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Press Invitation: Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021 International Report (Hong Kong Section) Press Conference

Updated on May 10, 2023 (Wed)

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021 International Report (Hong Kong Section) Press Conference

“The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study” (PIRLS) is an international large-scale reading assessment organised by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). PIRLS has been conducted every five years to assess, compare and track the reading achievement of primary four students globally. Fifty-seven countries and regions participated in PIRLS 2021 study, with approximately 320,000 students, their parents, teachers, and principals. Hong Kong has participated in the study since the first cycle in 2001, and this is the fifth cycle Hong Kong has participated.

The Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research (CACLER) of the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), has been sponsored or commissioned by the Education Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to conduct the PIRLS research in Hong Kong for five consecutive cycles. The research team will organise the “PIRLS 2021 International Report (Hong Kong Section) Press Conference”, and the following features will be reported in the press conference:

1. Hong Kong students’ reading achievement and its international ranking, comparison of Hong Kong students’ reading achievement with other countries or regions;
2. Tracking the changes of Hong Kong students’ reading achievement across two decades;
3. Strengths and areas for development for Hong Kong students’ reading; and
4. Factors relating to Hong Kong students’ reading achievement, including:
     •    Hong Kong students’ reading confidence, reading motivation, reading interest, and habits;
     •    Hong Kong students’ family background; and
     •    Impact of the epidemic on primary students’ reading achievement and learning and teaching of Chinese reading in Hong Kong.


Members of the media are invited to attend the event. Details are as follows:


Date:           May 17, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time:           10:00 am – 12:00 nn
Venue:         Room 408-410, 4/F, Meng Wah Complex, HKU, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Dr Lam Wai Ip, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU and Principal Investigator of PIRLS 2021 Hong Kong Section
Professor Tse Shek Kam, Investigator of PIRLS 2021 Hong Kong Section
Dr Cheong Choo Mui, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU and Investigator of PIRLS 2021 Hong Kong Section
Language:  Cantonese

A brief summary and tables of this research project are attached for reference.

For more details of “PIRLS 2021 Hong Kong” Project, please visit

For media enquiries, please contact Dr Lam Wai Ip, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU,  PIRLS 2021 Hong Kong Research Coordinator, and Principal Investigator (Tel: 3917 5282 / Email: [javascript protected email address] / Fax: 2517 4403), or Dr Ng Hung Wai, PIRLS 2021 Hong Kong Project Manager (Tel: 3917 5694 / Email: [javascript protected email address] / Fax: 2517 4403), or, Ms Emily Cheung, Senior Manager (Development and Communications), Faculty of Education, HKU (Tel: 3917 4270 / Email: [javascript protected email address]).

May 10, 2023


全球學生閱讀能力進展研究 PIRLS 2021

「全球學生閱讀能力進展研究」(Progress in International Reading Literacy Study,簡稱PIRLS)由國際教育成就評價協會(International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement,簡稱IEA)主辦,每五年一屆,旨在評估、比較並追蹤全球小四學生的閱讀表現,以及影響閱讀表現的各方面因素。本屆PIRLS 2021 研究共有57個國家及地區參與,全球約320,000名學生,以及他們的家長、教師與校長參加。自2001年第一屆開始,香港即參與研究,至今第五屆。

香港大學教育學院(港大教育學院)中文教育研究中心獲香港特別行政區政府教育局資助或委託,連續五屆進行香港地區的研究。研究團隊將舉行「PIRLS2021 國際報告(香港地區)發佈會」,並於會上發佈以下資料:

1. 香港學生閱讀表現、國際排名、與其他國家及地區的比較;
2. 香港學生二十年間閱讀表現的變化;
3. 香港學生閱讀的優勢及發展空間;
4. 與香港學生閱讀表現有關的因素,主要包括:
     •    香港學生的閱讀信心、閱讀動機、閱讀興趣和習慣
     •    家庭背景對香港學生閱讀表現的影響
     •    疫情對香港小學的閱讀表現、中文閱讀學與教的影響




日期:           2023 年5月17日(星期三)
時間:           上午10時至正午12時
地點:           香港薄扶林香港大學明華綜合大樓4樓408-410室
講者:           港大教育學院副教授、PIRLS 香港地區首席研究員林葦葉博士
                      PIRLS 香港地區研究員謝錫金教授
語言:           粵語




有關「全球學生閱讀能力進展研究 2021 香港地區」計劃的詳情,請瀏覽

傳媒查詢,請聯絡香港大學教育學院副教授及全球學生閱讀能力進展研究 (PIRLS) 2021 計劃香港地區研究代表、首席研究員林葦葉博士(電話:3917 5282 / 電郵:[javascript protected email address] / 傳真:2517 4403);或全球學生閱讀能力進展研究 (PIRLS) 2021 計劃項目經理吳鴻偉博士(電話:3917 5694 / 電郵:[javascript protected email address] / 傳真:2517 4403);或香港大學教育學院高級經理(發展及傳訊)張可恩女士(電話:3917 4270 / 電郵:[javascript protected email address])。

