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Press Release: HKU Faculty of Education launches the China Rural Education Literature Database and hosts rural education symposium

Updated on December 20, 2022 (Tue)


HKU Faculty of Education launches the China Rural Education Literature Database and hosts rural education symposium


The Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) hosted an online launch symposium on China Rural Education Literature (CREL) Database, led by Dr Wang Dan, Associate Professor in the Faculty’s Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education on December 15, 2022. About 750 audiences attended the Launch Symposium via the ZOOM Webinar and Bilibili live broadcast.


To aid systematic investigation into the question of rural education and seek new ways forward, the Faculty has established the CREL Database, which is sponsored by the Tin Ka Ping Foundation. The Faculty hosted the Launch Symposium to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Foundation.


The Symposium, titled “Land, Labour, and Life: Education for Rural Development”, started with a welcome speech by Professor Yang Rui, Dean of the Faculty, followed by an opening remark by Mr David Day, Chief Executive of the Tin Ka Ping Foundation. After Dr Wang’s introduction to the CREL Database, the Symposium featured keynote speeches by Dr Philip Roberts from the Faculty of Education of the University of Canberra, Ms Yang Guiping from China Zigen Rural Education and Development Association, and Professor Yan Hairong from Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences of Tsinghua University. The speakers expressed serious concerns about the crisis and dilemma faced by rural communities and called for overall reforms in the educational system to serve sustainable development of both the countryside and the city. The Symposium ended with a fruitful roundtable discussion responding to thought-provoking questions from the enthusiastic audience.


About the CREL Database
The CREL Database, with selected high-quality literature on rural education in Mainland China, has currently garnered over 500 research publications in both English and Chinese languages upon completion of its first phase. It allows a comprehensive survey of extant theories, policies, and empirical evidence in relation to rural education in Mainland China. The collection of literature is categorised in various ways by historical period, subject, issue, research method, and more, to offer easy access for users with specific interests. 

The establishment of this literature database is significant for advancing scholarship and practices in Mainland China’s rural education. For researchers new to the field, the CREL Database can introduce them to the wealth of extant work and help them to get a head start. For seasoned scholars in rural education, it offers convenient access to a rich collection of research on their focused topics. For non-governmental organisations and school practitioners, it gives them a convenient channel to search for cutting-edge scholarly work, which may inspire future actions. 

The CREL Database intends to form and strengthen a rural education research community that collectively reflects on the merits and pitfalls of the existing scholarship, and charts new paths for research and practices in Mainland China’s rural education.


To make use of the free resources, please visit


For media enquiries, please contact Ms Emily Cheung, Senior Manager (Development and Communications), Faculty of Education, HKU (Tel: 3917 4270 / Email:


December 20, 2022







該論壇名為「生根.生產.生活:面向農村發展的教育」,由港大教育學院院長楊銳教授致歡迎辭揭開序幕,田家炳基金會總幹事戴大為先生緊接為活動致辭,其後王博士介紹該資料庫,並由澳洲坎培拉大學教育學院Philip Roberts博士、中國滋根鄉村教育與發展促進會楊貴平女士,以及清華大學人文與社會科學高等研究所嚴海蓉教授發表主題報告。講者對農村社區面對的危機與困難深表關注,並呼籲全面改革教育制度,以促進農村和城市的持續發展。該論壇以圓桌討論作結,觀眾積極參與討論,眾講者回應各種值得深究的問題,成果豐碩。









傳媒查詢,請聯絡香港大學教育學院高級經理張可恩女士(電話:3917 4270 / 電郵︰[javascript protected email address])。

