minded and ready to embrace and experiment on new ideas and initiatives
  • detail-oriented, independent, proactive and responsible
  • flexible and adaptive to changes
  • with good interpersonal skills.


Application Deadline and Procedure


11:59pm, 28 August 2023


  • Complete the application form at HKU Moodle (Part 1) AND
  • Upload the following documents to the respective project folder at HKU Moodle (Part 2) (Please combine all documents into one Word/PDF file)
    1. A personal statement (of not more than 200 words) explaining why you would like to join this EL project
    2. Your CV.
  • Shortlisted students may be invited to attend an interview arranged by ICE (details to be confirmed).


Project Keywords


SDG, Global Citizenship, Global Awareness, Cultural Workshops, Cross-cultural, World Knowledge




  • Aggie Lam (ICE) [Email: [javascript protected email address]]

  • Andy Winklhofer (ICE) [Email: [javascript protected email address]]