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Press Invitation: HKU Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project “Social-emotional learning through play: Helping children stay connected in times of challenges” Result Announcement Online Symposium

Updated on February 15, 2022 (Tue)

HKU Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project 
“Social-emotional learning through play: Helping children stay connected in times of challenges”
Result Announcement Online Symposium 


The Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project (the Project), will organise a result announcement online symposium, Social-emotional learning through play: Helping children stay connected in times of challenges, on February 22, 2022 (Tuesday) for early childhood educators and parents of young children. The Project is implemented by the Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education (CAISE), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The pre-recorded opening address will be conducted by the Guest of Honour, Mrs Chan Siu Suk-fan, Deputy Secretary, Education Bureau, HKSAR.


The two keynote speeches of the symposium will highlight the importance of interactive play in children’s learning and health. Professor Nirmala Rao, Serena H C Yang Professor in Early Childhood Development and Education, Academic Unit of Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences, Faculty of Education, HKU, will deliver a speech entitled Supporting playful learning in the early years: Challenges and opportunities in the COVID-19 era. She will discuss the pandemic’s impact on children’s leisure and learning activities and provide suggestions as to how schools can continue to engage their children in learning and how parents can be supported to facilitate play at home. Another keynote titled Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on socio-emotional development of children: Challenges and opportunities, will be delivered by Dr Patrick Ip, Paediatrician, Clinician Scientist and Clinical Associate Professor at HKU with expertise in Child Health and Development and the President of The Hong Kong Paediatric Society. Speaking from a paediatrician’s perspective, he will also explain the role of quality parent-child interactive play among other factors in building children’s resilience during the pandemic.


The symposium will also feature three workshops with the following themes:

  • How to use games as an intervention for enhancing parent-child communication and relationship
  • Practical ideas for fostering home-school collaboration and playful teaching with school-based examples of play education practices
  • How social play interactions can break boundaries and bring people together

Members of the media are invited to cover the event. Details are as follows: 

Date:        February 22, 2022 (Tuesday)
Time:        10:30 am – 4:30 pm (Symposium) 
                 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm (press interview, by appointment)
                 (Available interviewees: Dr Sylvia Liu (Project Director), Ms Denise Poon (Parent  Education in-charge),

                  Ms Phoebe Hui (Teacher Professional Development in-charge),

                  Ms Cecilia Lee (Community in-charge), school representatives (Principal/ teacher and parent ambassador) and community ambassadors)
Language:    Cantonese (English with Chinese subtitles for Keynote Speech One)
Mode:        Online
Registration and rundown: 


To learn more about the Project, the upcoming play education activities and community workshops, please visit and its Facebook page


For media enquiries, please contact Ms Virginia Cheung, Jockey Club “Play n Gain” Project (Tel: 3917 5828 / Email: [javascript protected email address]), or Ms Emily Cheung, Senior Manager (Development and Communications), Faculty of Education, HKU (Tel: 3917 4270 / Email: [javascript protected email address]).

February 15, 2022



由香港大學教育學院融合與特殊教育研究發展中心(教研發展中心)推行、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助的賽馬會「玩學相長」計劃(以下簡稱「計劃」)將於 2022 年 2 月 22 日(星期二)舉辦網上研討會,主題為「從遊戲中學習社交情緒:協助兒童在逆境中保持聯繫」,活動對象為幼兒教育工作者和家長。香港特別行政區教育局副秘書長陳蕭淑芬女士將擔任嘉賓致辭 (預錄)。


研討會的兩場專題演講主要探討互動遊戲對兒童學習和健康的重要性。演講分別由香港大學教育學院溝通、發展與資訊科學學部楊雪姫基金教授(幼兒發展與教育科)劉麗薇教授,以及兒科專家兼香港大學兒童及青少年科學系臨床副教授、臨床科學家及香港兒科醫學會會長葉柏強醫生主講。劉教授的講題為「支援幼兒時期以遊戲學習:COVID-19疫情時期的挑戰與機遇」,討論疫情對兒童休閒和學習活動的影響,並建議學校如何繼續讓學童投入學習活動,以及如何支援家長在家中跟孩子玩遊戲。葉醫生的講題為「COVID-19 疫情對兒童社交情緒發展的影響:挑戰與機遇」,葉醫生從兒科專家的角度討論兒童的健康發展,講解具質素的親子互動遊戲如何能夠在疫情期間建立兒童的抗逆力。



  • 如何運用遊戲促進親子溝通和關係
  • 在學校環境實踐的遊戲教育實例,並提供家校合作和遊戲教學的實用點子
  • 分享遊戲中的互動溝通如何打破界限,以及建立人與人之間的聯繫



日期:2022 年2 月 22 日(星期二)





傳媒查詢,請聯絡賽馬會「玩學相長」計劃張凱欣女士(電話:3917 5828 / 電郵:[javascript protected email address])或香港大學教育學院高級經理(發展及傳訊)張可恩女士(電話:3917 4270 / 電郵:[javascript protected email address])。
