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Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) (self-funded)

Programme Structure

Enquiries Information


+852 3917 2544


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Room 420, 4/F, Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong




Programme Structure

The PGDE is outcomes- and inquiry-based, encouraging students to draw upon evidence and educational theory to reflect upon their own practice and make informed analyses of how theory is applied in a wide range of educational contexts in addition to language teaching. The programme employs an approach which emphasizes theory-practice relationships for all credit-bearing components. Supporting this structure is a blended approach to technology-enhanced learning using enabling technologies not only to support face-to-face and self-directed student learning but also to model classroom pedagogies using effective information and communications technology (ICT).

The following are the major components of the programme:

  • Pedagogical Content Knowledge (18 credits)
    • Methods course: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (12 credits)
    • Collaborative Lesson Inquiry (6 credits)
  • Integrated Inquiry (18 credits)
    • Educational Inquiry (18 credits)
    • School Experience
  • Experiential Learning (18 credits)
    • Experiential Learning (Placement) (6 credits)
    • Professional Practicum (12 credits)
  • Elective (6 credits)
  • Capstone (non-credit-bearing)


Distinctive Features

Pedagogical Content Knowledge includes examination of methods of teaching and collaborative lesson inquiry sessions. Students will go to schools with set goals aimed at interweaving the theory they learn at HKU with the day-to-day practicum. Their practice-based learning will relate to lesson design, implementation and reflection. Tasks will be planned collaboratively, with groups of students trying out lesson plans with school student classes.

Integrated Inquiry is one of the main characteristics of this inquiry based programme, which aims to integrate the theoretical and practical sides of teacher preparation from the start, thereby providing a more balanced approach than courses with a less well integrated school practice. Full-time students will begin "School Experience" from the beginning of their course, enabling them to learn about all aspects of school life, not only classroom based teaching.

Experiential Learning comprises two components: an experiential learning (EL) placement and a professional practicum.

The EL placement enables more holistic understanding of the relationships between the social and policy aspects of formal schooling and other educational contexts in or outside Hong Kong. It also provides hands-on experience with learners at different developmental stages. For full-time students, the experiential placement normally lasts for six weeks. Students will be given academic advice on the experiential placements. EL projects and opportunities will be provided by the Faculty and students will also be able to nominate their own projects. 

The Professional Practicum is a professional requirement that enables students to develop professional teaching competencies within a school environment. Students are required to integrate theory and practice in four domains – Learning and Teaching, Student Development, School Development, and the Professional Community.

Students are required to take one elective course "EDUC7162 Inquiry in Primary Years Programme Chinese language teaching" which focuses on implementing inquiry-based teaching in Chinese language and literacy teaching in Hong Kong international schools.

Students are required to present a synthesis of their professional learning and progress towards achieving the PGDE “Concept of a teacher” in a Capstone event. The capstone is a hurdle requirement for graduation.