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Bachelor of Science in Applied Child Development

Admissions Requirements

Enquiries Information

Application & Admissions

Contact: Faculty of Education



+852 3917 2545


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Programme & Curriculum

Contact: Dr Lilian Chau (Programme Director)



+852 3917 2545


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Programme Pamphlet

Programme Pamphlet
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Candidates holding a recognised Associate Degree or Higher Diploma of at least two years in duration in the field of Early Childhood Education from a community college in Hong Kong are eligible to apply for admission. Successful applicants will be admitted directly to Year 3 of this four-year programme, i.e. there is no Year 1 or Year 2 admission.

To be eligible for admission to senior year places, you should be

  • a current local student who will successfully complete a recognised full-time Associate Degree (AD) or Higher Diploma (HD) programme of at least two years in duration from a community college in Hong Kong by August 2024; or
  • a local graduate of a recognised full-time Associate Degree (AD) or Higher Diploma (HD) programme of at least two years in duration from a community college in Hong Kong and are not currently enrolling in any Bachelor degree.

Please visit the University's website "Admissions to Senior Year Places (Direct Admissions Scheme)"  for detailed application procedures.


Programme Code:

BSc(ACD) A202

Main Round Application Deadline^:

12:00 noon, November 15, 2023 (Hong Kong Time)

Admission decision will be announced on a rolling basis starting from February / March 2024.

^Applications may be submitted after the Main Round application deadline until 12:00 noon, August 22, 2024 (Hong Kong Time) and will be considered on a rolling basis subject to programme availability.