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Press Release: HKU Faculty of Education organises "Knowledge Fair on Supporting Children's Learning Journey through Home and School Education"
新聞稿:香港大學教育學院舉辦「知識薈萃 — 家校教育無界限 啟迪幼兒學習路」

Updated on April 13, 2024 (Sat)

HKU Faculty of Education organises

"Knowledge Fair on Supporting Children's Learning Journey through Home and School Education"


The “Knowledge Fair on Supporting Children's Learning Journey through Home and School Education” organised by the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) was held today (April 13). The event aimed to share research findings and deliverables with participants through thematic seminars focused on early childhood education, and to explore how educators, parents and various stakeholders in the community can effectively facilitate the growth, development, and learning of young children.


The event commenced with opening remarks made by Professor Yang Rui, Dean of Education. He emphasised the importance of supporting children on their learning journey. “Education is not only about acquiring knowledge but also about developing skills, attitudes, and values that will benefit children throughout their lives. As educators, our responsibility extends beyond imparting knowledge. We are here to cultivate their mindsets, create engaging learning experiences, and instill in them a love for lifelong learning,” said Professor Yang.


The first seminar, entitled “Using smartphone videos to facilitate playful learning at home for families in Hong Kong”, was conducted by Professor Carrie Lau, Assistant Professor, and Dr Rhoda Wang, Lecturer, from the Academic Unit of Human Communication, Learning, and Development (HCLD) of the Faculty of Education, HKU. During this seminar, they shared strategies and activities for enhancing children's literacy and numeracy skills, as well as strengthening parents' beliefs in home learning activities through the use of smartphone videos and coaching support.


Dr Diana Lee, Senior Lecturer from the Academic Unit of HCLD, hosted the second seminar on the theme of “Pictures say a thousand words: using wordless picture books (WPB) to enhance young children’s Chinese language development”. Dr Lee explored the potential impact of WPB on Chinese language teaching practices and shared approaches for enhancing children's Chinese oral narrative skills through effective utilisation of WPB.


Following each seminar, Professor Stephanie Chan, Assistant Professor of the Academic Unit of HCLD, moderated the Q&A sessions, providing participants with the opportunity to engage in insightful discussions, which facilitated exchanges of different perspectives and deepened participants' understanding of the event's content. 


The Faculty of Education has organised the Knowledge Fair since 2023. This event series has offered a valuable platform for sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, and fostering collaboration among educators, parents, and stakeholders. It has also showcased the Faculty’s commitment to making an impact on student learning and quality education.


For media enquiries, please contact Ms Cheryl Cheung, Senior Manager (Development and Communications), Faculty of Education, HKU (Tel: 3917 4270 / Email: [javascript protected email address]).



April 13, 2024

香港大學教育學院舉辦「知識薈萃 — 家校教育無界限  啟迪幼兒學習路」


香港大學(港大)教育學院今天(4月13日)舉行「知識薈萃 — 家校教育無界限  啟迪幼兒學習路」。該活動旨在透過舉辦以幼兒教育為主題的專題講座,向參加者分享研究成果,冀與教育工作者、家長及各社會持份者共同探討如何有效地幫助幼童成長發展和學習。












傳媒查詢,請聯絡香港大學教育學院高級經理(發展及傳訊)張俊瑜女士(電話:3917 4270 / 電郵︰[javascript protected email address])。



2024 年 4 月 13 日